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January 2021

Applying Strong Cyber Hygiene Security to IoT Endpoints

The Internet of Things, better known as IoT. You’ve heard of it, right? But do you know what it is? Simply, it is the interconnection of things (or endpoints) on the Internet to send and receive data. Today, experts calculate that there are 31 billion things connected to the insecure Internet, and growing exponentially. Did you know there are different types of IoT applications?

Monitor Azure IoT Edge with Datadog

Azure IoT Edge is a Microsoft Azure service that allows you to run containerized workloads on IoT devices. With IoT Edge and Azure IoT Hub, Azure’s device-management platform, organizations across science, manufacturing, energy production, and other industries can provision their IoT devices and workloads at the edge of their cloud networks for immediate in-unit computing, a necessity when running AI algorithms or parsing large datasets directly on IoT devices.

Monitor your NVIDIA Jetson IoT devices with Datadog

NVIDIA Jetson is a family of embedded, low-power computing boards designed to support machine learning and AI applications at the edge. Organizations use Jetson boards for complex video and image processing and analysis, automating build processes in factories, and improving city infrastructures. For example, Jetson-based devices enable cities to analyze traffic patterns with their existing traffic cameras in order to find ways to improve their most congested intersections.

How to Monitor IoT Devices at Scale Webinar

Releasing a connected device in today's world without some form of monitoring in place is a recipe for trouble. And as you increase your fleet size, more and more issues arise, causing more and more trouble. In this webinar, Tyler demonstrated how to build out your IoT monitoring solutions using metrics allowing you to scale your fleet without adding more issues. Using metrics to monitor a fleet of connected devices allows for assessing the health of thousands to millions of devices, all while keeping complexity, bandwidth, and power consumption to a minimum.

IoT monitoring with Grafana: How Eurac observes climate change in the Alps

In 2014, the Mazia (Matsch) research site in the Italian Alps was officially accepted as a Long Term Socio Ecological Research LT(S)ER site. The monitoring infrastructure is operated by Eurac Research and the University of Bolzano and consists of 24 automatic microclimatic stations in a mountain ecosystem across an elevation gradient ranging from 1,000 m to 2,700 m, logging several meteorological and biophysical variables every 15 minutes.