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Risk Management

ITIL & Risk Management: How Do They Relate?

ITIL and Risk Management are closely related. They're both focused on helping organizations run their IT departments efficiently and, most importantly, safely. But here's the thing. The relationship between the two hasn’t always been clearly defined. That is, until the latest version of ITIL launched in 2019. A new version of ITIL is always exciting in the IT Service Management (ITSM) world, and incorporating knowledge on dedicated Risk Management practices was a very welcomed inclusion.

How digital technology can mitigate workplace risks

Over the last few decades, advancements in digital technology have revolutionised every single industry. From robotic equipment used in construction and healthcare to the virtual reality experiences that are changing the face of retail, digital technology is being used to transform all kinds of aspects of business practice across a variety of different professions.

Top 5 cloud security risks

Cloud security is a constant concern and tends to revolve around common themes - how do you give intended users access to the data and systems their clearance allows, while maintaining a good user experience; and how do you keep unintended users or malicious bots out? In the entanglement of systems, services, and applications that make up a modern IT infrastructure, this is a lot harder to balance in practice than it is on paper.

The Definitive Guide to IT Risk Management

IT Risk Management ensures all IT risks are properly spotted and dealt with in an efficient and safe manner. It can protect your environment and its users from internal and external threats and help your organization meet its Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) obligations. If you’re searching for reliable and proficient ways to keep your workplace protected, you’re in the right place. In this article we will explore the full scope of Risk Management and the benefits that come with it.

The ABC of Risk Management Automation

Every IT asset in your organization has the power to pose a risk to your organization. Outdated or unauthorized software can be a backdoor for a cyber attack, and expired licenses can make you lose a lot of money, just to name a few. Luckily, these can be mitigated with Risk Management automation. As you know, automating stuff can help you avoid human error, reduce your team’s workload, and be more strategic in terms of budget.

How to Conduct a Workplace Risk Assessment

Workplaces are unavoidably hazardous places, no matter how anodyne they may seem from outside. Administrative offices may have chemical cleaning products lurking behind kitchenette cupboards, or electrical hazards within arm's reach of a desk. For this reason, risk assessments are a vital part of every business' health and safety programmes. How should one be conducted, though?
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Risk Management for Solution Architects: Mitigating Framework Risks

As a solution architect, you know that your expertise in envisioning and constructing robust systems is vital, especially as navigating third-party frameworks and platforms becomes increasingly integral in today's complex technological landscape. Risk management, therefore, plays a crucial role in safeguarding your organisation's digital assets and ensuring optimal performance. But how do you ensure you effectively mitigate the risks associated with these third-party frameworks and platforms? Read on to learn key tips and strategies for mitigating and managing framework risks.

Why Incident Management is an Essential Part of Risk Management

In any operation or activity, unforeseen happenings can derail progress. The job of a good manager is to try their best to make the hitherto unforeseen visible and planned for. It’s all too easy to find yourself reacting to occurrences that can throw you and the company into turmoil, with frantic fixing on the back foot being the result. The best managers can make it look like they don’t do much.

How to Conduct a Workplace Risk Assessment

Workplaces are dangerous places, rife with risks that impact everyone from the workers on the bottom rung to business owners at the top. Businesses have a legal responsibility to uphold the safety of their workplace premises and the safety of workers, as dictated by the Health and Safety at Work Act. One part of this responsibility is conducting risk assessments - but what exactly does that involve?