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An Introduction to Application Monitoring

Users prefer an application that runs smoothly and without bugs to one that may have an appealing UI and shiny new features but comes with issues. Application monitoring is critical to the health of your application. With application monitoring, you can stay on top of any errors and ensure your application performs as it should. In this article, we'll cover: Let’s dive straight in!

AppSignal for Elixir Now Supports Oban

If you're using Oban for managing background jobs in your Elixir application and want to gain a deeper data-driven understanding of how they perform, you've come to the right place. AppSignal for Elixir now automatically instruments Oban, meaning you can now monitor the performance of your background jobs through an AppSignal Magic Dashboard, which gives you detailed information on queue times, processing times, and notifies you of any exceptions.

Monitoring Your NestJS Application with AppSignal

NestJS is a popular framework for Node.js that allows you to build efficient and scalable backend applications. With AppSignal, you can monitor your NestJS app with ease and rely on OpenTelemetry to handle third-party instrumentations. AppSignal even provides helper functions to help you build comprehensive custom instrumentations. This article aims to help you get the most out of your AppSignal integration.

AppSignal for Node.js 3.0 Introduces OpenTelemetry Support

After a period of beta testing, we're happy to announce the launch of our latest AppSignal for Node.js package. This package features six new integrations and uses the OpenTelemetry framework for reliable telemetry data collection. OpenTelemetry is an open standard that facilitates the instrumentation of standardized telemetry data collection. AppSignal is committed to using OpenTelemetry in new integrations, and our Node.js integration is the first to use the standard.

AppSignal's Future with OpenTelemetry

AppSignal is a strong supporter of open-source technology. We owe so much of our modern world to the unseen, hard-working software developers who build and maintain the many technologies that make everything from reading this article to sending a message from your phone possible. That's why we're investing in OpenTelemetry, the open-source standard for telemetry data collection, rather than developing our own independent standard.

Monitor Ruby Application Performance with Magic Dashboards

Application teams must understand what their customer experience is like. This is true not only from a general perspective (in terms of usability and responsiveness) but also on a day-to-day, minute-by-minute basis. In particular, when you work with distributed systems, errors are inevitable. Site traffic fluctuates throughout the day, and any one of a system’s dependencies could also encounter an issue at any time.

Monitor Alpine Linux ARM Hosts with AppSignal

Today, we're launching ARM support for machines running Alpine Linux. This feature is available for our Ruby and Elixir users! We hope to add support for Alpine Linux ARM to our Node.js package in the future. The ARM CPU architecture is becoming more and more popular. As it powers people's development machines and production servers, we decided to add it to the list of the operating systems we support.

AppSignal for Ruby Gem 3.1: MRI VM Magic Dashboard

We're very excited to release AppSignal for Ruby gem 3.1, which adds a Magic Dashboard for MRI VM stats. By upgrading to the latest Ruby gem, you'll automatically get this dashboard created in AppSignal as soon as data from the new probe starts flowing in. Here's what you'll see: Magic Dashboards give people amazing insights into applications with zero setup. They work automagically to give your team performance insights into gems like Puma, Sidekiq, ActiveJob, ActionMailer, and others.