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The Top 9 Open Source Website Monitoring Tools in 2024

Are you struggling to keep your website up and running smoothly? Do you need a reliable way to monitor its performance and ensure it stays up and running? If so, you’re in the right place. This article will explore the world of open-source website monitoring tools and how they can benefit your business.

Server Administrator's Guide to POP3 and IMAP Monitoring

Over 347 billion emails were sent and received every day in 2023, a number that is expected to increase to over 361 billion daily emails in 2024. With so much information always flowing, the reliability and efficiency of email servers have never been more important. So what happens when servers fail and emails don’t go through? Consider the financial repercussions — downtime can cost businesses as much as $5,600 per minute (a whopping $300,000 per hour).

April 2024: New Mattermost & Telegram bot integrations, and sponsorship for non-profits

What’s the most important integration? It’s the one that sends you immediate alerts when your attention is needed! As promised in our 2023 wrap-up, we’ve been continuously enhancing both our service and new web app by developing new features and updating our integrations. In addition, we’ve prepared a special offer for non-profit and charitable organizations.

Top 9 Observability Tools of 2024

The ability to peer deeply into the inner workings of software and systems isn’t just advantageous – it’s essential. Observability, a term that’s gaining traction among tech professionals, stands at the forefront of this shift, empowering software engineers and DevOps teams with the clarity and insight needed to steer complex systems toward optimal performance.

Top 8 Free Status Page Tools & Services for 2024

Your website is your digital storefront, and keeping it running smoothly is key to your success. This applies to your online reputation too. With the right tools, you can keep your audience in the loop about your site’s health and performance. To help you get started, we have put together a list of the top 9 free status page tools and services. These are essential not just for businesses, but for anyone looking to offer clear, consistent updates about their website’s uptime.

Best Blockchain Monitoring Practices for 2024

In the volatile world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, even a downtime of just a few minutes can mean a significant loss of earnings for you as a chain validator. In this article, we aim to examine the best practices for monitoring your nodes and demon apps. A reliable uptime monitoring service helps to improve the stability of the whole blockchain and minimizes losses that can occur during unexpected downtimes.

Recent Outage of Meta and Google Ads: How to Prevent Potential Loses

On Tuesday, March 5th, Facebook, Instagram and Google Ads experienced widespread outages that lasted for nearly two hours, affecting thousands of users worldwide. More than 550,000 reports poured in from Facebook users, and Instagram received 92,000 similar complaints, as reported by Reuters. As Meta stated on their newest platform, Threads: ”Earlier today, a technical issue caused people to have difficulty accessing some of our services.

A Comprehensive Guide to Status Pages in 2024

Status pages are one of the best additions to your monitoring that can significantly reduce the number of support tickets or improve the efficiency of your teams and processes. There are multiple benefits hidden in creating a custom status page, so let’s take a look at all of them and how you can implement them immediately.

SSL Certificate Errors: A comprehensive guide

SSL certificates create an encrypted connection between a web server and a user’s browser. This encryption ensures that any data transmitted remains private and secure, making it essential for protecting sensitive information like passwords, credit card numbers, and personal details. However, when there’s an issue with the SSL certificate, users can encounter errors that not only disrupt this secure connection but can also hint at potential security risks.