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June 2021

Detecting new crypto mining attack targeting Kubeflow and TensorFlow

Microsoft has discovered a new large-scale attack targeting Kubeflow instances to deploy malicious TensorFlow pods, using them to mine Monero cryptocurrency in Kubernetes cluster environments. Kubeflow is a popular open-source framework often used for running machine learning tasks in Kubernetes. TensorFlow, on the other hand, is an open-source machine learning platform used for implementing machine learning in a Kubernetes environment.

Manage GKE services with Cloud Operations

Cloud Operations can help you quickly isolate or eliminate infrastructure issues from a limited set of data, but how can you identify problems with your service itself? And when there's a problem, how can you quickly fix it? In this episode of Engineering for Reliability, we’ll show how you can manage your services running on GKE with Cloud Operations.

How to Download Kublr

Kublr is an enterprise-grade Kubernetes management platform. Headquartered in Washington, D.C. and launched in 2016, Kublr automates the deployment and management of production-ready, secure Kubernetes clusters and environments. Kublr allows users to securely and reliably deploy, run, and manage containerized applications at scale. A subsidiary of EastBanc Technologies, Kublr is a proud contributor to the Kubernetes codebase, an active member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and completed the CNCF Kubernetes Software Conformance Certification program.

Desktop K8S in 2021

For this article we’ll dig into some of the options for Local Kubernetes Clusters if you are developing on a Mac. When doing microservices development, eventually you will want to start to test integrated services together. And there are several options available to run these tests: Tests were conducted on a 2019 MacBook Pro (Big Sur). I’m not embarrassed to say that I cut my teeth on minikube. This is the recommended path for onboarding into Kubernetes and has a ton of benefits.

How Culture Impacts Technology Choice: A Review of Netflix's Use of Microservices

I recently had the opportunity to read the book “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention” by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer of Netflix, and it dawned on me that while this book wasn’t at all focused on Netflix’s technology, the global company-wide culture had a significant impact on its technology choices. The book focuses on the many times Netflix had to reinvent itself and transform its business in order to revolutionize the entertainment industry.

Monitoring Kubernetes with the Elastic Stack using Prometheus and Fluentd

Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration system for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management, and seems to have established itself as the de facto standard in this area these days. The shift from monolithic applications to microservices brought by Kubernetes has enabled faster deployment, where dynamic environments become commonplace. But on the other hand, this has made monitoring applications and their underpinning infrastructure more complex.

Industry global survey from Canonical: 85% of enterprises have yet to cross the chasm to full Kubernetes and Cloud Native adoption

London, UK, June 29, 2021 – Despite high adoption rates of cloud native technologies in recent years, enterprises have yet to cross the chasm to full adoption, but they’re quickly moving in that direction, according to initial results of a first-of-its kind survey released today by Canonical, the publishers of Ubuntu.

Introduction to Service Mesh - Saiyam Pathak

This time around the topic for the Civo Community Meetup was Kubernetes service meshes and the role they play in providing visibility and open communication between your pods/containers. Saiyam Pathak, Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo, discussed the concept of service meshes and best practices. Get free credit to test-drive the world’s first K3s-powered, managed Kubernetes service.

Understanding and tracking the impact of your ever-changing k8s deployments

As developers we’re not always fully aware of security implications stipulated from changes to our code whether these are done in the CI, CD or an artifact database. It is always challenging to predict the impact of a changed 3rd party library, a security context or an RBAC permission, accessing a different network to the same resource or even using an API in a different way than we used to. Understanding the impact immediately and being able to make a change without disrupting the pipeline is therefore an important requirement. This session will present best practices to cope with these day to day changes and will propose a set of tools to address them cohesively.

[Webinar] Troubleshooting in Fast Paced Environments with Komodor & Coralogix

On June 2nd, 2021, we participated in a live panel discussion with our friends from Coralogix, featuring our CTO & co-founder, Itiel Shwartz, and Coralogix’s Head of DevSecOps, Oded David. Widespread adoption of agile methodologies, CI/CD pipelines, distributed architectures, and more have enabled software development to reach a rate and scale that would have seemed unimaginable just a few years ago. Of course, along with the benefits of new methodologies and technologies comes a new set of troubleshooting challenges that need to be addressed as well.

Introduction to SMI (Service Mesh Interface) - Kai Hoffman

This time around the topic for the Civo Community Meetup was Kubernetes service meshes and the role they play in providing visibility and open communication between your pods/containers. Kai Hoffman, Developer Advocate at Civo, outlined the Service Mesh Interface, a project to standardise service mesh specifications on Kubernetes.

To Build a Production App Platform with Kubernetes, Focus on Developer Experience .

To get developers to adopt Kubernetes, it's important to keep in mind that it's not about Kubernetes! It's about the developer experience we create on top of it. At VMware Tanzu, we believe that success with platforms like Kubernetes is found at the intersection of applications and infrastructure, focusing on creating a great developer experience and enabling platform teams in modern practices that will help them be successful on Day 2.

How to Build a Kafka-Spark-Solr Data Analytics Platform Using Deployment Blueprints

Enterprise applications rely on large amounts of data that needs to be distributed, processed, and stored. Data platforms offer data management services via a combination of open source and commercially supported software stacks. These services enable accelerated development and deployment of data-hungry business applications. Building a containerized data analytics platform comprising different software stacks comes with several deployment challenges.

Monitoring Availability Metrics with Blackbox exporter and Sysdig

The Prometheus Blackbox exporter allows endpoints exploration over several protocols, such as HTTP(S), DNS, TCP, and ICMP. This exporter generates multiple metrics on your configured targets, like general endpoint status, response time, redirect information, or certificate expiration dates. The Blackbox Exporter works out-of-the-box, as it just focuses on external visibility details. To get more detailed metrics, you can instrument your applications.

Adding Kubernetes Metadata to Your AppSignal Errors

When we were moving an app to Kubernetes, we encountered a peculiar situation where other services running on Kubernetes started throwing a ThreadError from time to time, saying that a resource is unavailable. We started investigating, and it turned out that you want to know where your AppSignal error has occurred. A short reminder - Kubernetes works on two levels: So, you want to know which pod and which node ran a particular AppSignal transaction.

Performance Tool k6 Acquired by Grafana Labs

There was a big announcement this year at GrafanaCon 2021 that performance testing tool k6 is being aquired by Grafana Labs. It was really exciting news for folks who cheer for open source because these are two giant projects. At time of this writing, k6 has over 12K stars and Grafana with a respectable 42K stars on Github as well. In full transparency, I have used both of those repos many times over the years and am a fellow stargazer.

Rancher Desktop v0.3.0 Release

We are happy to share the v0.3.0 release of Rancher Desktop. This release brings more stability, some new features, and a fresh look to the UI. This screenshot shows the preferences screen while in dark mode on Mac. In the lower left corner the status when performing an action is now displayed. This status will tell you when Rancher Desktop needs to download something, such as a version of Kubernetes you have now used before, or when another step is happening.

Capacity Operations for Kubernetes

Kubernetes adds undeniable benefits when it comes to flexibility and agility, but providing suboptimal resource specifications at the container or node level creates tremendous inefficiencies at scale, leaving resources stranded and utilization very low. Learn how the practice of Capacity Operations can augment DevOps and FinOps initiatives and enable greater agility for your operations organization.

Top vulnerability assessment and management best practices

By implementing these vulnerability assessment and vulnerability management best practices you will reduce the attack surface of your infrastructure. We’re human, and many things we build aren’t perfect. That’s why we take our cars for a periodic inspection, or why we have organizations certifying that products are safe to use. Software is no different.

Vulnerability Management with Sysdig

Software is always changing and improving, and within this process, developers can unknowingly introduce vulnerabilities. Discover how Sysdig Secure provides a single vulnerability management solution for both containers and hosts. It allows you to validate compliance across your whole infrastructure. And it's so easy to deploy, that you will be scanning images and hosts in seconds.

How to Create Docker Images for ASP.NET Core

Microsoft has begun working with the Docker team and community so Docker can be used for the following: If you would like to run an ASP.NET Core web app in a Docker container and learn how to create images, we will explain all the steps on how to do the following: A Docker container image is a standalone, lightweight package that can be executed and contains all the requirements you need to run an application, such as: code, runtime, libraries, and settings.

Rancher Desktop - An Open Source App for Desktop Kubernetes and Container Management

For those of us who need to get applications running in Kubernetes, having Kubernetes on the desktop is incredibly useful. When we want to focus on our applications, it’s especially useful when Kubernetes is easy to use. This is where Rancher Desktop comes in. Rancher Desktop provides easy-to-use Kubernetes and container management (something we’ll look at in a moment) for Mac and Windows. Having Kubernetes isn’t enough.

What's new in Sysdig - June 2021

Welcome to another monthly update on what’s new from Sysdig! Happy Pride month! We hope you are celebrating safely, in whatever manner you choose. It’s been over 50 years since the Stonewall riots, but we continue to fight for equality and justice. Love is love, and we’re sending you all of ours! Thank you to Marsha P. Johnson, Brenda Howard, and countless others for fighting for the freedom that many of us today enjoy.

Deploying Sysdig from the new AWS CloudFormation Public Registry

AWS CloudFormation provides an easy way to model and set up AWS resources to help you save time in deploying the stack you need to run your applications. Today, AWS announced the launch of AWS CloudFormation Public Registry. CloudFormation Public Registry is a searchable collection of extensions that allows you to easily discover, provision, and manage resource types and modules published and maintained by AWS Partner Network (APN) partners like Sysdig.

Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin: Running Agents In Other Clusters

At Moogsoft we use Jenkins to implement our CICD Pipelines. We run Jenkins where we run most everything else; Kubernetes, but you don’t need to have Jenkins running on Kubernetes to use this plugin. This is made possible by the community maintained Kubernetes plugin. Recently we had the need to not only run agents local to the same cluster that Jenkins runs in, but in other clusters across different regions.

Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin: Using the plugin in your pipelines

In our first post we went over setting up the Kubernetes Plugin. This described the basic setup of getting the plugin configured, and set with the proper perms to function. In this post we will go over how to leverage the plugin to generate agent pods. At Moogsoft most of our pipelines are scripted and are built inside of, or from parts of, Jenkins shared functions library we maintain.

Observe & Troubleshoot Your Kubernetes Environments with Dynamic Service Graph

Kubernetes workloads are highly dynamic, ephemeral, and are deployed on a distributed and agile infrastructure. Application developers, DevOps teams, and site reliability engineers (SREs) often require better visibility of their different microservices, what their dependencies are, how they are interconnected, and which other clients and applications access them. This makes Kubernetes observability challenges unique.

Automated App Modernization: The Smarter Cloud Migration Approach

Thinking of migrating applications to cloud through a lift and shift approach? It could be a time to rethink your plan and take control of your migration journey, in a secure way. According to Markets and Markets, the global application modernization services market size is expected to grow from USD 11.4 billion in 2020 to USD 24.8 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16.8% during the forecast period. And the numbers are not stopping there!

Kubernetes Service Mesh Focus - Civo Community Meetup #8

This time around the topic was Kubernetes service meshes and the role they play in providing visibility and open communication between your pods/containers. Saiyam Pathak, Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo, will be led the talk and discussed the concept of service meshes and best practices. Kai Hoffman, Developer Advocate at Civo, outlined the Service Mesh Interface, a project to standardise service mesh specifications on Kubernetes.

OPA vs. Shipa - Are you still building overly complex rules for K8s?

In a previous post, we described how we envision cloud-native initiatives reaching the 2.0 phase, where phase 1 was centered around providing clusters and running its underlying infrastructure effectively. Now that teams are starting to move some of their existing services to a microservices architecture, developers and platform engineers are being tasked with implementing the right policies and governance controls to ensure applications are running as securely as possible.

Cryptomining Attacks on Kubeflow: What You Need to Know

Microsoft recently reported two widespread cryptomining attacks targeting Kubeflow, a popular cloud-native platform for machine learning (ML) workloads on Kubernetes. Attackers targeted Kubeflow installations using either the Kubeflow central dashboard interface or Kubeflow Pipelines interface for scheduling crypto-mining workloads.

Complex Messaging Workflows on Demand with VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ 1.1

Three months ago, we launched VMWare Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes to automate high-performance messaging on demand with our cluster Operator.* Since then, customers have approached us with higher-level needs that inspired us to extend and improve Tanzu RabbitMQ. In other words, you’ve spoken, and we’ve listened. And so now, in version 1.1, we go well beyond automating cluster operations to orchestrating complex topologies, adding alerts, and previewing active-passive replication.

How to debug a Kubernetes application

How can you easily debug a Kubernetes application? In this episode of Kubernetes Essentials, we show how you can use the kubectl command line tool to identify and resolve bugs within your application. Watch to learn how you can use this tool to easily debug and gain greater observability over your Kubernetes application!

New Website!

We’re happy to debut our new website, highlighting our newest features! We’ve been busy updating our product UI and decided to showcase some of the work on the site. All of our case studies, whitepapers, and datasheets are now in the Resources page. We’ve also been featured on a variety of news sites, podcasts and blogs. We linked all of them in the “Speedscale in the Media” section.

How D2iQ Fits Into The Broader CNCF Kubernetes Ecosystem

In order to run Kubernetes in production, you need more than just the base Kubernetes, but a variety of other necessary add-on services, such as monitoring, security, disaster recovery, and more. However, navigating the cloud-native ecosystem is complex and rapidly changing, making it difficult to build a robust production platform required to run mission critical business services.

Run the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller Outside of Your Kubernetes Cluster

Run your HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller in External mode to reduce network hops and latency. Traditionally, you would run the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller as a pod inside your Kubernetes cluster. As a pod, it has access to other pods because they share the same pod-level network. That allows it to route and load balance traffic to applications running inside pods, but the challenge is how to connect traffic from outside the cluster to the ingress controller in the first place.

Continuously deploy custom images to an Azure container registry

The Azure container registry is Microsoft’s own hosting platform for Docker images. It is a private registry where you can store and manage private docker container images and other related artifacts. These images can then be pulled and run locally or used for container-based deployments to hosting platforms. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a custom docker image and continuously deploy it to an Azure container registry.

Best Practices for Migrating to Helm v3 for the Enterprise

At JFrog, we rely on Kubernetes and Helm to orchestrate our systems and keep our workloads running and up-to-date. Our JFrog Cloud services had initially been deployed with Helm v2 and Tillerless plugin for enhanced security, but we have now successfully migrated our many thousands of releases to Helm v3. Like many SaaS service providers, JFrog Cloud runs with many Kubernetes clusters in different regions, across different cloud providers.

Make you Developers Happy with Rancher and Shipa

At this point, it’s fair to say that containers and Kubernetes changed the dynamics of infrastructure and platforms. It’s no secret that even though managing Kubernetes clusters is still somewhat complex, in the early days, it was even harder, which is when we saw solutions such as Rancher come up to help us address those challenges. You will inevitably run into cluster-related challenges when adopting Kubernetes.

The Abstracted Mesh: Dealing with Application Complexity

When did our infrastructure get so complicated? For many of my clients, the number of resources their applications are built on seems to have snowballed overnight. It was, of course, a gradual progression, and usually a conscious one, but complexity can feel like it grows geometrically with each new resource element. And that complexity can create problems.

Secure and Up-to-Date Containers with VMware Tanzu Build Service 1.2

Enterprise adoption of containers has surged. According to the 2020 CNCF survey, the number of organizations running in excess of 5,000 containers in production has more than doubled, to 23 percent from 11 percent in 2016. But in a world of rapidly scaling container usage, the container build systems that were designed to work well for individual developers tend to break down.

How Qovery billing works

Let’s see how the Qovery billing is working as we are about launching the v2 in less than two weeks. Since we launched Qovery in January 2020, our product was free of charge for our “community” and “business” plans - even if on the pricing page it was mentioned the opposite. Making Qovery free was the perfect way to get product feedback and iterate with our users without the cost constraint.

Finalist for the Atlanta Fire Award!

Speedscale is one of the finalists of the 2021 Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Fire Award! This award is Atlanta Inno’s premier recognition program, honoring the companies and organizations setting the local Atlanta innovation economy ablaze. Fire Awards, presented by Atlanta Inno in partnership with the Atlanta Business Chronicle, is a celebration of the early-stage businesses, enterprises and innovators who are doing special work to set Atlanta ablaze.

Enterprise CI/CD Best Practices - Part 1

If you are trying to learn your way around Continuous Integration/Delivery/Deployment, you might notice that there are mostly two categories of resources: We believe that there is a gap between those two extremes. We are missing a proper guide that sits between those two categories by talking about best practices, but not in an abstract way.

Threats targeting Kubernetes and Defences

Attackers are continuously evolving their techniques to target Kubernetes. They are actively using Kubernetes and Docker functionality in addition to traditional attack surfaces to compromise, gain required privileges and add a backdoor entry to the clusters. A combination of Kubernetes security and observability tools is required to ensure the cloud infrastructure monitoring and lockdown and to enable DevSecOps teams with the right tools for the job.

Securing Kubernetes workloads at Discover Financial Services

It’s a daunting task starting down the path to securing your workloads running on Kubernetes in the Cloud. There are no shortages of vendors with great tools in the Cloud security space. There is a multitude of domains that must be accounted for, along with internal challenges in bringing an organization along into new ways of thinking. This talk will focus on Discover’s Cloud security journey, with an overview of how the program has evolved over the last 4 years, key capabilities & concepts that have been embraced and challenges faced.

Applying policy as code in the modern cloud-ready enterprise: Graeme Hay, Morgan Stanley

Join us as we look at the advantages, but also the practical challenges, of applying modern, policy-as-code ("PaC") approaches in a modern cloud-ready enterprise. This talk will show how Morgan Stanley is drawing upon years of experience in its own proprietary implementation of PaC in its approach to embracing today's ideas. We will look at a diverse set of considerations from GitOps as a method to applying PaC in modern software development and deployment to enforcement of best practices and compliance in the Cloud.

The Crossroad of Security & Observability in Kubernetes: A Fireside Chat

Security as an afterthought is no longer an option and must be deeply embedded in the design and implementation of the products that will be running in the cloud. It is increasingly more critical for many security teams to be almost, if not equally, knowledgeable of the emerging and rapidly evolving technology. Join Manish Sampat from Tigera, as explores the topic in detail with Stan Lee from Paypal.

Upgrading DevSecOps with compliance automation - Bryan Langston, Mirantis

Compliance automation is a commonly overlooked area of Kubernetes observability. The question is: how do you automate compliance to a security framework that isn’t well understood by DevSecOps teams to begin with? This lack of understanding contributes to mismanaged compliance efforts and in a worst-case scenario, audit exposures and organizational risk. This talk will walk through an example of how to 1) map compliance controls to specific Kubernetes technical configuration 2) automate the assessment of those controls 3) visualize the assessment results. DevSecOps teams will better understand how to incorporate compliance automation alongside security automation.

Building secure and observable Kubernetes platforms for scaled software delivery

"Companies of various sizes are building their applications on Kubernetes because it provides significant operational benefits like autoscaling, self-healing, extensibility, and declarative deployment style. However, the operational benefits are only a starting point down the path of building a secure and observable platform that enables the continuous delivery of application workloads. This session shows how to build a fully operational platform, leveraging platform-oriented building blocks to address network security and observability.

Exploring intrusion detection techniques in cloud native environments - Garwood Pang, Tigera

As more production workloads migrated to the cloud, the need for Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) grew to meet compliance and security needs. With the number of workloads in each cluster, IDS needs to be efficient to not take up the shared resources. Techniques such as packet inspection and web application firewalls provide a solid defense against threats and by leveraging the cluster's network control pane, we are able to selectively choose vulnerable workloads and provide an easy way to trace back to the origin of the attack.

Service Mesh, Observability and Beyond - Sheetal Joshi, AWS

Congratulations! You’re now cloud-native with microservices. No more legacy monoliths. However, troubleshooting takes time, debugging is difficult, and security is scary. How can you scale your organization without losing an understanding of your environment? Services mesh is here to help! It gives you the observability of connected services and is easier to adopt than you might think. Come and learn service mesh concepts, best practices, and key challenges.

Kubernetes Observability & Troubleshooting: Best Practices - Raj Singh, Box

Early adoption of Kubernetes came with its set of challenges for Box, that led to innovative solutions & learnings. In this session, the speaker will take you through some of those solutions around Kubernetes Observability & best practices which will make your Kubernetes journey easier.

Calico/VPP : Unlocking performance & innovation for large scale Kubernetes clusters

Calico/VPP data plane renderer was introduced as Tech Preview in Calico 3.19 for Kubernetes. It leverages the FD.io/VPP userspace data plane which brings great benefits in terms of performance and flexibility for large-scale Kubernetes clusters. Thanks to its fast IPSec & Wireguard implementation, it makes it possible to provide intra-cluster full mesh crypto without compromising performance. Beyond performance, it implements differentiated features like MagLev based load balancing with DSR for k8s services making it a good choice for large-scale applications having strong high availability requirements. This is the first release but moving forward, it will provide support for superfast packet-oriented virtual interfaces as well TCP/UDP/Quic stack to applications having extreme networking performance.

Beyond the network: Next Generation Security and Observability with eBPF - Shaun Crampton, Tigera

Learn how eBPF will bring a richer picture of what's going on in your cluster, without changing your applications. With eBPF we can safely collect information from deep within your applications, wherever they interact with the kernel. For example, collecting detailed socket statistics to root-cause network issues, or pinpointing the precise binary inside a container that made a particular request for your audit trail. This allows for insights into the behavior (and security) of the system that previously would have needed every process to be (manually) instrumented.

Join Us to learn Service Mesh, Observability and Beyond

How can you scale your organization without losing an understanding of your environment? Services mesh is here to help! It gives you the observability of connected services and is easier to adopt than you might think. Come and learn service mesh concepts, best practices, and key challenges.

Introducing the 2021 DZone Trend Report: Containers

Containerization has evolved from the early days of Linux control groups to out-of-the-box solutions offered by cloud providers. Market analysts expect a rise to more than 70% of global organizations using one or more containers by 2023, a huge uptick from less than 20% of them running containers for their applications in 2019.

Ensuring adequate security, observability, & compliance for cloud native applications

Containers, Microservices, and cloud-based applications have revolutionized the way companies build and deliver products globally. This has also changed the attack surface and requires very different security strategies and tools to avoid exposure to sensitive information and other cyber attacks. Regulatory compliance has also evolved making it ever so important for companies to adapt to this new paradigm.

How to rightsize the Kubernetes resource limits

Kubernetes resource limits are always a tricky setting to tweak, since you have to find the sweet spot between having the limits too tight or too loose. In this article, which is a continuation of the Kubernetes capacity planning series, you’ll learn how to set the right Kubernetes resource limits: from detecting the containers without any limit, to finding the right Kubernetes resource limits you should set in your cluster.

How to get started with Mattermost on Kubernetes in just a few minutes

Since it first appeared in June 2014, Kubernetes has become something of a household name, at least in houses developers live in. The open source container orchestration platform makes challenges like load balancing, secret management, and portability a cinch and makes it easy to orchestrate large, highly scalable and distributed systems.

Enabling You to Get the Best from AWS: Introducing the New Calico AWS Expert Certification

Calico is the industry standard for Kubernetes networking and security. It offers a proven platform for your workloads across a huge range of environments, including cloud, hybrid, and on-premises. Given this incredibly wide support, why did we decide to create a course specifically about AWS?

Autoscaling AppOptics With Apache Deployed in K8s Pods

Introduction Since its introduction in 2014, Kubernetes has become the de-facto standard for deploying and scaling containers for cloud deployments and on-premises environments. Initially, it required a DevOps/SRE team to build, deploy, and maintain the Kubernetes deployment in the cloud. Now, all major cloud vendors provide a managed Kubernetes offering, freeing up teams to focus on managing and scaling the application instead of the infrastructure.

How to configure Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes with SAML and hot-warm-cold architecture

Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) is an easy way to get the Elastic Stack up and running on top of Kubernetes. That’s because ECK automates the deployment, provisioning, management, and setup of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and more. As logging and metric data — or time series data — has a predictable lifespan, you can use hot, warm, and cold architecture to easily manage your data over time as it ages and becomes less relevant.

VMware Tanzu Mission Control Expands Data Protection Capabilities

Last year, VMware Tanzu Mission Control introduced data protection capabilities to help enterprises safely and confidently run critical workloads on Kubernetes. With this unique feature, enterprises can centrally manage data protection on their clusters across multiple environments, easily backing up and restoring their Kubernetes clusters and namespaces.

Seeing Civo featured by Forbes makes all the hard work worthwhile!

Yesterday, my morning started much like most Tuesday mornings do for me... my kids (6 and 4) were up way too early again at around 6am! Both were demanding I play with them before they head to school. I did my usual and said "give me five minutes" as I tried to wake up after another night of going to sleep after midnight... one day I should really learn to go to bed earlier, now that I have kids! But this morning was different. I started to wake from my dazed state and reached for my phone.

Automated Falco rule tuning

We recently released the automated Falco rule tuning feature in Sysdig Secure. Out-of-the-box security rules are a double-edged sword. On one side, they allow you to get started right away. On the other, it can take many working hours to learn the technology, configuration, and syntax to be able to customize the rules to fit your applications. Falco’s default security rules are no different.

CVE-2021-31440: Kubernetes container escape using eBPF

In a recent post by ZDI, researchers found an out-of-bounds access flaw (CVE-2021-31440) in the Linux kernel’s (5.11.15) implementation of the eBPF code verifier: an incorrect register bounds calculation occurs while checking unsigned 32-bit instructions in an eBPF program. The flaw can be leveraged to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code in the context of the kernel.

Tanzu Talk: How Kubernetes Helps Businesses, results from the State of Kubernetes 2021 survey

Coté goes over his highlights for the 2021 State of Kubernetes survey: rising production use, the benefits and business capabilities people are getting, hurdles for developers and operations, and the rising use in kubernetes distros.

Discovering Kubernetes-Ready Solutions for Cloud Native Applications

The way we architect and build applications has changed over the last decade or so. Where monoliths (or single, large codebases) used to be the standard, modern applications are now built using a combination of new architecture patterns, operational models, and software delivery services.

Using Rancher And Shipa To Manage Multiple Clusters And Applications

What would be the easiest way to create and manage multiple clusters, potentially spread across different regions and providers? Can we combine that with an easy way for developers to manage their applications across those clusters? A combination of Rancher and Shipa might provide the simplicity we are looking for.

Reap the Combined Benefits of Kubernetes and the Public Cloud with DKP

In a relatively short amount of time, Kubernetes has evolved from an internal container orchestration tool at Google to the most important cloud-native technology across the world. Its rise in popularity has made Kubernetes the preferred way to build new software experiences and modernize existing applications at scale and across clouds. With Kubernetes, companies can host workloads running on a single cloud, as well as workloads across multiple clouds.

How to Optimize Docker Performance

Docker containers have revolutionized the cloud industry. While Docker containers already present remarkable benefits and plus-points over other virtualization methods, there are significant performance gains that developers can further squeeze out of Docker to get the most out of the technology. This guide will cover different methods of optimizing Docker performance and answer some frequently asked questions about the technology.

GitLab 2021 DevSecOps Survey Key Findings

For the last several years, GitLab has run a major survey about the trends facing the DevSecOps community. This year over 4,000 people responded to the survey, 40% who identified as a Software Developer / Software Engineer. Also about half the survey participants are based in Asia, a major region for Software Developers. One of the biggest trends you will find throughout the survey is how much developers value speed and efficiency.

Serverless Vs. Containers: Which One Should You Use?

Containers and serverless computing are two of the most popular methods for deploying applications. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. To choose the one that’s right for your business, you need to understand the pros and cons of managing your own containers versus using serverless services.

7 Reasons Why Your Internal Developer Platform will Fail

In a previous post, we discussed the rise of the developer platform and how developer productivity is one of the main reasons why many organizations are either looking for or building an internal developer platform (IDP). According to a recent global survey done by Stripe, on a scale of 0 – 100%, developers responded that only 68.4% of their time is productive, which means that developers could be nearly 50% more productive than today: (100% — 68.4%) / 68.4% = 46%