Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


How to deal with API rate limits

When I first had the idea for this post, I wanted to provide a collection of actionable ways to handle errors caused by API rate limits in your applications. But as it turns out, it’s not that straightforward (is it ever?). API rate limiting is a minefield, and at the time of writing, there are no published standards in terms of how to build and consume APIs that implement rate limiting.

Debugging weird stack traces with Session Replay

Imagine this: Your website is getting a lot of traffic and you have some kind of metrics, logging, or performance monitoring setup (maybe even Sentry). You’re alerted to something… odd. You open up your error and see that a request was interrupted by another request. Uh oh. This sounds like a user was rage-clicking , clicking like crazy making duplicate requests. You weren’t expecting that!

Now's The Time For Delayed Open Source

Sentry was born and bred in the Open Source community, and we very much think of ourselves as part of it today. One thing we’ve learned together over the years is that an over-emphasis on user freedom can come at the cost of developer sustainability, to the point that we are now in an Open Source sustainability crisis.

Privacy by default

While companies tout the importance of user privacy, few put their money where their mouth is – or in our case, actually live and breathe the concept the way we do as a company. From how we think about our Product to the way we implement our Marketing, Sentry’s take on privacy is rooted in three key fundamentals: Don’t make me choose, think like your customer, and build for tomorrow today.

We removed advertising cookies, & here's what happened | Sentry

This is not another abstract post about what the ramifications of the cookieless future might be; Sentry actually removed cookies from our website a few months ago. Here’s how it impacted us positively and negatively, in both expected and unexpected ways. I hope this can serve as a guide or inspire others who are considering making this change.

Browser Profiling Learnings from Sentry.io

Since enabling browser profiling on our Sentry.io dashboard a month ago, we have collected over 2M profiles and learned a lot about how our users experience our dashboard. The profiles collected gave us insight into how our dashboard performs in production and surfaced some issues causing UI jank. In this post, we will look at an example of an issue we discovered using Profiling.

AI, Privacy and Terms of Service Updates

Like everyone else in the world, we are thinking hard about how we can harness the power of AI and machine learning while also staying true to our core values around respecting the security and privacy of our users’ data. If you use Sentry, you might have seen our “Suggested Fix” button which uses GPT-3.5 to try to explain and resolve a problem. We have additional ideas being developed as well that we’re excited to preview.

Fix your actual slow-loading assets with Resource Monitoring

Slow-loading assets on your web pages can lead to frustrated users, high bounce rates, and lost conversions. For the vast majority of websites, slow-loading resources will be your main performance bottleneck. There’s no way to get around going through the network for essential resources like JavaScript, CSS, and images — thus, it’s crucial that you can quickly identify and fix your slow-loading assets.