Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

December 2021

REST API Observability for Python

In this blog post we’ll help answer the age old question, “What does this service talk to and what does it say?” We’ll see how to inspect inbound and outbound REST API calls to see what calls are being made and what incoming traffic causes a reaction. This can be pretty handy when you’re taking over maintenance of an existing service, or if your code just isn’t behaving the way you expect.

Ask Miss O11y, Holiday Edition

Ooh, good question! My favorite thing about this part of the year is that work slows down, everybody is on vacation, and those of us not traveling get to work on little projects that we’re too busy to touch most of the year. As Martin Thwaites put it: “The Product Owners are away, the devs will play.” For Martin, this year, “play” means adding tracing to more of their services.

Grafana EMEA meetup recap: shift left observability, AI and load testing, monitoring plants, and more

On Dec. 8, we gathered the Grafana EMEA community for another dynamic meetup. Experts from the Grafana Labs and k6 teams alongside observability pros from different organizations covered topics ranging from shift left observability practices to monitoring your green thumb at home with Grafana. In case you missed the virtual get together, here’s a recap of each talk along with the session videos.

Quarterly Product Update: Better Traces, CONCURRENCY, and RATE

At Honeycomb Developer Week, I got an opportunity to walk through a couple of fun new features we’ve shipped since August and ways that we’ve been able to improve Honeycomb for you. Hearing feedback from our users and customers— through support requests, in the Pollinators community, from Twitter, etc.—helps us make Honeycomb better for you.

ICYMI: Honeycomb Developer Week Wrap-Up

Getting started with observability can be time consuming. It takes time to configure your apps and practice to change the way you approach troubleshooting. So it can be hard to prioritize investing time, especially if you can’t clearly see how that investment will pay off. That’s why we put together Honeycomb Developer Week: short, snackable, time-efficient learning sessions to jumpstart your observability journey.

What is the Purpose of Observability? In a Word, Innovation

Asking an IT engineer or SRE to define the purpose of observability is kind of like asking someone to explain the purpose of life: There are lots of different opinions out there, and no way of proving any of them right or wrong. You could argue that observability is just a buzzword that refers to what used to be called monitoring.

Introducing the Sensu pipeline resource

Sensu’s observability pipeline includes resources for collecting, filtering, transforming, and processing observability data: checks, event filters, mutators, and handlers. These resources and Sensu’s observability pipeline concept are well seasoned and widely used at thousands of companies. However, configuration can be somewhat unintuitive, especially for new users.

Building Observability in Your CircleCI Deploy

With Liz Fong Jones, Principal Developer Advocate at Honeycomb and Ryan Pedersen, Senior Solutions Engineer at CircleCI In this talk, you’ll learn how Honeycomb keeps its CircleCI workflow duration at about 10 minutes per build through parallelizing build steps, using native container builders per architecture, and tracing execution of the build to know where to optimize.

Graph Observability: Honeycomb and Apollo GraphQL With OpenTelemetry

With David Pickavance, Senior Sales Engineer at Apollo GraphQL Learn how to use Honeycomb, Apollo Studio, and Open Telemetry to optimize GraphQL performance for a federated graph. See how to debug a federated GraphQL query across subgraphs and down to the database layer using Honeycomb.

The 2022 State of Observability Report

Interest in observability is at an all-time high. When we attended KubeCon in Los Angeles in October, observability and security were everywhere—in conversations with attendees and other vendors, during sessions, and in messaging at booths—indicating that there’s still an unmet need. In fact, Gartner declared that observability is at the ‘peak of inflated expectations' in a recent Hype Cycle report.

Metric Correlations using unlimited data for monitoring and observability

Correlate your monitoring metrics to make even better decisions about how to handle incidents in your infrastructure using our Metric Correlations. You can now select an unlimited amount of time to troubleshoot all of your monitoring metrics. Netdata’s free, open-source monitoring agent works with Netdata Cloud to help you monitor and troubleshoot every layer of your systems to find weaknesses before they turn into outages.

HoneyByte: Using Application Metrics With Prometheus Clients

Have you ever deep dived into the sea of your tracing data, but wanted additional context around your underlying system? For instance, it may be easy to see when/where certain users are experiencing latency, but what if you needed to know what garbage collection is mucking up the place or which allocated memory is taking a beating? Imagine having a complete visual on how an application is performing when you need it, without having to manually dig through logs and multiple UI screens.

Enabling the Self Driving Cloud with Splunk Observability Cloud and GKE Autopilot

In 2021, any time that you access any kind of web service, whether it be via a website or app, chances are high that the backend is running on Kubernetes. Hundreds of thousands of organizations rely on Kubernetes to power and manage their mission critical services every day, and the reliability and scalability benefits offered by Kubernetes have been felt across the industry.

Observability Vs Monitoring: Key Differences You should know

In the computing world, Observability and Monitoring has got an important place. The recent days have witnessed a great use of these terms in the IT infrastructure and among the developers, as observability and monitoring have been extremely effective in tracking the events. Both systems are intertwined to each other, but there is a small line of separation among the two. What? Why? What's the difference? These are the questions that has to be answered. Let's figure out the reasons here.

Elastic Observability Keynote: Unified, Actionable, Frictionless

Elastic Observability makes it easier for organizations to store, search, and analyze any type of data, from any source, to keep systems running (and customers happy). And with our most recent release, we’ve continued to make this even faster and simpler, from automated root cause analysis to centralized agent management with Elastic Agent. Join the keynote to learn what’s on the Elastic Observability roadmap and how upcoming innovations will continue to break down barriers for users with frictionless onboarding, integrated workflows, and actionable observability with AIOps.

Microservice Choreography and Triaging Errors with Elastic Observability and the Elastic Stack

Brolly is Australia’s leading social media archiving service, comprising dozens of microservices deployed to Kubernetes. Learn how Brolly leverages the Elastic Stack to collect pod and infrastructure logs, keep track of failures in the data pipeline, and identify and recover from errors. Speakers: Salman Ahmed, Solutions Architect, Brolly Omid Mirzaei, Software Engineer, Brolly

Atlassian: Accelerating Observability in the Data Age

Atlassian, a leading provider of team collaboration and productivity software, aims to merge the analytics and observability space to deliver consistent, reliable experiences to customers. See how Atlassian manages its DevOps environment to drive business transformation. Colby Funnell, Head of Observability, also shares the company’s vision for OpenTelemetry.

What is eBPF and Why is it Important for Observability?

Observability is one of the most popular topics in technology at the moment, and that isn’t showing any sign of changing soon. Agentless log collection, automated analysis, and machine learning insights are all features and tools that organizations are investigating to optimize their systems’ observability. However, there is a new kid on the block that has been gaining traction at conferences and online: the Extended Berkeley Packet Filter, or eBPF. So, what is eBPF?

Why you Need WiFi Observability in the Era of Work From Anywhere

“Work from anywhere” is now a common occurrence. With so many companies now dependent on a distributed workforce, IT teams need to be able to quickly diagnose and troubleshoot WiFi problems. Moreover, they, themselves, are often working remotely. In order to successfully do their jobs, consistent WiFi is obviously essential for remote workers.

How Sentry Fed the Code Observability Revolution at Shift

What happens when you have to evolve a monolithic application into a microservices architecture in order to scale a doubling Engineering staff while meeting the expectations of a growing business? Join Aaron Chu, Senior Director of Technical Operations and Karan Gupta, CTO at Shift, a modern tech company disrupting the used car industry, as they share Shift’s journey to define their Observability culture. They’ll walk through how Shift uses Sentry to ensure accountability and empower engineers to improve overall outcomes.

Tracing makes a bug easy to spot

Today, I found a bug before I noticed it. Like, it was subtle, and so I wasn’t quite sure I saw it—maybe I hadn’t hit refresh yet? Later, I looked at the trace of my function and, boom, there was a clear bug. Here’s the function with the bug. It responds to a request to /win by saving a record of the win and returning the total of my winnings so far. Can you spot the problem in the TypeScript? It’s subtle. Now here’s a trace in Honeycomb: Now do you see the bug?

Elastic Observability 7.16: Ad hoc analytics and CI/CD pipeline visibility

Elastic Observability 7.16 introduces curated data exploration views for ad hoc analysis and further extends visibility into complex and distributed systems with the general availability (GA) of dozens of prebuilt Elastic Agent data integrations, observability tooling for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and a new native data source integration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) FireLens. These new features allow customers to.

4 Steps to Making Observability Real for Your Team

Without unified observability, it’s stressful not having complete visibility into your application. Plus, it contributes to risky deployments. Yet we hear that many developers have poor visibility into what powers production code. Without transparency into their apps, developers cannot see: You can try navigating tickets, permissions, and dashboards that don’t tell the right story, but there are ways to solve this problem.

Why observability is the way to go w/ Georg Höllebauer (APA-Tech) | The StackPod EP #2

Welcome to the second episode of the StackPod! For the second episode, we invited Georg Höllebauer. Georg is an enterprise metrics architect at APA-Tech. APA-Tech is responsible for all IT services within the Austrian Press Agency - Austria's national and largest press agency - and other customers.
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Observability for Microsoft Teams; How, What, and Why?

As one of the leading enterprise collaboration software globally, Microsoft Teams helps remote workers come together and stay productive. But while IT already has tools to monitor Teams call quality metrics, the pandemic shifted the organizational landscape with all of us working remotely from home. Or at least work in a hybrid way! So what does that mean for Teams monitoring now? The shift necessitates a newer Microsoft Teams monitoring strategy approach that combines synthetics with real user monitoring (RUM) to get a complete seamless digital experience.