Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2024

AI and automotive: navigating the roads of tomorrow

I had the pleasure to be invited by Canonical’s AI/ML Product Manager, Andreea Munteanu, to one of the recent episodes of the Canonical AI/ML podcast. As an enthusiast of automotive and technology with a background in software, I was very eager to share my insights into the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the automotive industry.

Future Frontiers: The 9 Leading Tech Degrees Shaping Tomorrow

In a world rapidly being reshaped by technology, the right education can be the golden key to unlocking a future filled with opportunities. As we stand on the brink of technological advancements that promise to redefine what's possible, the academic world is evolving to prepare the next generation for careers that might not even exist today.

How an All-in-One AI Advisor Enables IT Teams to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Ever since generative AI burst into public consciousness, business executives and IT leaders have been intrigued by the potential of generative AI to transform IT. As it turns out, generative AI has already begun revolutionizing ITOps and we are excited to be at the forefront of this game-changing technology through the ScienceLogic SL1 Hollywood release.

What Dynatrace doesn't want you to know about Cisco Full-stack Observability and AppDynamics

Cisco Full-Stack Observability is a strategic investment that outshines Dynatrace by incorporating AI-driven insights, full-stack visibility, and a future-proof design that adapts to your evolving business needs. Application experience is the heart of your digital business, so choosing the right observability platform is not just a technical decision — it’s strategic.

Generative AI and developer experience

From its initial appearance in the dev-tools space, GenAI has had an outsized impact on how developers approach day-to-day tasks (just ask any developer about when they first started using GitHub’s copilot). While any risks are still being evaluated—like potential for introducing anti-patterns or inadvertently running afoul of compliance requirements, many engineering teams have successfully implemented GenAI with measurable gains in collaboration and productivity.

Will AI Make Our Social Life Better?

In an era marked by unprecedented technological advancement, the question of how artificial intelligence (AI) will shape our social lives looms large. As society becomes increasingly interconnected through digital mediums, understanding the implications of AI on human interactions is paramount. Leveraging a plethora of studies and trends, this article seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of whether AI will indeed make our social lives better.

PagerDuty Study Reveals Security Concerns Are Slowing Adoption of GenAI Among the World's Largest Companies

98% of top tech execs paused their corporate genAI initiatives to establish policies. Execs say that a trusted technology partner is key to incorporating genAI into their organizations.

Leveraging LLM/Gen-AI for Accelerating Left-Shift Operations Transformation

In today’s digital landscape, delivering a flawless customer experience is the ultimate competitive advantage. However, traditional methods of ensuring service resilience during operation can often be both expensive and cumbersome to maintain. This is where left-shift operations come into play—a powerful strategy aimed at instilling quality and resiliency in the early stages of building and delivering high-quality products and services..

AI Explainer: Feature Extraction

In a previous blog post, which was a glossary of terms related to artificial intelligence, I included this brief definition of "feature extraction": Let’s go a bit deeper on that. In the ever-expanding landscape of machine learning, feature extraction stands out as a crucial technique for enhancing the performance of models and uncovering valuable insights from complex datasets.

Generative AI with Ubuntu on AWS. Part II: Text generation

In our previous post, we discussed how to generate Images using Stable Diffusion on AWS. In this post, we will guide you through running LLMs for text generation in your own environment with a GPU-based instance in simple steps, empowering you to create your own solutions. Text generation, a trending focus in generative AI, facilitates a broad spectrum of language tasks beyond simple question answering.

How to automate image analysis with the ChatGPT vision API and Grafana Cloud Metrics

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has an extraordinary ability to process natural language, reason about a user’s prompts, and generate human-like conversation in response. However, as the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words” — and perhaps an even more significant achievement is ChatGPT’s ability to understand and answer questions about images.

5 AI-Driven Tools That Can Improve Content Quality

Any concerns you had before clicking on this article about artificial intelligence (AI) generated content should be immediately dispelled. There were some noticeable concerns among writers about AI-generated content not being good enough. At the start, I despised using AI for the longest time and refrained from using it as I considered it an insult to my intelligence and skills. That was before I started using AI tools on a colleague’s request for the first time around two months ago.

The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity

Explore the fusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, unlocking the secrets behind AI’s transformative influence in digital asset protection, during our exclusive webinar, “Enhance Your Cybersecurity by Harnessing the Power of AI.” Our product expert will discuss the wide-reaching impact of AI and teach attendees how to navigate dynamic cybersecurity trends and the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Continual Learning in AI: How It Works & Why AI Needs It

Like humans, machines need to continually learn from non-stationary information streams. While this is a natural skill for humans, it’s challenging for neural networks-based AI machines. One inherent problem in artificial neural networks is the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting. Deep learning researchers are working extensively to solve this problem in their pursuit of AI agents that can continually learn like humans.

Steps to Taming Hybrid Cloud Complexity: Eliminating Visibility Gaps & Enabling Actionable AI-Powered Insights

For years “the move to the cloud” implied a singular event – a singular migration to a singular entity. It all sounded so simple. Yet, the “simple” act of moving to the cloud stands in stark contrast to the reality of today’s complex, hybrid IT estates where the overwhelming volume of data flows can make it challenging for IT teams to effectively pinpoint and rectify service incidents.

Advantages of an AI-Powered Observability Pipeline

The expenses associated with collecting, storing, indexing, and analyzing data have become a considerable challenge for organizations. This data is growing as fast as 35% a year, multiplying the problems. This surge in data comes with a corresponding rise in infrastructure costs. These costs often force organizations to make decisions about what data they can afford to analyze, which tools they must use, and how and where to store data for long-term retention.

Ubuntu AI | S2E4 | AI on public cloud: what should you know?

Weka report from 2024 showed that 47% of respondents will use the public cloud as the primary place to develop their machine learning projects. This is a result of a correlation of factors which include the need for compute power, easy scalability, and the ability to utilise existing infrastructure already in place on both hybrid clouds and public clouds. Join us to talk more about AI on the public cloud: what are the main benefits and what are the best practices an organisation could implement in order to easier adopt AI and leverage the most the public clouds.

How Computer Vision is Revolutionizing Industries

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that enables computers and systems to derive meaningful information from digital images, videos, and other visual inputs - and take actions or make recommendations based on that information. At a high level, computer vision involves processing visual data using algorithms and deep learning models to mimic human vision. The computer analyzes patterns and features in visual data to identify objects, faces, scenes, and actions.

Max Pagel, SensorFlow: Amplifying Advancement with AI

SensorFlow’s Co-Founder and CTO on using technology to do more with less and why the platform approach will always win Like many entrepreneurs, Pagel’s step into business was borne out of a desire to do things differently. His founder journey began in 2016 in Singapore — a place he still calls home today. While working as a research associate at a university, he became frustrated with the science ecosystem and how it all worked.

Mastering Azure OpenAI Costs and Capacity: Strategies for Efficient Cloud Management

In the rapidly evolving world of cloud computing, Azure OpenAI has emerged as a cornerstone for businesses seeking to leverage advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. Developed through a collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI, this managed service has transformed how organizations build and deploy large language models (LLMs), integrating seamlessly with Microsoft services such as GitHub Copilot, Power BI, Designer, and Office 365.

From MLOps to LLMOps: The evolution of automation for AI-powered applications

Machine learning operations (MLOps) has become the backbone of efficient artificial intelligence (AI) development. Blending ML with development and operations best practices, MLOps streamlines deploying ML models via continuous testing, updating, and monitoring. But as ML and AI use cases continue to expand, a need arises for specialized tools and best practices to handle the particular conditions of complex AI apps — like those using large language models (LLMs).

Democratizing AI Research: How Llama's Accessibility Changes the Game

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the brink of unlocking a new era in nearly every industry, from healthcare to manufacturing. However, until recently, conducting AI research remained exclusive to well-funded labs and academics with extensive computational resources and domain knowledge. The emergence of accessible AI research tools like Llama 2 is changing this paradigm, empowering individuals and small teams to contribute to the AI revolution. Here's how Llama's accessibility transforms AI research and why every aspiring AI enthusiast should take note.

Maximize IT efficiency leveraging alert management with Elastic AI Assistant for Observability

Manage and correlate signals and alerts in Elastic Observability As organizations embrace increasingly complex and interconnected IT systems, the sheer volume of alerts generated by diverse monitoring tools has given rise to a critical challenge — how do we efficiently sift through the noise to identify and respond to the most crucial issues? Event management and correlation are two indispensable pillars in the realm of IT service management.

AI realism (part one)

Emotions are running high about AI technologies. In this 2-parter, I do my best to make a rational case on the reality of AI, and how we can respond to it. This is part one; part two next week. We seem to be struggling to have pragmatic discussions about advancements in Artificial Intelligence. It’s hard to hear calmer voices over the detractors and breathless enthusiasts.

Secure your AI workloads with confidential VMs

AI models run on large amounts of good quality data, and when it comes to sensitive tasks like medical diagnosis or financial risk assessments, you need access to private data during both training and inference. When performing machine learning tasks in the cloud, enterprises are understandably concerned about data privacy as well as their model’s intellectual property. Additionally, stringent industry regulations often prohibit the sharing of such data.

How AI will shape the future of risk management

By Eric Boger, VP Risk Intelligence It has become increasingly evident that the complexities and challenges that defined the risk landscape of 2023 will almost certainly persist throughout 2024 and beyond. Enterprises will continue to grapple with a relentless and intricate risk landscape; rather than facing isolated threats, they are confronted with a complex web of interconnected challenges.

AI-powered Autofix debugs & fixes your code in minutes

Sentry knows a lot about the inner workings of an application’s codebase. So we got to thinking, how can we use this rich dataset to make debugging with Sentry even faster? Many generative AI (GenAI) tools (e.g. GitHub Copilot) improve developer productivity in their dev environment, though few have the contextual data Sentry has to help fix errors in production.

Question AI: Leading AI Homework Helper That Transforms Your Homework Experience

In the digital era, accessing accurate and timely information has become increasingly essential for academic success. Students often encounter challenging homework questions that require comprehensive solutions to fully understand the material. This is where Question AI, a revolutionary AI homework solver, comes into play. With its powerful machine learning algorithms and diverse subject coverage, Question AI aims to enhance the learning experience and empower students to unlock their academic potential.

Optimizing Workflows for Efficient Collaboration Between Humans and AI

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has fundamentally reshaped the way we work. Today, humans and machines collaborate on tasks across industries, from content creation to scientific discovery. This dynamic partnership thrives when we leverage the unique strengths of both entities. Understanding the dynamics of human-AI interaction is crucial to maximizing efficiency, achieving optimal outcomes, and creating a genuinely harmonious collaboration.

FireHydrant is now AI-powered for faster, smarter incidents

Over the last five years we’ve seen our customers run 583,954 incidents more efficiently thanks to a shared workspace, powerful Runbook automations, and auto-captured data. Yet despite a great deal of progress, incident efficiency hasn’t achieved peak potential. We talk to a lot of folks that are still stuck in the muck: new responders struggle to get up to speed quickly, incident commanders wade through post-incident drudgery, and knowledge silos prevent comprehensive improvements.

How LM Envision removes the logs blindfold

Rules are excellent when you know precisely what you want to match, typically based on experience. Yet rules only let you observe what you have learned to look for. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) contribute significantly to observability – detecting errors and early warning signs that were previously unobservable. LM Envision supports metric and log anomaly detection. This blog discusses how LM Envision Log Anomalies uncovers previously unknown anomalies.

Facts That Might Interest Technology Lovers

In a world where technology continues to shape our daily lives, there's an endless array of fascinating developments that captivate the minds of enthusiasts. From advancements in artificial intelligence to breakthroughs in renewable energy, the landscape of technology is constantly evolving, offering a plethora of intriguing insights. In this article, we'll delve into six captivating areas that are sure to pique the interest of any technology lover. From the marvels of quantum computing to the possibilities unlocked by biotechnology, there's no shortage of awe-inspiring discoveries to explore.

AI Explainer: Supervised vs. Unsupervised Machine Learning

Machine learning is a powerful tool that enables computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. Two fundamental approaches to machine learning are supervised and unsupervised learning. In this blog post, we'll explore the key differences between these two approaches, along with examples of their applications.

Enter Prompt+ EAP: your AI-powered database development partner in the making

After many cups of coffee and takeaway pizzas, something changed in the world of SQL Prompt in November 2023. For the first time in SQL Prompt’s history, our engineering team at Redgate brought AI to its breadth of capabilities and called it Prompt+. Using generative AI-powered insights and context-based awareness, Prompt+ takes natural language queries and turns them into SQL coding suggestions.

Reduce alert noise, automate incident response and keep coding with AI-driven alerting

Noisy monitors can lead to alert fatigue, which frustrates engineers and hinders innovation. With our patent-pending anomaly detection capabilities built on the power of AI, you can eliminate 60-90% of alerts. A unique differentiator, Sumo Logic’s alerts can also trigger one or more playbooks to drive auto-diagnosis or remediation and accelerate time to recovery for application incidents. Faster issue remediation means engineers can focus more time on development and releasing software.

Analyzing OpenTelemetry apps with Elastic AI Assistant and APM

OpenTelemetry is rapidly becoming the most expansive project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), boasting as many commits as Kubernetes and garnering widespread support from customers. Numerous companies are adopting OpenTelemetry and integrating it into their applications. Elastic® offers detailed guides on implementing OpenTelemetry for applications. However, like many applications, pinpointing and resolving issues can be time-consuming.

Mattermost AI Copilot: Accelerating the conversation with LLMs

Hello, Mattermost community! We’re thrilled to announce the release of the Mattermost AI Copilot beta, a groundbreaking addition to the Mattermost platform. This plugin is not just a tool. It’s a way for organizations to deploy artificial intelligence in mission-critical environments — a true game-changer. With that in mind, let’s explore how this plugin will establish new standards in workplace collaboration for Mattermost Enterprise customers.

NetOps Expert ep 12: AI/ML and NetOps - A Conversation with EMA

In this episode, I talk to Shamus McGillicuddy, VP of Research at EMA about how IT organizations are improving network management with intelligent systems based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Sometimes known as AIOps, these AI/ML technologies are helping organizations optimize their networks, streamline operations, and reduce security risk. We break down his research and get to real use cases that network teams can utilize today.

AI Pipeline: Surfing from Concept to Product Reality - SolarWinds TechPod 084

In this conversation, hosts Sean Sebring and Chrystal Taylor talk with Derek Daly, Principal AIOps Product Manager at SolarWinds. He discusses his career journey and the role of AI and machine learning in the company's products. He shares insights into the process of introducing AI and machine learning into product features, the impact of AI on jobs, and the considerations for on-premises vs cloud deployment.

Using AI-Powered Functional Testing Tools for Faster QA Automation Testing

Software automation testing has changed dramatically in the last several years, with an obvious trend toward automated testing techniques. Although manual testing processes are still an essential part of the testing process, test automation adoption has become more and more important in many situations. The fact that an astounding 97% of application testers have already included automated testing into their processes serves as evidence of this evolution. Developers are using AI-powered functional testing solutions to speed up QA automation testing procedures as they realize how important this trend is.

How to Make the Most of Your Salesforce Value: What to Try to Implement

Nowadays, leading a business means having to do with customer data a lot. Since Salesforce is one of the main on-cloud CRM platforms out there, and chances are that you have already used it and continue to build customer relationships through it, there is huge potential in the system. Uncovering this potential is a part of success, so get ready to collect some new tips on how to better support clients, sell, market, connect with partners, and more.

Large Language Models (LLMs) Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) using Charmed OpenSearch

Large Language Models (LLMs) fall under the category of Generative AI (GenAI), an artificial intelligence type that produces content based on user-defined context. These models undergo training using an extensive dataset composed of trillions of combinations of words from natural language, enabling them to empower interactive and conversational applications across various scenarios.

Merging to Main #8: Ethics & AI with Paul O'Reilly & Dan Garfield, Codefresh

🚨 Merging to Main is back with a new host! 🚨 Let's welcome Paul O'Reilly 🎉 and follow along on his journey of exploring topics around Tech, DevOps, AI, Argo and others, with all sorts of awesome people from all around the globe! 🌎 During this session we have Codefresh's Chief Open Source Officer, Dan Garfield joining Paul live to talk about all things Ethics & AI.

Machine learning vs. AI: Understanding the differences

For a long time, AI was almost exclusively the plaything of science fiction writers, where humans push technology too far, to the point it comes alive and — as Hollywood would have us believe — starts to wreak havoc. Cheery stuff! However, in recent years, we’ve seen an explosion of AI and machine learning technology that, so far, has shown us a fun side with people using AI for creating, planning, and ideating in a big way.

Azure Open AI Landing Zone Blueprint

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a pivotal technology to advance cloud computing, driving innovation and greater efficiency. Among the myriad of AI services available, the Azure OpenAI Service, born from the collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI, stands out for its robust capabilities and seamless integration with cloud environments.

How to make a chatbot: Dos and don'ts for developers in an AI-driven world

Every day the world is becoming increasingly powered by artificial intelligence. In fact, you’d struggle to find tech companies that have not announced AI integrations into their tech stack in one way or another. Cynics might say this is a passing phase, but the reason AI is so popular is that it’s a versatile set of capabilities that can help solve a lot of problems.

PostgreSQL for AI applications

If you’re working with AI, you’re working with data. From numerical data to videos or images, regardless of your industry or use case, every AI project depends on data in some form. The question is: how can you efficiently store that data and use it when building your models? One answer is PostgreSQL, a proven and well-loved database that, thanks to recent developments, has become a strong choice to support AI.

Accelerate AIOps with Hollywood's Human-Friendly AI Insights

AI has emerged as a major inflection point in the technology industry, driving providers to rush to introduce AI-enhanced products and services. The remarkable momentum surrounding AI, fueled by its perceived value and excitement, is evident, with businesses reporting an average return on investment of 3.5 times or 250%, according to IDC. Consequently, it comes as no surprise that IDC anticipates a shift in IT spending toward AI.

Ubuntu AI | S2E2 | Edge AI at NVIDIA GTC 2024

A special episode is out to talk about NVIDIA GTC 2024. Gustavo Sanchez will give a talk about edge AI deployments to accelerate smart city development. It will focus on how cloud native infrastructure and open source tooling enable such a project. Listed to the podcast to learn more about the use cases, challenges and key considerations for such a use case. From architectural details to possible improvements, Gustavo delights us with tons of useful information.

AI-Assisted Network Monitoring: Real or Hype?

Networking experts Chris O'Brien and Nina Bargisen join Capacity Media's Jack Allen to explore the evolving role of AI in network monitoring. They delve into historical applications of AI and machine learning in network observability, the integration of large language models for enhanced troubleshooting, and the significance of diverse data sources. The session includes a live demonstration of the AI-assisted query features of Kentik NMS (Network Monitoring System) and highlightings the advantages of streaming telemetry over SNMP. There's also an insightful Q&A session at the end.

Harnessing the power of AI in uptime monitoring for predictive analysis

In the digital age, uptime monitoring has become a cornerstone of business operations, ensuring websites and servers are always accessible to users. It's not just about keeping the lights on; it's about preserving reputation, ensuring customer satisfaction, and minimizing revenue loss. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), a game-changer in the way we approach uptime monitoring.

The Debrief: AI can help you never forget incident follow-up actions again

Noting follow-up actions is really important at the end of the incident response process. The problem is that it can be really easy to overlook certain actions or forget to do them entirely. With Suggested Follow-ups, this is now a thing of the past. In this episode, you'll hear from Rob, the project lead for our latest Suggested Follow-ups feature, to get a peek behind the curtain.

AI Explainer: Continuous Space

I wrote a previous blog post, "AI Explainer: What's Our Vector, Victor?," to scratch the surface on vector databases, which play a crucial role in supporting applications in machine learning, information retrieval and similarity search across diverse domains. From that blog arose the topic of embeddings, which I addressed in a subsequent post, "AI Explainer: Demystifying Embeddings." In explaining embeddings, the notion of continuous space was presented, which is the topic of this blog.

Bridging The Gap: The Marketing Hype vs. The Reality of AI in IT

Let's cut through the AI fantasy. You've read the headlines: artificial intelligence is the new electricity, the magic wand transforming businesses overnight. But in my experience working with many clients with InvGate, I've gained some valuable insights. Turns out it’s not all smoke and mirrors. Let's dive into the real story of AI in business, far from the echo chamber of Silicon Valley buzzwords and closer to the tangible reality of everyday corporate life.