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Flutter Debugging: Top Tips and Tools You Need to Know

Modern applications are complex inter-connected collections of services and moving parts that all have the potential to fail or not work as expected. Flutter and the language it’s built upon, Dart, are designed for event-driven, concurrent, and, most crucially, performant apps. It’s important for any developer using them to have a decent selection of debug tools.

Understanding OpenTelemetry Spans in Detail

Debugging errors in distributed systems can be a challenging task, as it involves tracing the flow of operations across numerous microservices. This complexity often leads to difficulties in pinpointing the root cause of performance issues or errors. OpenTelemetry provides instrumentation libraries in most programming languages for tracing.

A Simple Scheduler via an Interrupt-driven Actor Model

Using an RTOS is often a tradeoff between the ease of decomposing tasks, with the complexity of the scheduler itself. There exists a middle ground between highly complex systems that may require an RTOS, and simpler ones that can be easily modeled using a super loop.Since ARM is the most popular embedded CPU and almost every ARM processor has a hardware scheduler, it would be interesting to make a compact framework utilizing these features.

Integrating Memfault With AWS IoT Core and ExpressLink

In the dynamic realm of embedded systems, the right combination of hardware and software components can transform the development process and empower engineers to build robust and efficient solutions. This article explores a streamlined device-to-cloud embedded design utilizing the STM32G0 Nucleo board from STMicroelectronics, an AWS IoT ExpressLink module from Espressif, AWS IoT Core for secure MQTT communication, and Memfault for remote debugging.

Securing Firmware Updates With AES Encryption

Connected devices require a secure point-to-point channel to ensure that there is no possibility of exposing important data for the integrity of an embedded system. This is especially true when we talk about over-the-air (OTA) software updates, where the new firmware has a long way to go before reaching its destination and being installed by our bootloader. In this publication, we will explore a simple method to encrypt the firmware using the AES algorithm, using open-source libraries in Python.

DGTTG short - The Spindlewhorl Enigma of Serverless Debugging

Embark on an astral journey through 'The Spindlewhorl Enigma of Serverless Debugging' with our Debuggers Guide to the Galaxy livestream. Unravel cosmic code mysteries and venture where no debugger has gone before! By the light of the Guide and the glow of the trace, the stars and deployed apps shall reveal their secrets. To infinity, and beyond bugs! Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any new livestreams and observability content!

Debuggers Guide to the Galaxy - Pilot Episode

Grab your digital towel and embark on an intergalactic coding adventure with 'The Debuggers Guide to the Galaxy,' hosted by the serverless sage Yan Cui and the code-wielding DeveloperSteve. In a universe where devops are as perplexing as Vogon poetry and deployment seems guided by Infinite Improbability Drives, our hosts will guide you through the cosmic chaos. With introductions that defy normal spacetime and a #Dart container #debugging session that's almost, but not quite, entirely out of this world.