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How to Monitor Your Windows Infrastructure

Nowadays many organizations still rely on classic Windows servers and virtual machines (VMs) for their business applications. Although Kubernetes is a trending topic, not everything running in the cloud is a container-based application. When it comes to monitoring Windows applications and infrastructure, many businesses leverage OSS Prometheus to get Windows metrics via its Prometheus Windows Exporter.

Patch Windows Common Log File System Driver Vulnerability (CVE-2023-23376)

As the digital world becomes more interconnected, cyber threats evolve and become more sophisticated, putting businesses and individuals at risk. On February 14, 2023, Microsoft announced a critical vulnerability in the Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) driver, known as CVE-2023-23376. This vulnerability allows attackers to elevate privileges and gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, potentially resulting in severe consequences for affected systems.

How to deploy the Datadog Agent on Windows with Ansible

When your organization relies on hundreds or thousands of hosts, it can be difficult to ensure that each is equipped with the proper tools and configurations. Configuration management tools like Ansible are designed to help you automatically deploy, manage, and configure hosts across your on-prem and cloud infrastructure. In this post, we’ll show you how to use Ansible to automate the installation of the Datadog Agent on a dynamic inventory of Windows hosts.

Windows 7 end of life: The end of an era

The end is finally here! After over a decade of being the most chosen Windows version, Windows 7 has reached its end of life. While the OS’s Extended Support ended on Jan. 14, 2020, the Extended Security Updates (ESUs) reached their end of life on Jan. 10, 2023. As we bid farewell to this successor of Windows Vista, and by far one of the most user-friendly OSs, let us take a deep dive into what Windows 7 end of life entails.

How to keep Windows up to date using Nexthink

Windows updates are important for device health, performance, and security patches. Yet no update happens without issues. Sometimes, Windows fails to update on some devices within your ecosystem. When a windows update does not happen, devices miss critical patches and updates, which can ultimately lead to performance issues down the line. Hence, it’s always recommended to perform a windows update in a timely manner.

Windows Server Monitoring Improvements

Monitor your Windows server and applications running on it with Netdata - simple, powerful and free. Hey Netdata community, We have some exciting news for you: we’re launching our new and updated Windows collectors with the goal of making the Windows monitoring experience as seamless as possible 🎉 We know that Windows monitoring has been a long time ask from many of you, and we’ve been working hard to make it easier than ever to monitor your Windows metrics with Netdata.

BIG Changes to Windows Feature Updates

It is safe to say that anyone responsible for patch management will have had their fair share of issues with Windows Feature Updates over the years. These updates have amounted to new operating systems versions being released up to twice a year, and needless to say, could be huge in size—ranging anywhere from 3GB to 6GB. This resulted in not only long download times, but also lengthy install times—anywhere from one to two hours—that required multiple reboots to complete.

What is WMI Provider Host?

Windows Instrument Management (WMI) Provider Host — or WmiPrvSE.exe — is a legitimate and essential component for keeping your computer’s various applications and systems running effectively. This process is part of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Microsoft built WMI management tools into each Windows version starting with NT 3.1.

Using GitKraken Client in WSL 2

WSL 2 is useful for developers who prefer a Linux development environment but need to use Windows as their primary operating system. And GitKraken Client is used by developers and teams to visualize and work efficiently with their Git repositories. With the 9.1 release of GitKraken Client, you can combine the benefits of both resources. In this article, we will explore the advantages associated with using GitKraken Client in WSL 2 and provide step-by-step instructions on how to get set up.