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Open Source

Monitoring Pi-hole using Pi-hole Exporter and OpenTelemetry: A Comprehensive Guide

Pi-hole is a fantastic open-source DNS-based ad blocker that enhances your online experience by blocking unwanted ads and trackers network-wide. Monitoring the performance and status of your Pi-hole setup is essential to ensure its effectiveness. Next, we'll explore how to use a Prometheus exporter to expose metrics from Pi-hole and have the OpenTelemetry collector scrape the metrics and send them to Splunk Observability Cloud.

How to securely query AWS S3 from ClickHouse

ClickHouse is a powerful analytical database, loading data from an AWS S3 bucket allows you to quickly start analyzing the data without having to download and upload them manually in the database. Writing data to S3 allows you to offload some cold data, while keeping all the hot data in ClickHouse and, with the usage of federated queries, being able to query both hot and cold data at the same time.

Aiven workshop: Data Persistence 101: Spring Boot and MySQL Edition

✨What's Cooking in Our Workshop✨ Persisting data is a crucial part of any application that you build. It’s not always easy to map your business objects with your relational database. One of the tools that can help you with this is called Hibernate ORM (for Object Relational Mapping). Join us in this workshop where we will learn the basics of Hibernate combined with the most popular Java App framework : Spring Boot and MySQL as a database.

Open source log monitoring: The concise guide to Grafana Loki

Five years ago today, Grafana Loki was introduced to the world on the KubeconNA 2018 stage when David Kaltschmidt, now a Senior Director of Engineering at Grafana Labs, clicked the button to make the Loki repo public live in front of the sold-out crowd. At the time, Loki was a prototype: We bolted together Grafana as a UI, Cortex internals, and Prometheus labels to find out if there was a need for a new open source tool to manage logs.

Introducing Canonical's new open source support portal

Amplifying the global impact of open source is at the heart of Canonical’s mission. Support is a crucial part of this exciting journey, especially when it comes to helping enterprises, institutions and communities around the world solve real-world problems through their IT infrastructure and applications. Working with thousands of global customers in a variety of use cases, our support team delivers fixes on everything open source, both Canonical-maintained projects and others.

Cloudversation with Aiven & Koo

Join us for an enriching Cloudversation featuring Koo, India's leading microblogging platform, and Aiven, a trusted open-source data platform. Uncover the secrets behind Koo's seamless connection and service to millions worldwide, powered by Aiven & Google Cloud's robust infrastructure. Don't miss this opportunity to delve into the insights that shape global communications with Google Cloud, Koo, and Aiven.