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Error Monitoring on Client- and Server-Side in NextJS 14+

NextJS is the hot JavaScript framework right now, and like all JavaScript, it can cause quite a few bugs on both the client- and server-side of your applications. One of the most powerful features of NextJS is enabling you to use your code, templates, and patterns across both the server and the client. NextJS will mostly figure out the most efficient place to run. This is super powerful and makes NextJS applications feel very fast compared to strictly client-side rendered applications.
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JS Toolbox 2024: Frameworks and static site generators

In 2024, JavaScript is bigger than ever. The ecosystem is just as huge, and almost impossible to keep track of - so I've had a go at picking out 2024's most essential JS tools for you. In part 1 of this series, we reviewed runtimes and package managers, the foundational building blocks of your software project. So in part 2, we're analyzing the tools which form the walls and roof that give your software project its structure: frameworks and static site generators. For this installment of JS Toolbox 2024, we explore various frameworks & generators available in the JavaScript & TypeScript ecosystem, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases.
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JS Toolbox 2024: Runtime environments & package management

JavaScript remains the world's leading programming language, and with TypeScript now ascending to third most popular, JavaScript is bigger than ever! As a result, there's a bewildering range of tools on offer for JavaScript developers. And just as any durable structure needs a solid foundation, successful JavaScript projects rely heavily on starting with the right tools. This post, the first in our JS Toolbox 2024 series, explores the core pillars of the JavaScript & TypeScript ecosystem: Runtime environments, package management, and development servers.

Comparing NestJS and ExpressJS

Having delivered numerous applications, prototypes, and demos over the years, I’ve developed a deep appreciation for how robust development frameworks can significantly contribute to Speed to Delivery Time (SDT). This metric is vital in the fast-paced software industry, where the ability to bring scalable and maintainable applications to market quickly can set a project apart.

JS Toolbox 2024: Bundlers and Test Frameworks

JavaScript is bigger than ever, and the ecosystem is nothing short of overwhelming. In this JS toolbox 2024 series, we’ve selected and analyzed the most noteworthy JS tools, so that you don’t have to. In part 1 of this series, we explored the foundations of any JavaScript project: Runtime environments and package management. In part 2, we focused on JavaScript frameworks and static site generators.

JS Toolbox 2024: Essential picks for modern developers (Overview)

Staying ahead of the curve in JavaScript development requires keeping on top of the ever-evolving landscape of tools and technologies. As we head into 2024, the sprawling world of JavaScript development tools will continue to transform, offering more refined, efficient, and user-friendly options. This ‘JS Toolbox 2024’ series is your one-stop for a comprehensive overview of the latest and most impactful tools in the JavaScript ecosystem.

Catch JavaScript Errors from your Shopify Theme

As a Shopify theme gets more fully featured, it is likely that large amounts of JavaScript are being used to improve and expand the user experience. Making theme changes gets more nerve wracking as the amount of code increases. Did my sales go down because I broke something with the last JavaScript change? If you’re worried about that next theme publish, it’s time to start monitoring user experiences for JavaScript errors. TrackJS makes error monitoring quick and easy to do!

Fix your actual slow-loading assets with Resource Monitoring

Slow-loading assets on your web pages can lead to frustrated users, high bounce rates, and lost conversions. For the vast majority of websites, slow-loading resources will be your main performance bottleneck. There’s no way to get around going through the network for essential resources like JavaScript, CSS, and images — thus, it’s crucial that you can quickly identify and fix your slow-loading assets.