Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

July 2023

The Medium is the Message: How to Master the Most Essential Incident Communication Channels

We’ve all seen it: a company experiencing a major incident and going radio silent, leaving their customers to wonder “Are they doing something about this?!”. If you’ve ever been on the inside of something like this, you know the answer is most likely yes, there are people working hard to put out the fire as quickly as possible. But when it comes to incidents, perception is reality for customers.

Mastering Patch Management - Best Practices for Corporate IT

In recent years, the number of cyberattacks has increased dramatically. These attacks can be costly and disruptive, and they can even lead to the loss of sensitive data. Patch management is one of the most effective ways to prevent these attacks, as it can help to close security vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit. However, patch management can be a complex and challenging process.

Ep. 5: Scaling the Cloud: The Growth & Future of AKS featuring Jorge Palma

In this episode, Shon speaks with Jorge Palma, Principal Product Manager for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). They dive deep into the transformation and evolution of Microsoft Azure and the pivotal role of AKS in shaping the future of cloud-native computing. Discover the unique journey from inception to innovation, and learn about the challenges and successes in testing and scaling AKS in every Azure region worldwide. Gain valuable insights into Microsoft's implementation of cloud optimization tools that provide customers with the best value per compute unit.

The DevSecOps Toolchain: Vulnerability Scanning, Security as Code, DAST & More

DevSecOps is a philosophy that integrates security practices within the DevOps process. DevSecOps involves creating a ‘security as code’ culture with ongoing, flexible collaboration between release engineers and security teams. The main aim of DevSecOps is to make everyone accountable for security in the process of delivering high-quality, secure applications. This culture promotes shorter, more controlled iterations, making it easier to spot code defects and tackle security issues.

You're Only as Strong as Your Weakest Link: The Importance of Vendor Risk Assessment

When you choose to work with another organization, for the sake of your reputation and security, you need to carefully vet each organization before finalizing the decision. Choosing a vendor with which to do business relies on that vendor ranking highly on a vendor risk assessment, which occurs when that vendor practices robust security, ensures compliance with local regulations, and implements effective policies and procedures to ensure smooth daily operations.

Understanding and Preventing Email Spoofing Attacks

Now that most people are familiar with and thus able to avoid standard phishing attacks, malicious actors have shifted to something more insidious. Email spoofing is an attack in which attackers impersonate someone the target knows, is a much more subtle way to compromise a user’s credentials or device. Like phishing, however, once you know the signs of a spoofed email and train other users on how to spot them, addressing the issue is often straightforward.

How Does Networking Work with Istio?

As organizations continue to digitally transform and expand their networks via cloud and multi-cloud environments, it has become increasingly critical to protect microservices and data flow. Implementing advanced technology such as service mesh helps your team secure data networks and manage system access policies by matching user intentions to workload states. Service meshes like Istio support the latest software application trends like containerization and microservice infrastructures.

Failure Fridays at PagerDuty

Rich Lafferty, Staff SRE at PagerDuty and Stevenson Jean-Pierre, Senior Manager, Software Engineering at PagerDuty join Mandi Walls to talk about PagerDuty’s Failure Friday and Failure Any Day practices. PagerDuty has been using failure injection and chaos engineering methods to maintain the reliability of production services. Rich and SJP joined the PagerDuty live stream to talk about how the process works, how it has evolved, and how failure helps improve PagerDuty’s services.