Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2022

APIs for IT Monitoring Solutions

The majority of monitoring and management solutions used in enterprises provide their customers with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and a CLI to facilitate DevOps type workflows. With IaC (Infrastructure as Code) becoming de facto and ubiquitous, decent APIs have long been a must have on product evaluation checklists; there are of course a few exceptions – namely products aimed only at SMB (Small and Medium Business), immature startups, or freeware.

Elastic on Elastic - Using Elastic Observability to optimize the performance of detection rules in Elastic Security

Elastic Security’s developer support team has recently seen a surge in reports from customers about sluggish performance in our UI. Our initial inspection of logs for troubleshooting provided some insights, but not enough for a true fix. Luckily, we have Elastic Observability and its APM capabilities to dive in deeper and look under the hood at what was really happening within Elastic Security. And, more importantly, how we could improve its performance for customers.

OpenTelemetry: How Cisco and AppDynamics are contributing to the future of observability

At Cisco and AppDynamics, we believe that OpenTelemetry™ is the future of observability. To that end, we’re working hard alongside the open source community to ensure the telemetry you collect can be leveraged to deliver the world-class business insights you need.

SigNoz - Open-source alternative to AppDynamics

If you're looking for an open-source alternative to AppDynamics, then you're at the right place. SigNoz is a perfect open-source alternative to AppDynamics. SigNoz provides a unified UI for both metrics and traces with advanced tagging and filtering capabilities. In today's digital economy, more and more companies are shifting to cloud-native and microservice architecture to support global scale and distributed teams.

Webinar Recap: Launching Cribl Edge

Last week, Cribl launched the latest component of its observability architecture: Cribl Edge. ICYMI, Cribl Edge is a next generation observability data collector that greatly simplifies gathering your metrics, events, and logs. Edge incorporates all of the capabilities of Cribl Stream’s workers, allowing you to route, redact, filter, and enrich data directly from the source. Why is this important?

UBER's Microservice Architecture

UBER’s Microservice Architecture 💡 Microservice Architecture is a framework that consists of small, individually deployable services performing different operations. Amazon, Netflix, Twitter, Uber, and many other high-growth companies are now shifting from a monolithic architecture into multiple codebases to form a microservice architecture.

How to achieve Observability for Microservices-based apps using Distributed Tracing?

Modern digital organizations have rapidly adopted microservices-based architecture for their applications. Microservices-based apps have components designed around business capabilities serving a specific purpose. It enables smaller engineering teams to own specific services that lead to increased productivity. But componentization also leads to complexity. Today’s modern internet-scale businesses have hundreds or thousands of microservices.

A guide to Apdex score: Calculations, improvements, and more

Apdex scores focus and align the varying perceptions of different teams. If you ask people in your organization to define what “performance” means for the application you’ve developed and deployed, you’re likely to get different answers. An SRE engineer might argue that a performant application has the highest possible uptime. A designer might say a critical dimension of performance is how easily users can get tasks done thanks to a carefully-crafted UI.

How Distributed Tracing augments the APM experience?

There are standalone distributed tracing tools like Jaeger, and there are APM tools that do not provide distributed tracing capabilities. In this article, we will see how distributed tracing complements an APM tool for a holistic performance monitoring experience. Both APM and distributed tracing are critical tools to understand the performance of your applications. And if your application is facing performance issues impacting customer experience, you need to understand what’s causing it fast.

Citrix Workspace Monitoring and Management

This is another customer blog highlighting common customer scenarios that we typically see while working with large enterprise customers. There are many use cases in regard to a typical Citrix Digital Workspace environment where the endpoint is managed by a different team, outsourced to an external organization, or even unmanaged when employees work from home on a non-corporate device.

Monitoring GraphQL APIs with OpenTelemetry

GraphQL is a query language for APIs developed by Facebook in 2012. It was then open-sourced in 2015. GraphQL enables frontend developers or consumers of APIs to request the exact data that they need, with no over-fetching or under-fetching. In this article, we will learn how to monitor GraphQL APIs with the open-source APM tool, SigNoz. GraphQL has become a popular alternative to REST because of its ease of use. It enables developers to pull data from multiple data sources in a single API call.

Mitigate Industry 4.0 technology challenges with full-stack observability

Manufacturers accelerating Industry 4.0 are facing challenges associated with complex cloud-based systems and highly interconnected things. Full-stack observability provides the insights needed to ease transitions and deliver organizational agility required for growth.

Instrumentation: Measuring Application Performance at the Code Level

Technology is taking over the world at a great pace. Everyone is getting in the loop of technology, whether it be a company, organization, startup, or even a 2-year-old kid. Most companies are using the latest technologies for updated features. They took their business online in order to remain in the current market. They make some applications for their base products and run their business through that website or application. But having an application is challenging.

New Monitoring Features and Dashboards in eG Enterprise

Small thoughtful, beautifully packed gifts are the best – just like our UI features Sometimes it is the small things that infuriate IT users the most – those tiny annoyances in a GUI that make you use some annoying and clunky workaround several times a day. Our eG Enterprise product management team understands this, and as our customers know, we are always willing to consider even small feature changes to improve usability.

8 UX Best Practices: to improve your design in 2022

Establishing your business’s online presence has become a fundamental need rather than a secondary step. In the wake of the 2019 pandemic, a large chunk of interaction, social and business, has escalated online. The user’s journey is as important as functionality to stand out in the crowded digital marketplace.

Why is Distributed Tracing in Microservices needed?

Microservices architecture allows technology companies to build application services around business capabilities. It enables rapid development and also boosts developer productivity. But it also introduces complexity. Troubleshooting and operating an internet-scale application based on microservices is hard. And that’s where distributed tracing comes into the picture. Traditional monolithic application architecture is easy to develop, deploy and monitor.

Citrix Performance Monitoring: What, Why and How

Organizations in all verticals and sizes are deploying digital workspaces to offer secure, remote access to employees and partners – in many cases, across a wide area of networks. Citrix workspace technologies are the most popular form of digital workspaces. In this blog, we discuss what is Citrix monitoring, why it is important, and what tools you need to monitor Citrix infrastructures effectively to ensure optimal digital employee experience (DEX).

Cloud Application Performance Monitoring

Source: APM in the new normal, survey by eG Innovations and DevOps Institute Cloud adoption is increasing at a rapid pace. The eG Innovations & DevOps Institute APM survey indicates that 88% of organizations are using at least one form of cloud technology. Organizations move to the cloud for agility – they can deploy and have applications running in the cloud in minutes. Cloud computing also offers options for high availability, automated backups, and such.

System Monitoring for AWS EC2 Cloud Instances with AWS CloudWatch

In this blog post, I follow on from my previous blog on AWS CloudWatch Part 1 of 2 to explore how you can go beyond basic agentless CloudWatch monitoring by deploying the CloudWatch agent and some of the key information and planning you need to do this. I’ll also cover how eG Enterprise offers out-of-the-box functionality to avoid complex JSON scripting or tooling to implement monitoring.

What is Application Performance Management (APM)?

Your business can live or die based on the performance of the applications through which your customers access it. For a large company, downtime can mean thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Problems arising that make your application unusable could push away new customers who must instead move towards solutions who have stayed on top of their problems. In this digital world, most businesses highly depend on software to monitor and support various elements.

Prefix Premium - Profile, Test & Fix Code As Your Write It

Like all of us today, I’m buying more and more products and services online. But even the slightest hiccup in my digital experience might cause me to switch vendors. Multiply that risk by millions – the result of digital commerce growing at an exponential rate – and it’s easy to see how bad user experiences could literally sink a company.

End User Experience Monitoring: Why You Need It

These days, a new venture’s success begins and ends on customer experience. Due to a large number of similar digital products out there, end users will stop using a product immediately if the user experience is not seamless. Similarly, a mobile application delivering a substandard user experience (UX) will fall behind the competition. A good digital product can turn into a failure if it does not work for the end user.

Why You Need APM-and How it Works

There’s a lot to consider when engineering and implementing software, whether as an update patch or a newly-introduced product. End users have certain expectations when introduced to new or updated software—at the top of the list are aesthetics, ease of use, stability, and response time—the last two of which can be significantly improved when you employ application performance management or APM.

Webhooks for Raygun Alerting - Create custom third-party integrations

Since the introduction of Alerting to Raygun in late 2021, development teams have had more visibility into emerging issues than ever before. While the initial solution enabled you to get alert notifications by email, we knew that the next step was to give you more control over where you receive alerts.

A sleek new trace filter and trace details tab, 50+ contributors in our tribe - SigNal 10

One who moves the hill sets off by taking away the rocks. This is our 10th monthly update, and looking back at it, I can’t help feeling proud of our consistent efforts. Numerous releases, GitHub issues, sprints, and standups have brought us here. And it’s incredible to see what small teams with purpose can build with a consistent effort. Without further ado, let’s see what our 10th edition has to offer.
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Error monitoring and exception handling in large-scale software projects

Large-scale software projects don't care how many unit tests you put into your code. Or how sophisticated your CI/CD pipeline is. Or how robustly you run blue-green deployments to ease into newly-deployed code. These projects will inevitably find themselves subjected to your users, who will uncover bugs your team didn't catch and didn't even think to test for.

A Complete Guide to Tomcat Performance Monitoring

Metrics and runtime characteristics for application server monitoring are critical for the applications running on each server. Monitoring also helps to prevent or manage possible problems promptly. Apache Tomcat is one of the most widely used servers for Java applications. JMX beans or a monitoring tool like MoSKito or JavaMelody can be used in Tomcat performance monitoring.

Datadog On Rust

Rust is a programming language that has been gaining popularity over the past few years, with its adopters claiming that it helps them write faster, memory efficient, and more reliable software. At Datadog many backend services are written in Go, but some teams have begun adopting Rust when building new services, especially when performance is critical.

Empower IT Help Desks: Deliver Business Value with IT Service Monitoring

On one of the EUC slack forums, a question was recently posted asking what are the key lessons learned in the last year and what changes organizations should investigate in the next year. The answers were revealing. Several folks pointed out that prior to the pandemic, we were operating within the comfort zone of carefully planned deployments with managed devices and managed networks.

Monolithic Application Performance Monitoring

A monolithic architecture is one of the oldest architectures used for making software and applications for various companies. In layman's terms, Monolith means everything in a single box. Monolithic software is supposed to be self-contained, and its components are interrelated and interdependent. When it comes to monoliths, updating a single component or rolling out a new feature is difficult. Suppose any program component needs an update.