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The Ongoing State of JavaScript Errors

Today, we’re releasing TrackJS Global Error Statistics to the public. This aggregated production data is a useful measure of the state of client-side JavaScript errors and the quality of the web. We break it down by the most common errors, browsers, and operating systems. We did this a few years ago with the State of Client-Side JavaScript Errors. It was quite useful, but very time consuming to produce.

JavaScript Errors: An Exceptional History

Hello again! It’s a historic week here at AppSignal! This week we released the first version of our new and improved JavaScript error monitoring. Now you can have your front end code, Ruby or Elixir back end code, your hosts, performance, everything monitored in one interface. To celebrate the launch, in a two-part series of posts, we’ll be taking a look at the history of Errors in JavaScript, including how to handle them in your code today.

Launching JavaScript Error Tracking v1.0.

Good news, everyone! Today, we’re proud to announce the launch of our fully-fledged JavaScript error tracking for your front-end applications. From today, you’ll have even more complete insights into your Ruby and Elixir apps — your back-end errors, performance metrics, host metrics, custom metrics and your front-end errors can now all come together under a single interface.

Monitor JavaScript console logs and user activity with Datadog

Monitoring backend issues is critical for ensuring that requests are handled in a timely manner, and validating that your services are accessible to users. But if you’re not tracking client-side errors and events to get visibility into the frontend, you won’t have any idea how often these issues prompt users to refresh the page—or worse, abandon your website altogether.

How We Migrated To Turbolinks Without Breaking Javascript

It's 2019, so we decided it was time to take a more modern approach to the Honeybadger front end. We implemented Turbolinks! This is only the first step on an ambitious roadmap. In 2025 we plan to migrate to Angular 1, and we'll finish out the decade on React unless we run into any roadblocks! But let's get real. Honeybadger isn't a single page app, and it probably won't ever be. SPAs just don't make sense for our technical requirements.

JavaScript Logging Basic Tips

As applications are getting more complex, it’s becoming harder to deliver high-quality applications. Tools likeJavaScript has come a long way in recent years. Browsers are becoming more robust and machines are growing more powerful. Pair this with the recent development of Node.js for execution of JavaScript on servers, and you can understand why JavaScript has exploded in popularity.

3 Reasons to Disable JavaScript Source Fetching in Sentry

When you’re using the Sentry JavaScript SDK, the source code and source maps are automatically fetched by scraping the URLs within the stack trace. While this is the default setting, the ability to disable JavaScript source fetching on a project-by-project basis has always been available. In our continued push to improve configuration accessibility and security, Sentry now allows you to control this feature organization-wide.