Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2021

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Sizing Cloud Resources

One of the most common concerns when moving to the cloud is cost. Given that cloud allows you to turn IT costs from CAPEX (long-term investments ex. in hardware equipment and software licenses) into OPEX (day-to-day operating expenses), it’s crucial to choose the right service and estimate it properly. In this article, we’ll look at the common pitfalls and discuss how you can avoid them to truly benefit from the cloud’s elasticity.

Debugging with Dashbird: Lambda Configuration Error

It shouldn’t be a surprise that Lambda configuration error is one of the most common error messages, and we all know AWS error messages aren’t known for being especially detailed. Oftentimes you will come across other vague error messages like “encoding not enabled,” or “stream is failing,” and depending on the context, this could mean your services could be completely down.

Get unified visibility of Azure resources under multiple subscriptions | Serverless360

Do you have hundreds of resources under multiple Azure Subscription? Would you like to manage them in the context of business or in groups in single pane of glass? Want to provide restricted access to your team members to focus only on resources they are supposed to. Serverless360 introduces Composite Applications to group your resources in business application context or groups like staging or production.

Achieve end-to-end message tracking across Azure resources and hybrid integration | Serverless360

Serverless360 BAM is a real time hybrid integration solution can be instrumented with the business process definition to capture necessary data in all stages of the business transaction. Resolve issues faster with a unified view of business transactions and get maximum visibility on the integration solution for the functional support teams.

Monitor messages that get into your Azure Topic Subscription with Auto forwarding | Serverless360

An exciting use case from our customer has brought us back to you with a new video on Service Bus Auto Forwarding. Have you ever wondered how to listen to a queue/topic Subscription which is already being accessed by another application? Here you go, watch our video, and get hands-on experience in it.

AWS CloudWatch alerts vs. Dashbird alerts

In the 21st century, it’s quite easy to manipulate machines and computers. Our worries are no longer if something is doable, but if something can be perfected. Therefore, we mostly search for new ideas and ways to make our work impeccable. For example, if you’re using a particular software and you realize that the software is excellent, but it could be better in some ways that would allow you to work even faster, you’ll explore the alternatives.

IAM Policy Basics and Best Practices

One of the most powerful aspects of AWS is their Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. The obvious aspect of its power is that it controls who can do what with all the resources inside your AWS account. But the non-obvious side is how configurable it is. You can encode permissions that are so finely grained that a Lambda Function could, for example, be given just enough permissions to be able to read one attribute from one record for the current user of a DynamoDB Table.

7 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Data Lake

With the volume, velocity, and variety of today’s data, we have all started to acknowledge that there is no one-size-fits-all database for all data needs. Instead, many companies shifted towards choosing the right data store for a specific use case or project. The distribution of data across different data stores brought the challenge of consolidating data for analytics.

Microservices vs. Serverless Architecture

Microservices and serverless are both important topics in the world of cloud-native computing. Yet, although serverless functions and microservices architectures often go hand-in-hand, they’re distinct technologies that fill different roles in modern software environments. Here’s an overview of what microservices and serverless are, how they relate to each other, how they are different, and why you may or may not wish to deploy a serverless microservice.

Webinar: Understanding Serverless Observability with AWS and Lumigo

Serverless experts from AWS and Lumigo go over how to add monitoring, logging, and distributed tracing to your serverless applications. Learn how to track serverless health metrics by getting visibility and alerts on specific serverless issues. Then troubleshoot using visual serverless maps, correlated AWS services, and logs to understand what service requires attention to keep high levels of application reliability.

Hello, Stack.new

I’ve learned a lot about serverless in my first full year at Stackery after joining from the Ops-focused automation company, Puppet. I’ve learned how to deploy rich CMS-backed web applications in a serverless way, how to cast incantations using CloudFormation’s intrinsic functions, but most of all I’ve learned that there’s a lot to learn in order to be successful in AWS.

Serverless for the Enterprise

Mutual of Enumclaw, a 100-year-old insurance company from Washington, modernized their policy processing system in order to reduce TCO and focus on their software and customers - not infrastructure. However, they realized serverless development still presents many DevOps challenges like environments, workflows, documentation and local development.

Webinar: How Serverless is Changing the Cost Paradigm

-One of the key characteristics of serverless components is the pay-per-use pricing model. For example, with AWS Lambda, you don’t pay for the uptime of the underlying infrastructure but just the number of invocations and how long your code actually runs. This removes the need for many micro-optimizations. As a result, many applications would run at a fraction of the cost if they were moved to serverless.

Move Messages From One Topic Subscription to Another | Serverless360

We are back with an exciting customer’s use case to move messages from one topic subscription to another subscription. Do you wonder, is this is a valid use case? This video discovers the actual business scenario behind this operational need and how Serverless360 can pitch in and meet the requirement.

Using observability to scale AWS Lambda [Live session]

How to utilize observability to optimize your Lambdas for scale and maintain their performance over time - from development to production to scabability. How do you spot potentially slow-running Lambda functions and how do to power-tune them in development? Load testing and how you need a good observability tool for when you do load testing? How to do load testing? How to use observability and make crucial data available in production and at scale? Observability best practices and common mistakes.

Trace AWS event-driven serverless applications with Datadog APM

Last year, we released native tracing for AWS Lambda through Datadog APM to provide deep visibility into serverless functions and surface performance issues such as cold starts and errors, without any added latency. But Lambda functions are only one piece of the puzzle in a rapidly growing serverless ecosystem, which includes message queues, data streams, notification services, and more.

Debugging with Dashbird: API Gateway Encoding not Enabled

When using services created by other people, it’s often neither obvious what they mean, let alone how to fix them. One of these error messages you might see when using Amazon API Gateway is “encoding not enabled”. The first question here is, what kind of encoding does this error message refer to? The first thought might go into the video or audio encoding direction and lead to a dead-end since you probably didn’t send any audio or video files.

Automate Your AWS Lambda Development Cycle

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. It is great if you want to create a cost-effective, on-demand service. You can use it as part of a bigger project where you have multiple services or as a standalone service to do a certain task like controlling Alexa Skill.

How to monitor AWS Lambda

How do we get started on monitoring AWS Lambda? Let me first introduce you to the term serverless computing. It doesn't matter if you have been in the tech industry only a few months, or you started writing code when Pascal was still considered cutting edge, you probably would have heard the term serverless computing thrown around in recent times. But what exactly is serverless computing?

Grouping AWS Lambda functions with Dashbird Project View

One of the serverless best practices is one-purpose functions. You should keep your Lambda functions small and solve exactly one use-case. This way, you can optimize them better and keep potential security problems contained. But creating many small functions can get overwhelming quickly. Even small projects can end up with more than 20 Lambda functions.

Understanding the consumer side of Azure Event Hubs (Checkpoint, InitialOffsetProvider, EventProcessorHost)

Azure Event Hubs are cloud-scale telemetry ingestion from websites, apps, and devices. Because of the tremendous event handling capacities, IoT architectures also consume the Azure Event Hubs. Thus, we talk about handling millions of events per second. With the implementation of multiple partition architecture behind the scenes, Azure Event Hubs are highly scalable to receive events from hundreds of sources.

AWS CloudFormation Templates & Best Practices

What if I told you that a text file could help you tackle the normally tedious and time-consuming task of setting up and managing your AWS infrastructure? Good news. It’s actually easy to do with an AWS CloudFormation template. A typical AWS infrastructure can consist of numerous resources that might need to be managed across different accounts and regions. Setup is often a manual process that can be overwhelming to maintain.