Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2022

Serverless observability with OpenTelemetry and AWS Lambda

Nowadays, microservice architecture is a pattern that helps to innovate quicker by enabling easier scalability, giving language flexibility, improving fault isolation, etc. Systems built this way also bring some downsides. Moving parts, concurrent invocations, and different retries policies can make operating and troubleshooting such systems challenging. Without proper tools, correlating logs with metrics may be difficult. To overcome these challenges, you need observability.

Business Activity Monitoring - Achieving end-to-end tracking on business process flow

Serverless360 is a Cloud management platform engineered for Microsoft Azure that brings enterprise-grade monitoring, tracing, remediation & governance under one roof. Everything you need to empower your Azure operations teams with more meaningful features and deliver effortless support. Achieve end-to-end tracking on business process flow across Azure resources and hybrid integrations. Get visibility on the integration solution that the functional operations teams need. Improve operational efficiency with a unified view of business transactions.

Business Applications - Unified Observability for seamless Azure operations

Serverless360 is a cloud management platform engineered for Microsoft Azure that brings enterprise-grade monitoring, tracing, remediation & governance under one roof. Everything you need to empower your Azure operations teams with more meaningful features and deliver effortless support. Visualize your Business Applications, spot any issues, fix them, Take advantage of Serverless360 to improve the overall operational efficiency of your Azure Team!

Azure Documenter - Autogenerate documentation to turn live Azure Subscriptions data into insights

Serverless360 is a Cloud management platform engineered for Microsoft Azure that brings enterprise-grade monitoring, tracing, remediation & governance under one roof. Everything you need to empower your Azure operations teams with more meaningful features and deliver effortless support. With the Azure Documenter feature, Microsoft Azure Subscription is made readable to derive deeper insights. Autogenerate documents in minutes and share with only targeted individuals without putting security at risk.

Monitor your AWS Lambda functions' ephemeral storage usage

AWS Lambda is AWS’s solution for highly portable, serverless computing. With Lambda functions, you can deploy and run business logic code without managing the underlying servers. Today, AWS announced that Lambda customers can now provision up to 10 GB of ephemeral storage for each of their functions, making them well-suited for new, data-intensive workloads—including machine learning inference, large media file processing, financial analysis, and more.

Welcome to 10GB of tmp storage with Lambda

Every Lambda function comes with 512MB of ephemeral storage in the shape of a /tmp directory. This storage space can be reused across multiple invocations for the same instance of a Lambda function. Each instance of a function has its own /tmp directory and data is not shared amongst different instances of a function.

Shift Left Reliability Meetup March -Reliability patterns for serverless applications

Serverless technologies offer a great foundation for building resilient applications that can withstand much turbulence in the production environment. For instance, AWS Lambda automatically deploys your code to three availability zones and replaces faulty virtual machines on the fly. Despite this, there are still many other types of failures that can still affect our application. Perhaps there is an outage with a third-party service we depend on, or maybe a sudden surge in throughput has pushed us over the throughput limit and caused some user requests to be throttled.

What Are the Differences Between Elastic Beanstalk, EKS, ECS, EC2, Lambda, and Fargate?

Life before containerization was a sore spot for developers. The satisfaction of writing code was constantly overshadowed by the frustration of attempting to force code into production. For many, deployments meant hours of reconfiguring libraries and dependencies for each environment. It was a tedious process prone to error, and it led to a lot of rework. Today, developers can deploy code using new technology such as cloud computing, containers, and container orchestration.

Logic App Best practices, Tips and Tricks: #7 Learn from failures

Welcome once again to another Logic App Best practices, Tips, and Tricks. In my previous blog posts, I talked about some of the most essential best practices you should have while working with the Azure Logic App: And some tips and tricks: Today I’m going to speak about another critical Best practice, Tips, and Tricks that is often overlooked: learning from failures.

Decoding the robust Azure architectures with fail-proof monitoring

Have you just begun your cloud journey to Azure by moving away from on-prem? If so, it’s always better to opt for the right set of patterns and strategies for developing and monitoring your applications on the Azure cloud. In this webinar, Tord Glad Nordahl, Microsoft Azure MVP, exclusively exposed the secret sauce for building and monitoring innovative cloud-native applications. Major topics covered,

Logic App Best practices, Tips and Tricks: #6 Error handling... configure run after settings

In my previous blog posts, I talked about some of the most essential best practices you should have while working with the Azure Logic App: And some tips and tricks: Today I’m going to speak about another critical Best practice, Tips, and Tricks: implementing Error handling inside Logic Apps.

Unified Serverless Observability With OpenTelemetry and StackState v4.6

StackState has always believed in the importance of open source and open standards, and we’ve demonstrated our commitment through ongoing support of open technologies. From the beginning, StackState supported StatsD and OpenMetrics. Even our agent is open source, designed to help organizations easily onboard our platform and to give them an extensible open way to observe their services. StackState is now proud to announce our next big open source step.

Logic App Best practices, Tips and Tricks: #5 Delete comments

Are you surprised? Are you under where are the first four tips? I start this series of blog posts on my blog, and you can see and read the previous Best practices, Tips, and Tricks here: And I will be sharing some of them here and others on my blog. So stay tuned for both blogs. Of course, the most recurring task is adding comments to our triggers and actions, but it is always good to know you to delete them. Some of you may be thinking that is a trivial task, simple like adding a comment.

Real-time distributed tracing for .NET Lambda functions

In 2020 we released distributed tracing for AWS Lambda functions written in Python, Node.js, and Ruby, providing you with health and performance insights across your serverless applications. Since then, we’ve expanded our support to additional Lambda runtimes such as Java and Go, and are pleased to announce that real-time distributed tracing is now also available for.NET Lambda functions.

Running Serverless Applications on Kubernetes with Knative

Kubernetes provides a set of primitives to run resilient, distributed applications. It takes care of scaling and automatic failover for your application and it provides deployment patterns and APIs that allow you to automate resource management and provision new workloads.

Serverless Architecture: Pros, Cons, and Examples

Serverless Computing, or simply serverless, is a hot topic in the current software market. More and more companies are shifting their operations from traditional server-oriented architecture to faster, more modular serverless architecture. The “Big Three” cloud vendors (AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure) have shown immense interest in offering the best serverless experience possible. But what exactly is serverless? And how does it work if there is no server at all?

Enhanced monitoring for your Azure Logic App

Implementing a business process can be challenging because you typically need to make various services work together. Think about everything your company uses to store and process data. How do you integrate all these products? Azure Logic Apps gives you pre-built components to connect to hundreds of services. You use a graphical design tool to put the pieces together in any combination you need, and Logic Apps will run your process automatically in the cloud.

What Is Serverless Architecture? + Pros and Cons

Serverless architecture is a bit of a misnomer. The term itself implies your applications aren’t running on any servers, which isn’t the case. Serverless architecture means a cloud provider—such as Google, Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Microsoft Azure—provides and owns the back-end infrastructure, which has its own pros and cons. Serverless architecture is sometimes also referred to as function as a service (FaaS) or serverless computing.

The Hidden Magic Of Extensions

As serverless architectures start to grow, finding the right troubleshooting approach becomes a business-critical aspect. This talk will dive into "the instrumentation approach" - keep track of internal events on the lambda and export processed telemetry data. We should handle legacy code, multiple code owners, and a massive stack of serverless technologies as with any real-life project. Our goal is to write as least code as possible, avoid any existing code changes, be cross-runtime, and leave no latency impact.

Serverless in production, lessons learned after 5 years

Serverless has changed the way we build software for the better. But it’s also a paradigm shift that challenges many of our pre-existing practices and habits, like how we test our code and how we monitor their health. In this session, Yan Cui will share many of the lessons he has learned from running serverless in production over the last five years. Including tips on testing, observability, and how to keep your AWS cost in check.

Serverless Heroes Discuss The Latest Trends in Serverless Development

***Please note that the audio turns on at the 45 second mark*** How Lumigo Monitors Its Production Monitoring your production is challenging. Lumigo processes more than 1.5B Lambda invocations per month and digests 25TB of data monthly. Many things can go wrong. In this session, I will explain how Lumigo operates its production from tools to processes.