Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Statuspal as Alternative to AdminLabs

It’s always sad to see products shut down, even if they are our competitors, so it’s the case of AdminLabs, as some new customers have brought to our attention. So we want to let any previous users of AdminLabs know, you’re welcome here at Statuspal, let us help you have a smooth transition to the only hosted status pages provider as feature rich, that provides native monitoring features right within your status page dashboard.

Pingdom & Custom Metrics now on Statuspal

We’re happy to announce the general availability of Pingdom & custom metrics on Statuspal. This means that your are now able to configure two new types on metrics (on top of monitored service metrics), metrics coming from your Pingdom account and metrics that you can manually push periodically, both types of metrics will look similar in your status page. Example Pingom metrics chart You should be able to find a new menu “Metrics” under your status page’s dashboard.

Uptime and Response Time Graphs

As one of the most requested features we are happy to officially introduce the Uptime and Response time graphs. Setting up an uptime graph requires zero configuration, it’ll be added automatically to your status page (for startup & business subscribers) and you can choose to hide it in the design page of your admin panel.

Hosted Status Pages & Monitoring

Hi there! this is the first post on Statuspal’s young life :) we’ll be using this publication to communicate about new and upcoming features on our beloved platform and of course all things related to status pages & monitoring. First, an introduction is in order, Statuspal aims to solve a subtle but important problem, status communication & monitoring, sometimes sites go down, no matter how perfectly engineered they are, they will go down.