Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

November 2022

Troubleshooting Azure SQL Database Performance Issues

When applications suffer performance degradation often the root cause of the issue is a database problem. In this guide we’ll show you 7 ways to troubleshoot your Azure SQL database performance issues using metrics and insights from the eG Enterprise monitoring solution.

The Top 3 Data Applications to Drive Your Customer Experience (CX)

The data and analytics space is booming and changing how we analyze and use data across industries. According to Fortune Business Insights, the global big data analytics market is projected to grow from $271.83 billion in 2022 to $655.53 billion by 2029 (at a CAGR of 13.4%). This boom has only been further accelerated by the recent pandemic as industries are shifting to digital solutions to address expanded market opportunities.

On-premises, Cloud First or Cloud Repatriation - What's the Trend? Which is Best?

Should you leave the cloud? Is cloud migration reversing? Is cloud repatriation a growing trend? On-premises vs. Cloud – which is best? How do you futureproof your IT and protect your business through recession or uncertainty, whether that’s in Cloud or On-prem? Today’s article is about keeping your options open within the context of recent economic and technological trends.

3M achieves growth, performance and reliability with AppDynamics

As one of the biggest SAP shops in the world, identifying the root cause of system performance issues impacting business operations is critical to 3M. The conglomerate needed a monitoring system that could pinpoint the problems to allow for faster resolution. By deploying AppDynamics, 3M discovered they could address risk areas in their SAP production environments and adopt it as a daily monitoring tool across non-SAP applications.

Announcement: Raygun Launches Public API

Today marks a new era for Raygun. With the launch our new Public API, you’ll be able to use the powerful metrics surfaced in Raygun in exciting new ways. This is our first step towards being API first, so watch for future developments. At Raygun, we pride ourselves on delivering invaluable customer-centric insights into the health of your software.

Manage your Raygun quota effectively with these tips

If you have any concerns about going over your plan’s monthly event quota, this guide will help you implement strategies to manage your Raygun error quota effectively. The key to staying within your quota is to keep the Raygun dashboard organized. This helps you save time too, as you’ll prevent non-critical errors staying active, ensuring you and your team are only alerted to the errors that matter. We recommend implementing the following actions to manage your event quota effectively.

How to install the Site24x7 APM Insight Java agent in a Docker container

This video will walk you through the process of installing the Site24x7 APM Insight Java agent in a Docker container. Docker itself is the whole environment that helps you run, build, and manage your application, allowing APM to achieve its goals more quickly. Related links The argument to include in your application startup command.

Architecting for Reliability

As modern systems become increasingly more complex, the risk of incidents and outages increases. Old approaches to reliability can sometimes be adapted to novel system designs, but other times new methods need to be invented. In this panel session moderated by Datadog’s Jason Yee, you’ll hear from SRE leaders and systems architects across the industry about how they’re designing and operating systems to achieve greater reliability.

Democratizing Observability

DevOps principles have helped many organizations improve cross-team collaboration, which has in turn led to increased reliability and velocity in the development lifecycle. In this session moderated by Jason Yee, we hear from panelists who have applied these same DevOps principles to observability, helping them unlock data-based insights and empower teams to make smarter, more informed decisions.

Dash Panel Discussion: What Users Really Want

Measuring user experience is typically done by tracking metrics like latency and purchase frequency. But these metrics can often obscure real user sentiment. In this panel session moderated by Miranda Kapin, you can learn about better ways to uncover how users are truly experiencing your application and methods for improving their engagement.

Building a Multi-Tenant Insurance Platform

In 2020, CoverWallet—a multi-tenant insurance platform—was acquired by Aon, which led to a rapid expansion in both the size and global presence of its engineering organization. In his talk, CoverWallet’s Hylke Alons walks through the changes that were necessary to meet their platform's new expectations, including improving growth and scalability while ensuring reliability, automating security, and reducing maintenance. He also discusses some best practices for scaling up engineering and product teams to handle demand in a complex and highly regulated industry like insurance.

Optimize Trace Memory with Scout

Application performance monitoring (APM) is a process of monitoring and analyzing performance issues within an application. In monolithic architecture, monitoring the performance of an application using APM tools was straightforward. However, once the application adopts microservice architecture, the application becomes more complex, and the business functionalities flow into different microservices to complete the workflow.

Kubernetes Audit Logs - Best Practices And Configuration

Kubernetes is the de facto leader of container orchestration tools. With the growing popularity of micro-service-based development, Kubernetes emerged as the go-to tool to deploy and manage large-scale enterprise applications. However, with the plethora of features offered by Kubernetes, it is a complex tool to manage and operate. This article will focus on how to configure Kubernetes Audit Logs so that you can have the records of events happening in your cluster.

17 Popular Java Frameworks for 2023: Pros, cons, and more

In 2023, Java is still the third most popular programming language in the world. It encompasses a vast ecosystem and more than 9 million Java developers worldwide. Java’s popularity comes down to a few key advantages; it’s a platform-independent language (write once, run anywhere) that follows the object-oriented programming paradigm and is straightforward to understand, write, and debug.

New Relic Alternative for Python

Python is one of the most used languages among developers. There are many reasons why python is very famous among developers, which we will discuss in this blog. Due to the fame of python, it is used in many business applications, hence monitoring a python application is crucial. New Relic is one of the oldest monitoring tools for python monitoring. But New Relic competitors are growing rapidly; hence, if you do not like the New Relic user interface, many New Relic alternatives exist.

One Click Visibility: Coralogix expands APM Capabilities to Kubernetes

There is a common painful workflow with many observability solutions. Each data type is separated into its own user interface, creating a disjointed workflow that increases cognitive load and slows down Mean Time to Diagnose (MTTD). At Coralogix, we aim to give our customers the maximum possible insights for the minimum possible effort. We’ve expanded our APM features (see documentation) to provide deep, contextual insights into applications – but we’ve done something different.

How to detect anomalies in logs, metrics, and traces to reduce MTTR with Elastic Machine Learning

Elastic Observability has extensive machine learning capabilities that support and improve analysis in APM. Learn techniques for correlating and detecting anomalies of telemetry data from APM agents for a particular application.

Monitoring Windows 365 Cloud PCs

A new era is here, where cloud computing is taking a growing share of the digital workspace market. Microsoft are well placed to capture an increasing part of this market to deliver digital workspaces to end users to run their business applications. Using Azure as the umbrella we see new Microsoft services arise each year. Last year the Windows 365 service was born with a Cloud PC service offering both Business and Enterprise subscriptions.

Ask a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

Site reliability engineering (SRE) can be complicated, and at Datadog, we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about SRE and refining how we implement it. Join Datadog’s Brandon West and Rick Mangi as they provide a brief overview of SRE and its core concepts. This video also contains a Q&A session from the live taping of this panel.

FinOps and Cloud Cost Optimization

As companies scale, it’s become increasingly important to keep cloud cost management and optimization top of mind. In this talk, Yuval Yogev from Sygnia walks you through Sygnia’s optimization journey of cutting their total cloud costs in half. Yogev also shares insights into how you can optimize your own organization’s cloud usage and spend.

Deploying OpenTelemetry Organizationally: From Proof of Concept to In-Production at Scale

Observability involves telling a coherent story about an entire system. Over the years, video streaming service Pluto TV has had to navigate many storytellers in terms of observability vendors, tools, and formats before settling on OpenTelemetry to analyze and compare features across its many destination platforms. During this presentation, you'll see how Bharathi Ramachandran—Engineering Manager at Pluto TV—used OpenTelemetry to implement his initial proof of concept and get his entire organization shipping observability data at scale.

Changing Perspectives: A Deep Dive into the Security Posture of 600+ Real-World AWS Environments

Earlier this year, Datadog released the “State of AWS Security” study, which examined real-world data from more than 600 organizations and AWS accounts to understand the security posture of global AWS users who also leverage the Datadog Cloud Security Platform. Join Datadog’s Christophe Tafani-Dereeper and Andrew Krug as they explore some important insights from this study, such as the top ways organizations are breached on AWS and how tooling like Datadog Cloud Security Posture Management can help.

Auditing Your Automation's Access: Using More Automation

Between CI/CD pipelines, container orchestrators, and developer debugging tools, more and more automation is needed to scale your systems. But how do you know if that automation is accessing the right systems at the right time? And how do you ensure that your automation is safe from exploits by unauthorized users?

I've Made a Huge Mistake: Implementing Agile on Infrastructure Teams

Bad planning methods can damage team morale and prevent teams from improving the systems they maintain. In this talk, Sam Handler from Shopify explains how his attempts to fix poor infrastructure planning processes through Agile methods failed. Drawing from this experience, he offers several principles that can help infrastructure teams improve the way they work.

Scaling Up, One Network Bottleneck at a Time

Processing data at scale involves moving packets through a network—but what happens when that network isn't cooperative? Anatole Beuzon, a Software Engineer at Datadog, discusses how he investigated and resolved network issues in Datadog’s larger data-processing apps and how you can apply these same methods to your own production workloads.

10,000+ GitHub stars, Enterprise edition, and Performance Benchmarks - SigNal 18

Starting this one off on a different chord! Startups are challenging yet fulfilling. There is always a long road ahead - full of challenges and uncertainties. Yet, sometimes we hit a milestone and feel nostalgic about the journey completed. 10,000+ GitHub stargazers seemed like a distant dream, but finally, it’s here. Moments like these are special to the team. We are grateful to the developer community for their continued support since our inception.

Performance Monitoring for AWS NICE DCV VDI and Cloud Protocol

In today’s article, I will be highlighting eG Enterprise’s monitoring capabilities for Amazon’s AWS NICE DCV VDI protocol that was used first in Amazon’s AppStream 2.0 and now subsequently also in WSP 2.0 for the Amazon WorkSpaces service for digital workspaces.

A New Era of Sentry

Today we are releasing Dynamic Sampling, available to all new customers, and opt-in for existing customers. This goes beyond a new feature however and is an overhaul to the way we package Sentry’s Performance Monitoring product. We are saying goodbye to the days of static, magic number sampling configured within the SDK and moving to a world of flexibility.

Announcing general availability of Elastic APM .NET agent profiler auto-instrumentation

A few months back, we introduced the beta release of Elastic APM.NET agent profiler auto-instrumentation. Fast forward to today, we're excited to announce the general availability (GA) of this powerful capability that allows the.NET APM agent to automatically instrument.NET Framework, .NET Core, and.NET applications without requiring code changes or recompilation.

Current DevOps Problems & How Scout APM Solves Them

Most software companies rely on DevOps at some scale to aid their software development and deployment processes. DevOps has recently seen a major increase in popularity due to the advent of cloud-based tools and automation possibilities. DevOps can help you completely forget the woes of deploying software and focus better on building better apps and providing a holistic experience for your end user. However, just like other things in tech, DevOps is not perfect.