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Why EHR Secure Chats Don't Cut It: Top 10 Reasons

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have evolved from mere repositories of patient data to indispensable tools at the forefront of patient care. They serve as the single source of truth across the patient care continuum, empowering care teams to make informed clinical decisions. Effective implementation of these systems leads to improved patient outcomes, reflected in lower hospital readmission rates and shorter average length of stays (LOS).

Our customers aren't just numbers-they're a priority

At incident.io, “We care about our customers” isn’t just a talking point. It’s a core part of how we operate. Whether it’s a big feature request or a small bug fix, we’ve been intentional about making sure that customers always feel heard and seen—no matter the ask. But it’s not just that.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA), Explained

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is the best way to find out what causes an issue in your IT operations (ITOps). In other words, it is a great versatile analysis method for corrective action that is inherent to the ITIL framework. It’s a comprehensive approach that all managers can appreciate. In the IT industry, this method is invaluable since its ability to swiftly and effectively address problems is what distinguishes proactive IT Service Management (ITSM).

Mobile Alerts for Icinga at Net at Work

Net at Work is a German IT company with over 100 employees that provides its customers with solutions and tools for digital communication and collaboration. Their product NoSpamProxy offers reliable protection against spam and ransomware, legally compliant email encryption and more. Net at Work customers monitor NoSpamProxy with a network monitoring tool.

The real cost of a blameful culture

In the fast-paced world of IT operations, the culture permeating an organization is critical to its success. It drives behavior, efficiency, and organizational accomplishment. A blame-centric culture is particularly detrimental, creating an environment where finger-pointing is more important than problem-solving and fear reduces innovation. This negative culture damages individual morale and erodes the organization's collective resilience.

Stay up to date on the latest incidents with Bits AI

Since the release of ChatGPT, there’s been growing excitement about the potential of generative AI—a class of artificial intelligence trained on pre-existing datasets to generate text, images, videos, and other media—to transform global businesses. Last year, we released our own generative AI-powered DevOps copilot called Bits AI in private beta. Bits AI provides a conversational UI to explore observability data using natural language.

Introducing Playbooks automation

We're rolling out Playbooks, our latest in fully automating the incident response process. Imagine every action you (incident responders), had to manually take are now fully automated with Playbooks. Steps like initiating a war room (video conference), logging incidents, sending out alerts, and running diagnostic scripts are now executed with precision, every single time, are all now effortlessly automated without you lifting a finger.

Shifting left on incident management

In the fast-paced world of software development and product delivery, incidents are often viewed as unwanted disruptions. Traditionally, incident management might only trigger for critical issues, like complete system outages, data loss of some kind, or security-related ones - you don’t need to go back that far for a few that were very serious: Heartbleed, xz utils, and more.