Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

September 2023

The Fatal Unconnectedness of Incumbents from Customers: The Tale of a Race Against the Clock

This tale is based on an actual event that happened to one of our Cribl Search customers. It highlights a massive gap between the urgent needs of modern businesses and the outdated, draconian terms dictated by traditional SIEM vendors. While the events are real, a touch of dramatization was added for the fun of it. Why not?

Deleting Fields from Logs: Why Less is Often More

Logs serve as an invaluable resource for monitoring system health, debugging issues, and maintaining security. But as our applications grow more complex, the volume of logs they generate is increasing exponentially. While logs are crucial, not all log data is equally valuable. With the surge in volume, costs associated with storing and analyzing logs are skyrocketing, impacting both performance and cost. The need for effective log management is more urgent than ever.

Elevate Your Customer Support with AI | AI for Awesome Customer Experience! Infraon

Looking to provide exceptional customer support and boost customer satisfaction? Look no further! Discover the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our comprehensive YouTube guide. From data collection to smart chatbots, learn how AI revolutionizes interactions, streamlines processes, and delivers lightning-fast responses.|

Heroku Monitoring: Best Practices

When you immerse yourself in the world of application development, you'll find that deploying applications on Heroku comes with a certain level of ease. However, monitoring becomes a non-negotiable element to keep these applications running at their best. It's like having a clear aerial view of your application's performance - it helps you spot potential performance hurdles and handle issues proactively.

Grafana Incident auto-summary: AI in Grafana Cloud

Check out a fun demo of Grafana Incident auto-summary, which uses generative AI to suggest a helpful synopsis that captures key details from your incident timeline with a single click. Grafana Incident auto-summary marks the first feature enabled by the new OpenAI integration in Grafana Incident. Simply bring your own OpenAI API key to get started in Grafana Cloud.

Building Organizational Trust for Cloud Optimization Software

You’ve loaded data into Densify and after reviewing recommendations your developers don’t want to take the recommended action – they aren’t trusting, yet. This is one of the top issues identified by the FinOps Foundation and many of our customers of Densify – but not all. Let’s explore what some customers do differently to build organizational trust in taking optimization recommendations.

Helm deployments to a Kubernetes cluster with CI/CD

Containers and microservices have revolutionized the way applications are deployed on the cloud. Since its launch in 2014, Kubernetes has become a de-facto standard as a container orchestration tool. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that makes it easy to install and manage applications on your Kubernetes cluster. One of the benefits of using Helm is that it allows you to package all of the components required to run an application into a single, versioned artifact called a Helm chart.

Item Detail Page Updates

We’ve been listening to all the great feedback we’ve received on the new item detail page, and we’re pushing changes to help make investigating and understanding Rollbar items easier, quicker, and more efficient. The most visible change is that the context graphs have been moved to a single full-width view on the desktop so that you can immediately see the patterns of when occurrences happened, helping to spot patterns in behavior that can give insights into causes.

An Introduction to Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)

Enterprise Mobility Management or EMM is a holistic set of practices and technology oriented to help you improve your management of mobile devices, the applications, and the data they enable and enforce your information security policies. Done well, it can help you keep track of phones and tablets, and keep your data protected.

What makes a good open source community?

Whenever you use open source software, you benefit from the community that surrounds it — whether it’s a bug fix, better documentation, a helpful tutorial or something else. We at Grafana Labs benefit from the open source community, too: from your participation, and the many OSS components we use in the development of Grafana itself. But what makes an open source community successful, exactly? And how do you build and nurture one?