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January 2024

Elevating DEX: Nexthink's AppLearn Acquisition Marks a New Era

In the early days of Nexthink we had a whimsical way of articulating what we were working to achieve. “We want to develop a kind of digital guardian angel,” we’d say, “sitting on the shoulder of the employee, ensuring they are getting the most out of every working hour: productive and enjoying their work, without sacrificing a single minute to IT issues or application problems.".

Making Informed Software Selection Decisions: MCDA and DMA Compared

When faced with complex software selection choices, navigating the numerous factors involved can be difficult. That's where Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Decision Matrix Analysis (DMA) come into play. Both methods provide structured and transparent approaches to evaluating options, but they differ in complexity and suitability for different types of decisions.

What is SAML and How Does It Work?

Web authentication is a vital cornerstone of online security and trust in the ever-evolving digital landscape. This process, pivotal in verifying the identity of users accessing various digital services – from cloud applications to online platforms, has grown increasingly crucial. As organizations transition to digital operations, their potential attack surface expands, statistically heightening their susceptibility to a spectrum of cyber threats.

K-12 Status Pages - How to Reduce Ticket Burden for K-12 Schools

In 2024, the average K-12 school or educational institution relies on many cloud providers, hosted services, and websites. Quite often, the services these K-12 schools rely on exceed over 40 different platforms – from communication tools like Zoom to learning management systems (LMS) such as Canvas or Blackboard. With this many services, the ticket burden on K-12 system admins and IT teams can be overwhelming.

AI on-prem: what should you know?

Organisations are reshaping their digital strategies, and AI is at the heart of these changes, with many projects now ready to run in production. Enterprises often start these AI projects on the public cloud because of the ability to minimise the hardware burden. However, as initiatives scale, organisations often look to migrate the workloads on-prem for reasons including costs, digital sovereignty or compliance requirements.

Exploring Splunk Alternatives: Deep Dive into Log Analysis

Splunk is a powerful and widely used software platform designed for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data, including logs, events, and other forms of structured and unstructured data. Originally developed for IT operations and log management, Splunk has expanded its capabilities to address a broader range of use cases across various industries.

Mastering IPM: The Essential Customer Experience Monitoring Framework

In the previous installment of our Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) Best Practices Series, we explored the critical importance of monitoring what matters, from where it matters. Now, we pivot to a core aspect of Internet Resilience: Customer Experience (CX). This blog explores the critical role of IPM in achieving faster Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time to Recover (MTTR).

How to Leverage Generative AI in IT Operations

Although Generative AI traces its origins to the earliest machine learning models in the 1950s, its popularity and usage has accelerated exponentially over the past year after OpenAI issued the first public release of its ChatGPT (generated pre-trained transformer) AI chatbot in December 2022. Generative AI holds the potential to transform many professions including IT operations.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Website Security Audit

In the modern world, few things are as important for a business as its website. That's because websites are the main interface through which customers tend to interact with your brand and the main location at which customers make orders. For other types of business, websites are the primary point of communication between clients and employees. That huge level of importance brings with it a huge sense of vulnerability.

Kubernetes Tutorial for Developers

Welcome to our hands-on tutorial on Kubernetes, the powerful open-source platform often abbreviated as k8s. In this tutorial, we are diving into the world of container orchestration, simplifying the complexities, and making Kubernetes accessible for developers. Whether you are just starting out or looking to enhance your existing skills in Kubernetes, this guide is designed to walk you through the process step-by-step.

Why companies migrate from OSS to Grafana Cloud for metrics management

In 2022, we introduced Grafana Mimir, the most scalable and performant open source time series database in the world. And since its launch, we’ve been busy, increasing Mimir’s scale, making it easier to get started, and boosting query performance. But even with these advancements, we understand the challenges that can come with a self-hosted and self-managed OSS tool.

Elasticsearch vs MongoDB - Battle of Search and Store

Elasticsearch is primarily a search engine optimized for fast, complex search queries, especially text searches, and is often used for log and event data analysis. MongoDB, on the other hand, is a general-purpose, document-oriented database that excels in storing and retrieving structured and semi-structured data. It is commonly used for mobile, social, and IoT applications. While Elasticsearch provides superior search capabilities, MongoDB offers more robust data processing and storage features.