Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

January 2024

Parallel Scheduling Is Now GA: Detect Regional Outages Up to 20x Faster

I am happy to announce that Checkly now supports parallel scheduling as a new way to schedule your checks. Parallel scheduling allows you to reduce mean time to detection, provide better insights when addressing outages, and give improved accuracy in performance trends, making it a powerful new feature for all Checkly users.

Never miss an Outage: Improve your monitoring with Checkly's Parallel Scheduling

In this video, you will learn how to leverage Checkly's parallel scheduling feature to simultaneously monitor and test all your essential production targets. This knowledge will help you reduce your mean time to detect outages, assess whether production problems are regional or global, and enhance your monitoring data granularity.

Observability with OpenTelemetry and Checkly

Observability isn't just a buzzword; it's a vital compass guiding us through the maze of system health and performance. As we’ve adopted microservice architectures, the ability to know ‘what is currently happening in our system’ has diminished as our operational resilience has increased. We find services scattered among a maze of interconnections and interdependencies. And even the logs that used to guide are now scattered throughout this maze.

How to deal with API rate limits

When I first had the idea for this post, I wanted to provide a collection of actionable ways to handle errors caused by API rate limits in your applications. But as it turns out, it’s not that straightforward (is it ever?). API rate limiting is a minefield, and at the time of writing, there are no published standards in terms of how to build and consume APIs that implement rate limiting.

How to combine Playwright locators to test non-deterministic application flows

Sometimes, applications can behave differently even though your users do the same things. How can you test these non-deterministic flows? Learn in this video how Playwright's "locator.or()" method helps to write tests that can handle different application flows.

A Guide to Visual Regression Testing With Playwright and How to Get Started

I’m pretty sure that you’ve had a situation where you deployed a major UX change on your web app and missed the most obvious issues, like a misaligned button or distorted images. Unintended changes on your site can cause not only a sharp decline in user satisfaction but also a large fall in sales and customer retention. By identifying and resolving these discrepancies before the update went live, you could have prevented these outcomes.

Monitoring an Open Banking Flow With Playwright & Checkly

Open banking offers users a way to have easier access to their own bank account information, like via third-party applications. This is achieved by allowing third-party financial service providers access to the financial data of a bank's customers through the use of APIs, which enable secure communication between the different parties involved.

Does Step Function's new TestState API make end-to-end tests obsolete?

Step Function added support for testing individual states . Which lets you execute individual states with the following: And returns the following: With the TestState API, you can thoroughly test every state and achieve close to 100% coverage of a state machine. So, does this eliminate the need for Step Functions Local ? Can we do away with end-to-end tests as well? If not, where should this new API fit into your workflow, and how should you use it?

Building a Custom Read-only Global Role with the Rancher Kubernetes API

In 2.8, Rancher added a new field to the GlobalRoles resource (inheritedClusterRoles), which allows users to grant permissions on all downstream clusters. With the addition of this field, it is now possible to create a custom global role that grants user-configurable permissions on all current and future downstream clusters. This post will outline how to create this role using the new Rancher Kubernetes API, which is currently the best-supported method to use this new feature.

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Improving API error responses with the Result pattern

In the expanding world of APIs, meaningful error responses can be just as important as well-structured success responses. In this post, I'll take you through some of the different options for creating responses that I've encountered during my time working at Raygun. We'll go over the pros and cons of some common options, and end with what I consider to be one of the best choices when it comes to API design, the Result Pattern. This pattern can lead to an API that will cleanly handle error states and easily allow for consistent future endpoint development.

Announcing the Rancher Kubernetes API

It is our pleasure to introduce the first officially supported API with Rancher v2.8: the Rancher Kubernetes API, or RK-API for short. Since the introduction of Rancher v2.0, a publicly supported API has been one of our most requested features. The Rancher APIs, which you may recognize as v3 (Norman) or v1 (Steve), have never been officially supported and can only be automated using our Terraform Provider.

Browser Synthetic Monitoring: What is it, Types and Use Cases

Synthetic monitoring is a proactive approach that actively tests websites or apps, either scheduled or on demand, using automated testing scripts, ensuring that any issues are identified and resolved before they impact real users. This approach provides continuous oversight of the online presence, akin to having a vigilant eye on the website 24/7. In this article, we’re discussing synthetic monitoring, putting the accent on using browsers.