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Maximizing Value with Database Testing

The foundation of software development is rooted in the handling and preservation of data in compliance with the goals of the application. The core of any software program is the information stored in databases that is used for retrieval and manipulation. To ensure that the chosen database system (whether SQL or Non-SQL) is suitable for the needs of the application, it’s important to conduct tests to evaluate its capabilities.

Tips & Tricks for using Kubernetes

Businesses around the world are increasingly turning to container technology to streamline the process of deploying and managing complex, cloud native applications. Containers bundle all necessary dependencies into a single package, offering portability, speed, security, scalability, and ease of management, making them the preferred choice over traditional virtual machines (VMs).

What is Git HEAD, and how should you use it?

Git is a powerful version-controlling system designed to quickly and effectively manage any project. If you’re one of the 83 million developers who use Git, you’ve probably heard of Git HEAD before. When working with Git, you can check out only one branch at a time – the current or active branch. Git HEAD refers to the tip of this active branch. This article will teach you about Git HEAD and how to find and check its status.

Top 10 Logging Frameworks Across Various Programming Platforms

A logging framework is a software tool that helps developers output diagnostic information during the execution of a program. This information is used to debug the program or monitor its performance. There are many different logging frameworks available, starting with simple logging libraries to full-fledged logging and observability platforms.

A Peek into the Next Generation Observability Solutions

As organizations strive to meet the challenges of digital transformation, they are adopting newer technologies to build more robust software systems. Next generation observability solutions are paving the way to help them meander this maze to deliver better customer experiences and drive business results.

5 Tips to Improve How You Use Github Dependabot

Software development doesn’t end when deployment is complete. Instead, developers constantly tamper with the code even after deploying the app. Staying up-to-date with security fixes, bugs, and dependencies is crucial to ensure your app performs properly. After all, nobody wants a malfunctioning product, right? GitHub Dependabotis one of the several tools you can use to update dependencies.

How Covid-19 has Impacted the Software Developers

In 2020, the Covid-19-induced lockdown forced all companies to rely on the Work from Home (WFH) policy as an important measure for business continuity. It was an easy transition for the software and IT professionals compared to other industries. However, switching to WFH wasn’t as simple as a one-click operation. There were challenges in WFH, spanning from technical issues to infrastructure setup, as well as in managing the physical and mental well-being of the workforce.

5 Approaches to Deep Learning Clustering You Really Need to Know

Data has become the most valuable thing in the modern world. According to earthweb, more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data will be created every day in 2022. These large quantities of data should be appropriately organized to identify meaningful patterns for decision-making. Techniques like clustering are widely used to efficiently collect data into groups based on their similarities and differences and improve the observability of your data.

Slashing Development Costs in an Economic Downturn

Join leading practitioners from Apple, Wayfair, and Lightrun to discuss how to best confront the challenges that come with managing and operating an engineering organization in times of uncertainty, specifically in these troubling times of an ongoing recession. In this session, you will learn hands-on tips & tricks that will help you to.

How to Optimize the DevOps Pipeline Through Developer Workflows

The DevOps pipeline is a crucial part of software development, but it can often get mired in bottlenecks. Most problems are caused by the development and operations teams having different responsibilities are due to inefficiencies in the pipeline design. However, thanks to continuous observability, DevOps now gets a new lease of life since it is possible to tweak the pipeline to suit the developer’s workflow.