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Why You Should Consider Dynamic Repurposing Instrumentation

As a developer, how much time do you actually spend writing code? According to this survey by The New Stack, developers spend less than one-third (32%) of their time writing new or improving existing code. And this is because they get stuck in multiple tasks that aren’t really part of their main responsibilities.

6 Key Factors for an Efficient DevOps Maturity Model

DevOps isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon without a finish line in sight. Developers and IT teams join forces throughout the product life cycle, even in production, to achieve and maintain high-quality software that users love. It’s simple, and it works. In fact, according to Statista, DevOps/DevSecOps is the most practiced software development methodology globally, used by 35.9% of software development teams.

The Hidden Cost of Overlogging

Logging is usually an afterthought. When we're creating a feature, we often neglect to think about how we'll observe the actual behavior, and even if we do end up adding proper logging messages - we rarely consider the implications those log lines will have on our bottom line. It's a hidden cost factor, but one that continuously comes up in conversations we have with practitioners. To help shed a light on this topic we gathered a panel of industry veterans, who will come together on November 8th to discuss the problem in depth and offer a completely new approach to solve it.

7 Must-Have Steps for Production Debugging in Any Language

Debugging is an unavoidable part of software development, especially in production. You can often find yourself in “debugging hell,” where an enormous amount of debugging consumes all your time and keeps the project from progressing. According to a report by the University of Cambridge, programmers spend almost 50% of their time debugging. So how can we make production debugging more effective and less time-consuming?

The Complete Kubectl Cheat Sheet [PDF download]

Kubernetes is one of the most well-known open-source systems for automating and scaling containerized applications. Usually, you declare the state of the desired environment, and the system will work to keep that state stable. To make changes “on the fly,” you must engage with the Kubernetes API.

Debugging Node.js HTTP Requests

HTTP is the backbone of all API-centric, modern web apps. APIs are the place where the core business logic of an application lives. As a result, developers spend a lot of time optimizing the API business logic. This article addresses a Node.js developer’s dilemma while debugging an HTTP API request. We take a sample Node.js/Express.js-based HTTP service to demonstrate a new way of debugging Node.js applications using the Lightrun observability platform.

Top 10 Logging Frameworks Across Various Programming Platforms

A logging framework is a software tool that helps developers output diagnostic information during the execution of a program. This information is used to debug the program or monitor its performance. There are many different logging frameworks available, starting with simple logging libraries to full-fledged logging and observability platforms.

The SRE's Quick Guide to Kubectl Logs

Logs are key to monitoring the performance of your applications. Kubernetes offers a command line tool for interacting with the control plane of a Kubernetes cluster called Kubectl. This tool allows debugging, monitoring, and, most importantly, logging capabilities. There are many great tools for SREs. However, Kubernetes supports Site Reliability Engineering principles through its capacity to standardize the definition, architecture, and orchestration of containerized applications.

Top 5 Debugging Tips for Kubernetes DaemonSet

Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration tool for cloud-based web development. According to Statista, more than 50% of organizations used Kubernetes in 2021. This may not surprise you, as the orchestration tool provides some fantastic features to attract developers. DaemonSet is one of the highlighted features of Kubernetes, and it helps developers to improve cluster performance and reliability.

Migrating Monoliths to Microservices in Practice

There have been amazing articles on the subjects of migrating from a monolith to a microservice architecture e.g. this is probably one of the better examples. The benefits and drawbacks of the architectures should be pretty clear. I want to talk about something else though: the strategy. We build monoliths since they are easier to get started with. Microservices usually rise out of necessity when our system is already in production.