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Godoc in GoCenter Tells A Go Module's Story

Using an open-source Go module from the community of other developers can be like going on a blind date. That “getting to know you” phase that can be awkward and risky. The more you know in advance, the better off you’ll be, right? When using software, having accurate and precise documentation is one of the most important aspects. Good software documentation tells the story of what a particular piece of code does and how to use it.

Datadog API client libraries now available for Java and Go

Client libraries are collections of code that make it easier for developers to write flexible and efficient applications that interface with APIs. Datadog provides client libraries so you can programmatically interact with our API to customize dashboards, search metrics, create alerts, and perform other tasks. We’re pleased to announce that we’ve developed and open-sourced two new client libraries for Java and Go in addition to our existing Ruby and Python libraries.

New command line client, back to Go!

It feels like a lifetime ago, well, 3 years is a lifetime in tech, that I wrote a blog post explaining how we rewrote our API server from Golang to Ruby on Rails. Here we are and I'm about to explain about how we've been back and forth doing the same thing for our CLI. Just after that time, I wrote the first version of our CLI utility in Golang. However, with only me knowing Golang on the team, we weren't able to achieve the velocity and pace of adding features within the CLI as I'd like.

Evaluating Go's Package Management and Module Systems

When you're evaluating a language for your next project, few things are more important than available third-party libraries and the package manager that ties them together. While early versions of Go lacked a package manager, they've made up for lost time. In this article, Ayooluwa Isaiah introduces us to go's module ecosystem to help us decide if go is "a go" for our next project.

How to Pick a Winning Go Module

With a near-endless list of Go Modules, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which is best for your Go build. For new Go developers, it can be difficult to pick a winner for your specific use case. This phenomenon is nothing new. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why open-source is so important for developers. Oftentimes, when a module is published by a developer, it was likely developed to solve a specific problem that they are facing.