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Kubernetes Logging | Set Up K8s Log Monitoring with OpenTelemetry

Kubernetes is a powerful orchestration tool for managing containers, but it comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest hurdles is effectively logging what's happening in your system. As your applications grow and spread across clusters, keeping track of their behavior becomes crucial. In this article, we will discuss logging in Kubernetes, common Kubernetes log types, and how logs can be effectively tracked and managed.

The Journey to 100x-ing Control Plane Scale for Cribl Edge

At Cribl, we value the simplest and quickest path to shipping new things. This is especially true with shipping new products. We took this approach with Cribl Edge, so we could get it into the hands of existing and potential customers as soon as possible to learn more about their needs and requirements. In order to ship a high-quality Edge product quickly, we based all of the systems for management and data streaming directly on the existing, battle-tested systems we built for Stream.

Elastic's RAG-based AI Assistant: Analyze application issues with LLMs and private GitHub issues

As an SRE, analyzing applications is more complex than ever. Not only do you have to ensure the application is running optimally to ensure great customer experiences, but you must also understand the inner workings in some cases to help troubleshoot. Analyzing issues in a production-based service is a team sport. It takes the SRE, DevOps, development, and support to get to the root cause and potentially remediate. If it's impacting, then it's even worse because there is a race against time.

What's New With Mezmo: Real-Time Alerting

Here at Mezmo, we see the purpose of a telemetry pipeline is to help ingest, profile, transform, and route data to control costs and drive actionability. There are many ways to do that as we’ve previously discussed in our blogs, but today I’m going to talk about real-time alerting on data in motion, yes - on streaming data, before it reaches its destination.

Monitoring vs Observability: What is Reality?

Before we start, I have a confession: I absolutely love Digg (people are still Digging things, right?) errr...Reddit. It actually is my front page to the internet, where I research upgrades for my home lab/VR/other niche hobbies, watch silly videos, ingest low-effort memes, judge if people are ‘AHs’ or not on /r/amitheasshole, and occasionally talk trash to other Redditors about my Michigan-based sports teams.

Kubectl Logs Tail | How to Tail Kubernetes Logs

The kubectl logs tail command is a tool that allows users to stream the logs of a pod in real-time while using Kubernetes. This command is particularly useful for debugging and monitoring applications, as it enables users to view log output as it is generated and quickly identify any issues or problems with their application. In this article, we will see how to use the kubectl logs tail command to stream logs, the benefits of using the command, and an advanced tool for streaming logs.

Scaling in the Cloud with Cribl's Universal Receiver

Scaling cloud services is a critical task for Site Reliability Engineers, and it’s a challenging one. As organizations grow, the amount of data and the number of users of it grow like crazy, pushing traditional data management methods to their limits. SREs not only have to keep everything running, they’ve got to make sure it runs smoothly, efficiently, and swiftly.

A New Era of Cloud Security with Cribl and Wiz

Cribl is an integrations company at heart. We want to help every company develop a data strategy that gives them more control, improves security, and provides flexibility to adapt to their ever-changing data needs. Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we are a Certified Wiz Integration (WIN) Partner to help customers take their cloud security game to the next level.

Announcement: New Integration With Panther Labs SIEM

Observo.ai is excited to share that we now integrate with Panther Labs, a modern SIEM built for the cloud. This enables Panther users to leverage Observo.ai’s powerful telemetry data pipeline features. Observo.ai was created to help Security and DevOps teams solve their biggest telemetry problems. Using Artificial Intelligence, Observo.ai optimizes and transforms data from any source and routes it to the destinations where it has the most value.