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Adapting to change: Mitigating AWS's policy against selling discounted RIs on the Marketplace

In late 2023, AWS began informing customers that as of January 15, 2024, they would start enforcing their existing policy of not allowing discounted RIs to be sold on the RI Marketplace, according to AWS Service Terms 5.6.1.: “You may not resell an EC2 Reserved Instance that you purchased through a discount program.” This policy has been in place since at least 2014; however, AWS rarely enforced it.

Building The Plane: Reflections On A Successful Year One At CloudZero

Startup veterans will recognize the opportunity presented by an early-stage company: You not only get to run your organization, you get to define how it runs. All the pieces may not be in place by the time you arrive, and the heart of the job becomes building the organization — the plane — while you run it.

Monitoring Your Cloud Environments and Applications with InfluxDB

If you run your business on the cloud, you want to maximize what you’re getting for your money and ensure your cloud applications perform up to expectations. To do this, you will need a solid cloud monitoring strategy. This post covers different types of cloud monitoring, their benefits, and some best practices to set you on the right track.

Auto-generate documents on your Azure App registration details

Azure App Registration plays a crucial role in securing and managing the applications in your Azure environment enabling secure interaction with various Azure services. Given the importance of Azure App registration in authentication and security, this blog will provide a way to document its details and manage it effortlessly.

Azure Budget Monitoring - A Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to managing costs in the Azure cloud, it is essential to have a reliable system that can help you keep track of your spending and alert you when you are getting close to exceeding your budget. This is where Turbo360’s Budgets monitoring feature comes in. The Budgets monitoring feature in Turbo360 is designed specifically for Azure cost monitoring.
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Top Security Data Types: Exploring the OCSF Framework

In cybersecurity, it's a big challenge to handle diverse data formats across various platforms. The Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) aims to address this by standardizing data security formats and simplifying the process of threat hunting. Major players like IBM, AWS and others are working together to standardize data with this open-source project, emphasizing its importance.

Webinar Recap: Unleash the Full Potential of Your Time Series Data with InfluxDB and AWS

Recently, TechCrunch hosted a webinar titled, “Unleash the Full Potential of Your Time Series Data,” featuring a discussion with InfluxData Founder and CTO, Paul Dix, and AWS General Manager for Timestream and Neptune, Brad Bebee, moderated by InfluxData staff engineer, Andrew Lamb.

Snowflake Vs. Redshift: Everything You Need To Know In 2024

Whether you’re a data-driven, data-informed, or data-backed organization, your data remains your most crucial business intelligence resource. All the data you collect for later analysis needs to be stored in a secure location as well. Cloud-based data warehouses offer superior performance, flexibility, and cost benefits.

Harnessing Technology: Streamlining Operations for Small Business Owners

The current economic climate is making it harder than ever for small businesses to not only remain profitable but also sustainable in the long term. But thankfully, there have been a number of recent technological advances that have started to give them a fighting chance. These advances enable them to streamline the efficiency of their operation in cost-effective ways, which give them a competitive edge they haven't previously been able to enjoy.