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May 2021

Argo Rollouts, the Kubernetes Progressive Delivery Controller, Reaches 1.0 Milestone

Argo Rollouts, part of the Argo project, recently released their 1.0 version. You can see the changelog and more details on the Github release page. If you are not familiar with Argo Rollouts, it is a Kubernetes Controller that deploys applications on your cluster. It replaces the default rolling-update strategy of Kubernetes with more advanced deployment methods such as blue/green and canary deployments.

Grafana Loki: Open Source Log Aggregation Inspired by Prometheus

Logging solutions are a must-have for any company with software systems. They are necessary to monitor your software solution’s health, prevent issues before they happen, and troubleshoot existing problems. The market has many solutions which all focus on different aspects of the logging problem. These solutions include both open source and proprietary software and tools built into cloud provider platforms, and give a variety of different features to meet your specific needs.

Is "Vendor-Owned" Open Source an Oxymoron?

Open source is eating the world. Companies have realized and embraced that, and ever more companies today are built around a successful open source project. But there’s also a disturbing counter-movement: vendors relicensing popular open source projects to restrict usage. Last week it was Grafana Labs which announced relicensing Grafana, Loki and Tempo, its popular open source monitoring tools, from Apache2.0 to the more restrictive GNU AGPLv3 license.