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Bridging the gap: Integrating network and application monitoring for complete visibility

As technology progresses and applications become more intertwined, sticking to the old ways of monitoring networks separately just doesn’t cut it anymore. Network and application teams often work in silos, using different tools and focusing on different goals. This split approach frequently leaves both sides with a piecemeal understanding of issues, making it challenging to pinpoint and fix problems that span both areas.

Internet Stack Map: A gamechanger for Internet Performance Monitoring

In this blog, we are going to focus on Internet Stack Map, a milestone development for Internet Performance Monitoring. Our CEO, Mehdi Daoudi, sees this as Catchpoint’s iPhone moment. Why? 15+ years of innovation laser focused on Internet Performance Monitoring have been distilled into an ingeniously simple AI-powered dependency map of everything that impacts an application, customer, or user.

Optimizing Your Cloud Investment by Monitoring Where It Matters

The shift from traditional data centers to the cloud is not just inevitable but imperative. As your network gets more distributed and complex and outside your control, your monitoring needs change. Monitoring from your users' perspective has never been so important, and you need an Internet Performance Monitoring platform that gives you visibility into the full user journey.

Break Free from APM's Shackles: Unlock True Resilience with Catchpoint IPM

Are traditional Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools holding you back? Discover how Catchpoint's Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) can transform your approach to digital experience monitoring and unlock true resilience. In this video, we delve into the limitations of APM and how IPM addresses these challenges by providing comprehensive visibility across the entire Internet stack, from backend infrastructure to end-user experience.

Solving the challenge of cost-effective monitoring across multiple locations and branches

You’re at the checkout in a supermarket, and suddenly, the payment system stops working. Frustrating, right? Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common scenario that explains why some people think twice before shopping in person. It isn't just a problem for shoppers—it's a major headache for businesses that operate across multiple locations.