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July 2023

Finish code reviews faster with improved comment navigation

Whether you're the author of a pull request or a code reviewer, it's important to focus on what matters, while making sure you don't miss any important feedback from your teammates. This is especially true when you're making a return visit to a pull request, and you want to pay the most attention to any sections of the PR with unresolved comment threads.

Continuous Observability: Shedding Light on CI/CD Pipelines

DevOps is not just about operating software in production, but also releasing that software to production. Well-functioning continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines are critical for the business, and this calls for quality observability to ensure that Lead Time for Changes is kept short and that broken and flaky pipelines are quickly identified and remediated.

How to validate Your #circleci config | #SupportShorts

Welcome to our new #SupportShorts video series featuring our Support Engineering Team answering some of your most frequently asked CircleCI questions, tackling common customer issues, as well as sharing their favorite tips and tricks. In today's video, Ervin shows how to validate your config using the CircleCI CLI.

Where does Jackpocket take DORA metrics from here?

Where does Jackpocket take DORA metrics from here? Find out how Sleuth filled a software development hole to help Jacpocket put what they learned from the "Accelerate" book into practice. Give Sleuth a try and see how we empower software teams to build faster by making engineering efficiency easy to improve and measurable — in a way that both managers and developers love.

Build vs buy: Choosing the right CI/CD solution for your team

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) has become an essential part of modern software development, allowing teams to deliver high-quality code at a faster pace. Teams can either build or buy their CI/CD system. In this blog post, we will compare both options - exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each - and why CircleCI may be the better choice.

GitOps the Planet #17: Ditching Old and Busted CI/CD with Kat Cosgrove

Kat Cosgrove's (@Dixie3Flatline) unique mix of wit and technical acumen has made her one of the most influential thought leaders in DevOps. She recently gave a number of talks focused on the history and evolution of CI/CD, how it started, and how it's changing. In this GitOps the Planet we'll dive into that history along with how GitOps is changing the automation game once again.

A Guide to Installing the JFrog Platform on Amazon EKS

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service — or Amazon EKS — is a managed service that enables you to run Kubernetes on AWS without having to manage your own Kubernetes clusters. The JFrog Platform is available on AWS, making it super simple to deploy applications reliably and predictably, scale them quickly, roll out new features easily, and make the most of hardware resources.

Cloud-Based vs Cloud-Native: What's the difference?

Get to know the differences between cloud-native and cloud-based applications, their benefits, and why a cloud-native tool like Cloudsmith is a game-changer for efficient and secure software artifact management. The term 'cloud' has become a buzzword in the tech industry, often used interchangeably to describe anything from online storage to complex computing services. But what does it really mean? And more importantly, what does it mean for your business?

Non-trivial: What you should do when developers say this

Non-trivial: What you should do when software developers say this. Spoiler alert: all they really mean is they need time to investigate what's going on. Here's part 4 of 4 of Sleuth's CTO and cofounder, Don Brown's take on decoding developer speak. Give Sleuth a try and see how we empower software teams to build faster by making engineering efficiency easy to improve and measurable — in a way that both managers and developers love.

A GitOps Approach to Infrastructure Management with Codefresh (Ovais Tariq & Robert Barabas, Tigris)

GitOps has been at the forefront of agile deployments. However, managing these deployments at a scale, with a constantly growing number of environments can be a daunting task for startups. In this webinar, Ovais Tariq, Co-Founder and CEO, and Robert Barabas, Founding Engineer share how Tigris addressed some of these challenges with the help of Codefresh's Hosted ArgoCD!

Seamlessly Minimize Unnecessary Data Fetching with GraphQL Queries

Many processes in our daily software development chain require data analysis in real-time. Ensuring the reliability of the data is vital, since multiple processes may rely on it. While taking into account the performance and fetching only the relevant data that is required for our specific use case.

Automating IT Operations with Ansible

Think about all the IT tasks you carry out in your business. Now, imagine you could automate these jobs and shift your focus to more important assignments. Ansible could prove to be a solution to your IT challenges. It’s a software tool that streamlines IT operations, freeing up resources and labor in your organization. Learn more about Ansible and how it can help your company below.

Without automated workflows, your team is missing out on efficiency improvements

Every team has a workflow, even if it’s chaotic or lacks consistency. It’s a no-brainer, though, that in the fast-paced world of software development, a clear and well-defined path to guide your work is essential to move efficiently. Workflows provide just that — the structure and framework that developers need to streamline their processes, collaborate effectively, and optimize productivity.

The DevOps tool catapulting Gigpro from slow to swift

The DevOps tool catapulting Gigpro from slow to swift: Rick Cabrera, VP of Engineering, and Tucker LoCicero, Software Engineer and Team Lead at Gigpro tell us how Sleuth helped their team improve release frequency, gain visibility to bottlenecks, build trust between the business and engineering, and measure DORA metrics to prove their progress. Chapters: Give Sleuth a try and see how we empower software teams to build faster by making engineering efficiency easy to improve and measurable — in a way that both managers and developers love.

Infeasible? Yes, developers are technically correct

Infeasible? Yes, developers are technically correct when they say something is infeasible. To engineering managers, that translates to impossible, which is correct, too. This is where software developers and managers can agree to disagree. Here's part 3 of 4 of Sleuth's CTO and cofounder, Don Brown's take on decoding developer speak. Give Sleuth a try and see how we empower software teams to build faster by making engineering efficiency easy to improve and measurable — in a way that both managers and developers love.

Spotting Vulnerabilities at Rest and at Runtime feat. Cloudsmith and Sysdig

The rise and popularity of containers and Kubernetes have revolutionised the IT industry but also introduced a lot of complexity including a huge number of vulnerabilities coming from different container image layers. To master those vulnerabilities both DevOps and Security teams are struggling to prioritise and address them, often without sufficient clarity or accountable insights.

Decoding the Difference: Artifacts vs Packages in Software Development

"Artifact" and "package" are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. Understand their unique roles, learn through practical examples, and discover why distinguishing between them is vital for effective software management and distribution. "Artifact" and "package" are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences.

Celebrating Success: Cloudsmith Recognized by G2

Cloudsmith celebrates being honored with two prestigious G2 awards: "Best Relationship Summer 2023" and "High Performer Summer 2023". Discover how our commitment to exceptional customer service and a best-in-class software supply chain management platform earned us these badges. Cloudsmith celebrates being honored with two prestigious G2 awards: "Best Relationship Summer 2023" and "High Performer Summer 2023".

Machine Learning CI/CD with AWS Sagemaker

There are many benefits of incorporating CI/CD into your ML pipeline, such as automating the deployment of ML models to production at scale. The focus of this article is to illustrate how to integrate AWS SageMaker model training and deployment into CircleCI CI/CD pipelines. The structure of this project is a monorepo containing multiple models. The monorepo approach has advantages over the polyrepo approach, including simplified dependency versioning and security vulnerability management.

Merging to Main #4: Feature Flags

Feature Flagging comes with many benefits, like testing new features in a live environment without exposing them to all users, rolling back changes quickly if something goes wrong, and helping isolate the feature development process from deployment so you can better manage your dev cycles. Like everything in the CI/CD world, all features and tools require careful consideration. You want to avoid creating additional tech debt and complicating your codebase, and you certainly want to avoid introducing unnecessary work to a likely already overworked team.

Let your engineering team delegate toil to the robots with automated actions

If you want to make software engineering easy to improve, then automate actions in your development process. These simple yet high-impact “if this, then that” conditions pack a punch toward reducing toil and cognitive load. Your developers choose what’s important to improve and reap the benefits of an efficient and optimized development environment.

The Latest JFrog Plugin for Jenkins

We all know that artifact management is an important part of our development lifecycle, and if you’re using Jenkins you’ll also need to store your builds and binaries. In the world of DevOps, efficient integration and management of artifacts and dependencies are crucial for successful software delivery. Together, Jenkins and JFrog Artifactory offer a powerful combination for streamlined build processes.

Improving discoverability of the git blame functionality on Bitbucket Cloud UI

We are making git blame feature more discoverable on the Bitbucket Cloud UI. A very useful feature of git, git blame has been available on the Bitbucket Cloud UI for years. Similar to how git blame works with git, on Bitbucket Cloud it annotates each line in the given file with information from the commit which introduced the line.

10 Awesome Benefits of Artifact Management and Why You Need It

All about artifact management, alongside 10 awesome benefits that any good Artifact Management platform will provide, including added security, traceability, and control. Efficiency and organization are key when it comes to continuous delivery. As teams work to deliver high-quality software at an increasingly fast pace, the need for effective management of the various components of the software development lifecycle has become paramount.

GitOps the Planet #15: AI Comes to Kubernetes with Alex Jones

The first real application for AI and LLMs has come to Kubernetes in the form of K8sGPT, a cli that can be used to help operators understand exactly what's going on with their clusters. Our guest, Alex Jones, is the creator of K8sGPT and we'll talk about how the project started, where it's seeing the biggest uses, and where AI will impact DevOps in the future. Don't miss this revolutionary GitOps the Planet!

Pushing a project to GitLab

GitLab is a collaborative Git repository that fosters open-source development by offering both free open and private repositories. With its extensive features such as issue tracking and wikis, GitLab empowers teams to collaborate effectively and create exceptional software solutions. GitHub and Bitbucket are similar tools. CircleCI has launched support for Gitlab, so it is helpful to learn to use it. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to push a project to GitLab.

Don't waste time on irrelevant false positive alerts in your source code

Are you tired of using security tools that generate endless results, making it impossible to identify actual risks? Do you struggle with inefficient prioritization due to a lack of context, making the process of assessing and remediating vulnerabilities a time-consuming nightmare? Look no further than JFrog’s Contextual Analysis, available as part of the “jf audit” command in the JFrog CLI.

Adopt a "Release-first" Approach with Release Lifecycle Management in JFrog Artifactory

Every organization has a process for building and releasing software. Smaller organizations may run a few automated tests before releasing, while larger organizations may have 100s of scans, validations, and approvals spanning everything from technical to legal. Whatever the process is, the end goal is the same: software that’s mature enough for release. The challenge is that this process is complicated, messy, and often created in an ad hoc way, changing as organizations evolve.