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Embracing invokedynamic to tame class loaders in Java agents

One of the nicest things about Byte Buddy is that it allows you to write a Java agent without manually having to deal with byte code. To instrument a method, agent authors can simply write the code they want to inject in pure Java. This makes writing Java agents much more accessible and avoids complicated on-boarding requirements.

Introduction to Custom Metrics in Java with Logz.io RemoteWrite SDK

We just announced the creation of a new RemoteWrite SDK to support custom metrics from applications using several different languages. This tutorial will give a quick rundown of how to use the Java SDK. This SDK – like the others – is completely free and open source, and is meant to apply to any output destination, not just Logz.io.

The Complete List of Spring Boot Annotations You Must Know

Spring Boot is the most popular Java framework, with over 50 percent of developers using it. Java engineers working in the spring framework can deploy web applications quickly, without the need for a separate server. Spring focuses on speed, simplicity, and productivity. It uses Inversion of Control, or IoC, and dependency injection to increase modularity and enable loose coupling. Spring Boot builds off of the spring framework.

What to Do About Java Memory Leaks: Tools, Fixes, and More

Memory management is Java’s strongest suit and one of the many reasons developers choose Java over other platforms and programming languages. On paper, you create objects, and Java deploys its garbage collector to allocate and free up memory. But that’s not to say Java is flawless. As a matter of fact, memory leaks happen and they happen a lot in Java applications. We put together this guide to arm you with the know-how to detect, avoid and fix memory leaks in Java.

How to Handle Exceptions in Java: Complete Tutorial with Examples and Best Practices

As developers, we would like our users to interact with applications that run smoothly and without issues. We want the libraries that we create to be widely adopted and successful. All of that will not happen without the code that handles errors. Java exception handling is often a significant part of the application code. You might use conditionals to handle cases where you expect a certain state and want to avoid erroneous execution – for example, division by zero.

Java Application Manual Instrumentation for Distributed Traces

In this blog series, we are covering application instrumentation steps for distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry standards across multiple languages. Earlier, we covered Golang Application Instrumentation for Distributed Traces and DotNet Application Instrumentation for Distributed Traces. Here we are going to cover the instrumentation for Java.

How to Find Hibernate Performance Issues in Development and Production

The Java Persistence API (JPA) is used in most Java applications to interact with a relational database. One of its most popular implementations is the Hibernate ORM, because it uses object-relational mapping to abstract database interactions and makes implementing simple CRUD operations very simple. But this abstraction also has its downsides. Hibernate uses a lot of internal optimizations and hides all database interactions behind its API.

Clojure microservices for JavaScript developers part 2

This series was co-written by Musa Barighzaai and Tyler Sullberg. In the previous post, we explored high-level differences between thinking in Clojure compared to thinking in JavaScript. We are now ready to start building our first Clojure microservice. The microservice we are going to build will be very simple. It will be an HTTP server that uses a Redis data store to count how many times a given IP address has pinged the /counter endpoint.

Clojure microservices for JavaScript developers part 3

This series was co-written by Tyler Sullberg and Musa Barighzaai. This is the third and final post in a series of posts for JavaScript developers about how to set up Clojure microservices. The previous posts were: Those previous posts are useful context, but you can clone the repo and jump into this post without reading them.