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November 2022

Testing React components with Cypress

Components are reusable bits of code that, most of the time, work and function independently. If you want to be confident that components are working properly, you need to test them. Conveniently, Cypress.io has designed their testing framework to include component testing. This tutorial illustrates the differences between end-to-end (E2E) and component testing, and what to consider when using these methods. Then, you will learn how to use Cypress for component testing.

What Is Developer Experience?

Recently I started hearing more and more about developer experience, which to me was a bit new-ish, so seriously what is developer experience? Another buzz word? A real thing? It’s been a while since I actually developed code … yes yes … you can laugh … a sales person that used to be a developer 😃, and A LOT changed since then. The number of tools a developer should work with on a daily basis is just crazy.

Get in front of delivery risks by managing work in progress

Sleuth’s product team is pleased to announce an exciting new feature that provides early and actionable visibility into emerging work-in-progress risk! With this release, Sleuth provides customers even more actionable visibility into their engineering efficiency. It extends Sleuth's deploy-centric tracking capabilities upstream in the developer workflow to provide real-time visibility into in-flight work and its emerging risks. Here's how it works.

What I learned from developing a GitLab support feature for CircleCI

Earlier this year, CircleCI added GitLab as the third version control system that we support, in addition to GitHub and Bitbucket. At CircleCI, it’s vital that we meet our users where they are, and many of our users are on GitLab. We were happy to make it possible for our users to build, test, and deploy via the GitLab platform.

Build a CI powered RESTful API with Laravel

When it comes to building RESTful APIs, PHP’s open source Laravel framework remains a top 5 backend framework for web development. Laravel also makes testing your API endpoints a breeze by providing an easy-to-use testing suite. In this post, we will build a token-based authentication API with Laravel, write tests for the endpoints, and automate the build and testing process with CircleCI.

Integration testing with GitLab CI and Docker

GitLab is a complete DevOps platform that enables enterprises and organizations to deliver software to markets smoothly while ensuring high product quality. Software engineering practices use many testing techniques, from unit tests to integration tests. This article helps you understand software testing with unit and integration tests. It highlights the fundamental differences between unit and integration tests and demonstrates how to write integration tests for your applications.

Access Bitbucket Cloud repositories more securely with resource-scoped access tokens.

We understand there is a constant tension between the need to keep source code secure, while also enabling tools to integrate with your Source Code Management solution. In line with this, Bitbucket Cloud is introducing the first step in a range of new API security capabilities, designed to give customers fine-grained control over access to their Repositories, Projects, and Workspaces.

JavaScript immediately invoked function expressions

JavaScript Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs) are functions that are executed when they are initialized. An IIFE (pronounced “iffy”) can be initialized or defined to achieve a certain purpose. In this tutorial, you will learn about use cases for IIFEs and the benefits of using them over traditional functions. You will also write tests for your functions and integrate CI/CD for these tests.

Configuring notifications for your CI builds with Slack and Twilio

CircleCI notification orbs were built to deliver messages to the appropriate channels when a build is successful or when it fails. This helps everyone involved in a project stay up-to-date with the status of the latest build. In this tutorial, you will explore and implement notifications sent to a Slack channel and also sent via SMS. To accomplish this task, you will make use of the Slack and Twilio orbs from the CircleCI orb registry.

Season 2 finale: How to grow from failure in 2023 + Rob's worst failure

In the finale episode of season 2, our podcast producer Julia McClellan turns the tables on Rob to see what he's really learned from interviewing 18 top tech leaders in 2022. Rob reflects on how to grow, communicate, and change our ways from experiencing failure. Tune in today to hear Rob share his most catastrophic failure and catch a special preview to season 3.

The Start of Sleuth: Filling a Gap in Software Delivery Performance

Sleuth's founders -- Dylan Etkin, Michael Knighten, and Don Brown -- talk about where the idea for Sleuth came from, how it's filling a need in measuring and improving on software delivery performance, and how it helps teams unlock their ability to experiment. Give Sleuth a try and see why it's a deploy-based Accelerate / DORA metrics tracker both managers and developers love.

Is a multicloud strategy right for your organization?

For the last few years, many development teams have replaced traditional data centers with cloud-hosted infrastructure. Cloud adoption continues to grow, and teams are updating applications to leverage cloud-based services. But for many organizations, adopting a single cloud provider to host all their applications and data can put their business at risk. To reduce these risks, some organizations are distributing resources across multiple cloud providers in a specifically designed way.

CircleCI + Squadcast Integration: Alert Routing Made Easy

CircleCI is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that helps in implementing DevOps practices. It is used to build, test, and deploy projects, by automating pipelines with jobs. If you use CircleCI for implementing your DevOps practices, you can now integrate it with Squadcast to route detailed alerts to the right users in Squadcast. The below steps will help you set up CircleCI and Squadcast integration.

Deploy Django apps to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Your software development team has an enormous number of tools available to them. Some older tools are being used in new ways, which has inspired the creation of more new tools to choose from. For example, JavaScript has grown from a language used to add interactivity on websites to a full-stack language for both frontend and backend needs. JavaScript has paved the way for Express, Nest.js, and many others.

Announcing New CircleCI + Honeycomb Integration Guide

If you’re writing software today, then you likely use a CI/CD pipeline to build and test your code before deploying it to production. Having a fast and efficient build pipeline saves you development time, shortens feedback loops, and helps you ship features faster. Conversely, slow and unreliable build pipelines are full of lost productivity and sadness.

Leveraging failure to achieve scale ft. Shailesh Kumar, SVP of Engineering at ClickUp

How do you not take failure personally, but instead use it as a tool for growth? Shailesh Kumar, SVP of Engineering at ClickUp, sits down with Rob to share his experiences being a part of numerous organizations on the brink of major growth. As head of engineering, Shailesh has had to manage his teams through difficult circumstances like platform stability challenges with a healthy dose of trial and error.

Announcing Linux Shell Runners in Bitbucket Pipelines

We are happy to announce that Bitbucket Pipelines now supports non-containerized Linux Shell Self-Hosted Runners. We have moved from beta to an official release. You can now create a self-hosted runner and run it on your Linux infrastructure without container restrictions. Since it is your infrastructure, you will not be charged for the build minutes used by your self-hosted runner.

Auditing Your Automation's Access: Using More Automation

Between CI/CD pipelines, container orchestrators, and developer debugging tools, more and more automation is needed to scale your systems. But how do you know if that automation is accessing the right systems at the right time? And how do you ensure that your automation is safe from exploits by unauthorized users?

Mapping service vulnerabilities with Mend

Mend is an automated vulnerability scanning tool that helps teams detect and resolve issues quickly. Mend can discover outdated packages and tell you if you’re relying on tools with known issues. Then, through automated remediation, Mend creates pull requests for developers with specific guidance on resolving those issues. Mend conducts static code analysis as well as package and dependency management analysis to identify weaknesses.

Launching increased transparency and control for workspace invitations

We are excited to announce some big changes for Bitbucket Cloud invitations. Over the next week we will begin progressively rolling out a new, more intuitive way to invite new members to your workspace with increased management controls and transparency. As part of Atlassian's cloud-first strategy, Bitbucket Cloud is investing in more and more enterprise capabilities to ensure a seamless experience for customers migrating from Server? Cloud.

Building an automated unit testing pipeline for serverless applications

The Serverless framework is an open-source framework written in Node.js that simplifies the development and deployment of AWS Lambda functions. It frees you from worrying about how to package and deploy the application to the cloud, so you can focus on your application logic. Serverless applications are distributed by design, so good code coverage is vital, and should include unit testing.

5 Types of Git WorkFlow & Explanation of each Flow

As you might be aware, each team has its own unique workflow based on the project type, size of the company, team preferences, and a number of other factors. The larger the team, the more difficult it is to keep things under control: disputes become more regular, delivery deadlines may postpone, priorities always change - the list may go on and on. Adapting Git is the first step in resolving these challenges, as it can be used in almost any workflow.

Supply Chain Security Workshop

More and more attacks are aimed at the entire supply chain, which means that we developers are increasingly targeted by the attackers. Attacks like the SolarWinds hack show us that making sure you don’t use vulnerable dependencies isn’t enough. The attackers have their sights set on the entire development process with its components. In this workshop, we will look at the first steps and try them out in practice which will enable you to integrate the topic of security into your everyday life as a developer.