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APAC Retrospective, Part 2: Mobilise: From Signal to Action

Continuing our series on 2023 learnings from APAC, it’s increasingly evident that incidents in organisations are not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when,’ regardless of their size or industry. Recently, the APAC region has been witnessing regulatory bodies taking stricter actions against major companies for subpar services, leading to substantial penalties.

Practitioners Share How They Remove the Fear of On-Call

Being on-call isn’t likely to be the most enjoyable aspect of a job. In fact, there might be a certain level of stress and fear around engineering teams about going on call: maybe the page will be missed, or maybe a page will come in at 2am and require troubleshooting a production issue for hours.

APAC Retrospective: Learnings from a Year of Tech Turbulence

Throughout 2023, one thing has become abundantly clear: regardless of an organization’s size or industry, incidents are inevitable. Recently across the APAC region, we’ve seen numerous regulatory bodies clamp down on large companies who are failing to provide acceptable service, with some handing out quite severe penalties. For many, the cost of an incident is no longer just lost revenue and customer trust, but financial penalties and business restrictions.

Build Operational Resilience with Generative AI and Automation

For modern enterprises aiming to innovate faster, gain efficiency, and mitigate the risk of failure, operational resilience has become a key competitive differentiator. But growing complexity, noisy systems, and siloed infrastructure have created fragility in today’s IT operations, making the task of building resilient operations increasingly challenging.

From Chaos to Actionable Insights with PagerDuty Integrations and Automation

It’s 2023. In today’s world, every company and individual, regardless of their industry, relies on software to increase productivity. Our users expect our technology to be available and reliable at all times. If your software serves businesses within a single country during regular working hours, they expect it to be available throughout that time. Easy, right?

7 Habits of Successful Generative AI Adopters

Generative AI is forecasted to have a massive impact on the economy. These headlines are driving software teams to rapidly consider how they can incorporate generative AI into their software, or risk falling behind in a sea-change of disruption. But in the froth of a disruptive technology, there’s also high risk of wasted investment and lost customer trust.

PagerDuty and Jeli Together Will Transform Incident Management

Today is an important day for us at PagerDuty, and for the larger ecosystem of incident management. We’ve signed a definitive agreement to acquire Jeli, a standout player in the incident management space. This deal represents a strategic alignment of visions, technologies and goals that will have a lasting impact on the industry and our customers.

Set Responders Up for Success with New User Onboarding

Effective incident response plays a critical role in maintaining smooth operations at organizations of all sizes. When built up correctly, operational resilience–that ability to bounce back quickly after failure–can act as a shield that guards your customer experience, ensuring that even when incidents inevitably happen, you’re back online in no time.