Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Case Study: Building an Operations Dashboard

Picture a simple E-commerce platform with the following components, each generating logs and metrics. Imagine now the on-call Engineer responsible for this platform, feet up on a Sunday morning watching The Lord of The Rings with a coffee, when suddenly the on-call phone starts to ring! Oh no! It’s a customer phoning, and they report that sometimes, maybe a tenth of the time, the web front end is returning a generic error as they try to complete a workflow.

Everything You Need to Know About Google Cloud Logs

As the affordable choice for cloud computing, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is catching up to its competitors, like AWS and Microsoft Azure. As a business, you need the speed and scalability that the cloud provides, but you want to limit your costs to ensure you hit revenue targets. With GCP, you found a digital services business partner to help you meet your business objectives, a technology that gives you the service availability you want at the speed you need.

Log Less, Achieve More: A Guide to Streamlining Your Logs

Businesses are generating vast amounts of data from various sources, including applications, servers, and networks. As the volume and complexity of this data continue to grow, it becomes increasingly challenging to manage and analyze it effectively. Centralized logging is a powerful solution to this problem, providing a single, unified location for collecting, storing, and analyzing log data from across an organization’s IT infrastructure.

How I used Graylog to Fix my Internet Connection

In today’s digital age, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. From working remotely to streaming movies, we rely on the internet for almost everything. However, slow internet speeds can be frustrating and can significantly affect our productivity and entertainment. Despite advancements in technology, many people continue to face challenges with their internet speeds, hindering their ability to fully utilize the benefits of the internet.

E-Commerce and Log Management

As an e-commerce website owner you care about how your customers behave: why do they come to your website, which items or services are they most interested in, how much time do they spend on certain pages, and is their user experience above par? Also, it is very important to keep your website secure, as you can rest assured that no one wants to leave their payment details on an unsecured website.