SigNoz Launch Week - Day 1 - Logs Explorer

SigNoz Launch Week - Day 1 - Logs Explorer

Feb 27, 2024

Welcome to SigNoz Launch Week 1.0!

This is our first launch week, and we’re excited to introduce you to some cool new features in SigNoz. We ship fast but often miss sharing the story behind these features with our community.

Launch week for us is an opportunity to share the behind-the-scenes of new features that we have built in the recent past. Our open-source maintainers will share the story on the whats, whys, and hows of new upgrades to SigNoz!

For day 1, the feature in the spotlight is the Logs Explorer in SigNoz. Out of the three signals of observability (metrics, traces, and logs), logs are the easiest one to start with for developers. While developing applications, developers use logs as the first signal to capture important information.

No wonder that it is one of the highest-used features in SigNoz. We have shipped a complete design revamp of Logs Explorer to enhance developer productivity.