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Icinga Monthly Snap May: OSMC 2018 CfP, product updates & user stories

Icinga turned 9 in May, we’re kicking off our 10th year of spreading the #icingalove. ? OSMC 2018 Call for Papers is officially open and we are looking forward to hear your Icinga stories this year. Did you dive through distributed setups, automated everything and combined the metrics of many tools into your stack? That’s a hell of a ride, and other community members will certainly listen and learn from your expertise.

Managing Centralized Data with Graylog

Central storage is vitally important in log management. Just as storing and processing logs into lumber is done in one place, a sawmill, a central repository makes it cheaper and more efficient to process event logs in one location. Moving between multiple locations to process logs can decrease performance. To continue the analogy, once boards are cut at a sawmill, a tool such as a wood jointer smoothes out the rough edges of the boards and readies them for use in making beautiful things.

Relevance and Ownership of Issues in Sentry 9

With Sentry 9, our goal is to increase the relevance of the information you see in Sentry in order to speed up your time to resolution, while also making the process of fixing application issues less annoying for everyone involved. How are we accomplishing this? We’ve increased our focus on Ownership of issues: expanding your ability to control who owns what in your Projects, while expanding the power of teams and individuals to take action with that ownership.

What Artificial Intelligence Means for MSPs

Managed service providers (MSPs) are feeling the impact of AI use, mostly when it comes to the power of chatbots. Chatbots are an incredible way for MSPs to save time and money when it comes to the lower levels of their customer support. Well-programmed bots can take the burden off techs and your support staff when it comes to answering simple questions and troubleshooting common issues.

Magento Security Scanner

If WordPress and Joomla! rule the CMS World, then Magento is king of the eCommerce platforms. Which makes it the obvious addition to our powerful external Vulnerability Scanning service. We can now detect and notify you of any existing or breaking security issues with the core version of your Magento platform. In addition to in-depth checks for thousands of known software and configuration vulnerabilities for all major software products (e.g. PHP, Apache2, etc.) and operating systems (e.g.

Gain visibility and take control of Stackdriver costs with new metrics and tools

A few months back, we announced new simplified Stackdriver pricing that will go into effect on June 30. We’re excited to bring this change to our users. To streamline this change, you’ll receive advanced notifications and alerting on the performance and diagnostics data you track for cloud applications, plus flexibility in creating dashboards, without having to opt in to the premium pricing tier.

How to achieve DevOps consensus: The what and how of DevOps

DevOps is a complex, multi-dimensional topic. It is context-sensitive. Those who attempt to learn about and implement DevOps bring their roles and cultural perspectives to the process. Diversity of opinion and expertise can be an important advantage. However, it can also lead to friction and contention in developing DevOps consensus.