Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

December 2023

An Ultimate guide on Azure FinOps to steer your cloud spending in the right direction

When dealing with some of the large enterprise migrations to the public cloud a few years ago, it was immediately clear that a huge process gap in the finance operations of these companies was not only making the finance controller miserable but also challenging the cloud teams as to their autonomy and in general, ability to deliver quickly on the flexibility and speed that the cloud promised.

15 Datadog Alternatives Worth Your Consideration

As an engineer or CTO, you already know that monitoring your tech stack is essential for maintaining optimal performance, security, and health. The thing is, building and hosting an observability platform for your full stack’s logs, metrics, and more is quite time-consuming and can be costly. One of the top contenders if you are seeking a SaaS-based monitoring and observability tool is Datadog. Perhaps you already use Datadog but would like to switch to another observability platform.

OpenTelemetry ECS Tutorial - Monitor AWS ECS metrics [Step-By-Step Guide]

OpenTelemetry can be used to monitor ECS clusters. In this tutorial, you will install OpenTelemetry Collector to collect ECS metrics and then send the collected data to SigNoz for monitoring and visualization. In this tutorial, we cover: If you want to jump straight into implementation, start with this Pre-requisites section.

6 Azure FinOps Principles to ensure financial accountability

FinOps, short for Financial Operations, is not just a term but a transformative approach that combines finance, operations, and engineering teams. At its core, it empowers organizations to take control of their cloud spending, optimizing resources while aligning seamlessly with business goals.

The Ultimate Guide to Azure Synapse Cost Optimization: Save Big on Cloud Expenses

Microsoft’s Azure Synapse is a cloud-based analytics service that transforms how organizations analyze and visualize large datasets in real-time for better decision-making. To maximize its benefits, effective cost management is crucial, emphasizing the importance of “Azure Synapse cost optimization.” This analytics powerhouse accelerates insight across data warehouses and big data systems by integrating SQL and Spark technologies, along with tools like Data Explorer and Pipelines.

Using Karpenter With EKS Fargate To Cut Costs On EKS Infrastructure

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) has revolutionized the way organizations deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes. However, optimizing costs on EKS infrastructure remains a challenge for many. Enter Karpenter, a Kubernetes-native node autoscaler designed to improve resource efficiency.

What Is Cloud Infrastructure? Everything You Need To Know

Essentially, cloud infrastructure consists of a set of virtual tools and resources that help deliver cloud-based services and products. For companies, cloud infrastructure liberates them from building their own physical data centers. Instead, they rent computing capacity on a need-by-need basis. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. In this post, we’ll define cloud infrastructure, examine cloud computing types, delivery models, and more.

Complexity in the Clouds: A Comprehensive Checklist for Smooth Migration

“Hasn’t everyone already migrated to the cloud?” is a question you might be considering now. For many businesses – sure, they’ve migrated workloads and operations to the major cloud providers like Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Still, many businesses have just now worked through their due diligence and scalability concerns. While many businesses are “fully cloud,” there are just as many yet to migrate.

Top 6 Azure FinOps Best Practices You Need to Know

When managing cloud workloads, FinOps best practices offer the best way of starting the process adoption. FinOps, short for Financial Operations, is a fusion of financial discipline and operational efficiency: as companies increasingly rely on public cloud services, adopting Azure FinOps becomes imperative for maintaining financial transparency and control and optimizing resource utilization while fostering cross-functional collaboration.

Github Actions 101: your 1st action l SymfonyCon Brussels 2023

We all know we should be doing more automation of our software development lifecycle, but getting started can be challenging. Even if you have experience in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) automation, learning a specific platform’s terminology and idiosyncrasies can be frustrating.

Regex: demystifying the hieroglyphics l SymfonyCon Brussels 2023

While regular expressions can certainly look like hieroglyphics, once you understand the basics, you can unlock massive amounts of power in your searches and work. You're working with some data and find yourself needing to find a specific piece of information, but your searches keep matching things that you don’t want. While basic searches are fine for some things, every once in a while you need something more powerful.

SharePoint Online Basics: Understanding Document Libraries and Lists

SharePoint Online, part of Microsoft’s extensive cloud offerings, brings a new level of efficiency to document and data management in modern workplaces. With its sophisticated tools like Document Libraries and Lists, SharePoint Online is indispensable for businesses seeking streamlined collaboration and organization. This guide delves into these key features, providing insights for both new and experienced users.

Mbps: What Is It, and How Does It Affect Cloud Storage?

In the last 20 years, modern society has undergone a completely visible evolution regarding the Internet. Since its birth in the United States, it has been used by two-thirds of the world's population. According to the Digital Report 2023 study, Internet users worldwide have increased by 1.9%, reaching 5.16 billion this year. We use the Internet for many daily tasks, such as working online, shopping, and consuming content such as movies, music, or streaming games.

Stop guessing: Master canary deployments with Ocean CD Baseline

Today’s companies need to determine whether their software rollouts are successful to ensure good user experience, software stability, reliability, and effectiveness during rollouts. To assess their rollouts, they monitor metrics like memory consumption, CPU usage, error rates, and more.

Sailing into 2024 - Top Azure Trends and Predictions

Its that time again, it’s the end of the year and it’s time to reflect on the things that have happened in the technology world and think about what went well, what didn’t go so well, where cloud providers are investing, and where we think they might be going in 2024.

Exploring Amazon Bedrock to transform ITSM customer experiences in SolarWinds Service Desk

Practical IT Service Management (ITSM) can be challenging when considering the growth of users and services to support. Additionally, ongoing trends in distributed enterprises with remote workforces, hybrid cloud, and cost-based pressures force companies to do more with less. Atop the usual demands, ITSM teams increasingly expect integrations with observability and security, giving IT support teams a single pane of glass across their roles and responsibilities.

What Is Cloud Architecture? A Guide To Cost-Efficient Design

Cloud computing offers many advantages over on-premises environments, including scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Yet, simply using a “lift and shift” strategy — where you move your application as-is from an on-premise environment to the cloud with minimal, if any, modification — can lead to several issues (such as inefficient design, bloated costs, etc.).

A Comprehensive guide to auto-shutdown idle Azure VMs to maximize cost savings

Virtual Machines (VMs) act as the foundation for the evolution of cloud computing. Business organizations utilizing virtualization for their applications will operate flawlessly only when the corresponding VM resources function without interruptions. A cloud enterprise’s expenditure on VM resources is frequently high, as pricing varies according to its service tier.

Unlock significant cost savings with Azure VM Reservations

Azure VM Reservations are the best solution for optimizing cloud expenses. Users can obtain discounted prices for virtual machines in Microsoft Azure by committing to a one- or three-year term. This strategic approach ensures predictable costs, enhances budget management, and is ideal for workloads with consistent resource requirements. Leveraging Azure VM Reservations empowers businesses to achieve significant cost savings while maintaining flexibility and scalability in the cloud infrastructure.

Azure Cosmos DB Cost Optimization to avoid unforeseen expenses

Cost optimization is critical to managing any cloud-based service, including Azure Cosmos DB. Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service that allows you to scale your storage and throughput across regions. Although it offers a highly scalable and flexible platform for creating applications, Azure Cosmos DB cost optimization is important to ensure efficient resource utilization, avoid unforeseen expenses, and estimate costs more accurately.

Building multi-tenant SaaS with Amazon EKS and Amazon ECS with Spot Ocean from Spot by NetApp

SaaS providers prefer to host their solutions centrally on the cloud as a single deployment unit and share them across all their customers (tenants) in order to achieve strategic business objectives. To support this, SaaS generally demands cloud-managed services to help implement necessary automation, security, and observability specifically for their multi-tenanted compute layers.

The Power of Distributed Tracing in Shifting Observability Left

This is the second post in a 3-part series about shifting Observability left. If you have not had a chance to read the first, you can find it here. In today’s complex microservices deployments, gaining visibility into deployments is vital for optimal system performance and scalability. This has become even more important as the tech industry has moved toward microservice architecture reliance. Navigating through logs has become increasingly complex as requirements have grown.

How CloudSpend helps reduce the costs associated with your AWS Spot Instances

Maximise ROI in Spot Instances with CloudSpend In our fast-paced tech world, the need for scalable and budget-friendly cloud resources is unprecedented. AWS is the frontrunner in providing organizations with a wide range of computing services. Through its Amazon EC2 Spot Instances program, often known more simply Spot Instances, AWS offers a cost-effective alternative plan to address an organization’s resource-intensive workload requirements.

What Is FinOps? What You Need To Know In Under 10 Minutes

DevOps. DevSecOps. AIOps. NoOps. RevOps. FinOps. It’s hard to keep up sometimes. No worries, though. CloudZero sits at the intersection of finance and operations — and we recently joined the FinOps Foundation, which brings together FinOps practitioners to collaborate, learn, and network. In this guide, we’ll share more about FinOps and why it matters to you as a SaaS company that relies on cloud services and OpEx financials.

Shifting Observability Left - Empowering Developers

This is the first post in a 3-part series about shifting Observability left. When it comes to the reliability and performance of your applications, compromise is not an option in the world of software development. This is where observability can help developers achieve a more robust and scalable infrastructure.

5 Strategies to Reduce Your AWS Lambda Expenses Efficiently

As a serverless computing service, AWS Lambda has revolutionized deployment with its pay-as-you-go model. Yet, users often grapple with unexpected costs. This guide underscores the criticality of cost optimization and prepares to unveil quintessential strategies to trim down your Lambda bills without compromising performance.

Getting Started with SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online, a powerful tool within the Microsoft 365 suite, has revolutionized how businesses manage and collaborate on content. Whether you’re a small business owner, a corporate employee, or an IT professional, SharePoint Online offers a plethora of features to enhance productivity and streamline workflow. This guide aims to demystify SharePoint Online for beginners, providing a step-by-step approach to help you navigate and harness its full potential.

Revolutionizing finance: FINQ's AWS migration with 2bcloud's expertise

In the fast-paced world of finance, FINQ is challenging the status quo. Frustrated with the outdated practices of traditional financial intermediaries, they’ve pioneered a science-based investment platform. FINQ’s vision is to allow anyone to become a smart investor, not only the rich and privileged, by providing transparent, 100% objective, practical investment solutions with any sum of money.

Azure Logic Apps costs optimization to maximize savings

The Logic Apps are cloud-based resources provided by Azure, which can be integrated with various systems and services with minimal code implementation. The Logic App uses elements like connectors, triggers, and workflows for optimal performance. The utilization of each component influences the overall cost of the Logic App.

Ep. 11: Inside AWS: Innovation, Scaling, and Cloud Operations with Jeff Barr

AWS Chief Evangelist Jeff Barr joins Cloud Control to talk about the AWS journey from the early days to hyperscale. Discover insights on how customer obsession lives at the heart of AWS’s massive impact on cloud, the evolution of API development, and the potential of generative AI. Jeff also shares his advice for aspiring tech professionals in a world that never stops innovating.

What is a multi-cloud management platform?

As an IT leader, you’re acutely aware of the struggles of juggling multiple cloud environments, from integration headaches to holistic incident management to monitoring multiple clouds at once. Seeking a more efficient multi-cloud management solution is crucial to alleviate these pressures and streamline your cloud operations.

An introduction to Duet AI in Google Cloud

Join this session to discover how Duet AI in Google Cloud, an AI-powered collaborator, can boost your team’s productivity and expertise in the cloud domain. We’ll explore the powerful features of Duet AI, such as AI-driven code assistance directly in integrated development environments to increase developer productivity, AI-backed operations to help operators better manage cloud infrastructure and application, AI-powered data exploration, and Duet AI in AppSheet that empowers business users to build apps in the cloud. We’ll also share our vision for Duet AI, explore the future roadmap, and demo its key features.

When to choose a Layer 2 or Layer 3 connection to connect to your cloud

Console Connect is a flexible software-defined self-service platform that's ideal for connecting your enterprise campus or data centre to your public cloud resources over a private connection. But when you make your interconnection you will have to decide between a Layer 2 or Layer 3 connection, also known as the Data Link Layer (L2) and the Network Layer (L3). Let’s take a look at the difference between these options and when you would choose one over the other.

Azure Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling: Which is Right for You?

Scalability in cloud computing refers to the system’s ability to handle changing workloads efficiently. It allows seamless resource adjustments based on demand, optimizing performance, cost, and resource utilization. Key benefits include improved flexibility, cost efficiency, high availability, and enhanced user experience. Scalability is essential for adapting to dynamic business requirements and ensuring the optimal functioning of cloud-based applications and services.

Common Cloud Cost Questions To Expect From Finance (And How To Answer Them)

As an engineer at a SaaS company, it’s your job to build the software products that make your company profitable. Problem-solving is what you love to do, and it’s a wonderful feeling when you can create something that makes a positive difference for your company.

Exploring the new EKS Pod Identity Functionality

One announcement that caught my attention in the EKS space during this year’s AWS re:Invent conference was the addition of the Amazon EKS Pod Identities feature. This new addition helps simplify the complexities of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) within Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). EKS Pod Identities simplify IAM credential management in EKS clusters, addressing a problematic area over the past few years as Microservice adoption has risen across the industry.

Using VPC Flow Logs to Monitor AWS Virtual Public Cloud

While no man is an island, your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is, except it’s a digital island floating in the ocean of a public cloud offered by a cloud service provider (CSP). The VPC means that everything on your digital island is yours, and none of the CSPs other customers can (or should be able to!) access it. You’ve likely been introduced to the shared security model, a sometimes-confusing way that organizations and their cloud-services providers (CSPs) split security responsibilities.

What's New in Serverless360: Scaling VMs up/down, Azure Automation runbooks management & monitoring.

Serverless360's latest update, version 3.2.0, brings a suite of enhancements. These include Azure Automation runbooks management and monitoring, Scaling VMs up/down between different service tiers in schedules, Synapse pipelines in optimization schedules, and much more.

AWS re:Invent Recap!

Cribl’s usual suspects, Ed Bailey and Jackie McGuire, are joined by Sr Partner Marketing Manager Michelle Zhang to discuss our experiences at AWS re:Invent this past November. It was a great event, and we want to share the top themes and presentations we saw at the show. Michelle will share her experience building and strengthening Cribl’s strategic alliance network and some of the "better together" progress made over the past year for customers.

Episode 1 | Tushar Srivastava on BPM, Process Mining and AI Automation

In this inaugural episode of the Tech Decisions Podcast, the hosts introduce the show and its purpose of making enterprise technology research accessible and insightful. The guest, Tushar Shrivastava, a BPM enthusiast and former Gartner analyst, provides an overview of BPM (Business Process Management) and the technologies it encompasses, including business process automation, process mining, and task mining. The importance of investing in BPM technologies is discussed, along with successful outcomes of BPM implementations.

How to reduce SharePoint Online Costs

In today’s business landscape, efficient management of digital resources is paramount, especially when it comes to collaborative platforms like SharePoint Online. As organizations increasingly rely on SharePoint for document management, communication, and collaboration, the costs associated with its usage can escalate quickly. This is where strategic cost management becomes essential.

Azure VM Rightsizing for Performance Excellence and Cost Control

Azure Virtual machines are one of the computing services offered by Azure. Azure VMs provide flexibility and agility, enabling organizations to swiftly deploy and scale applications without investing in and maintaining on-premises hardware. Azure VMs are fundamental in creating and managing the Azure cloud infrastructure. The concept of Azure VM rightsizing involves choosing the most suitable VM size for your workloads based on the resource requirements.

50+ Key SaaS Statistics To Know In Under 15 Minutes

Getting the right information at the right time can dramatically change the direction of your business. Yet, you may not have enough time to keep up with everything. We get it. So, our team pulled a few all-nighters (so you don’t have to) and brings you the key SaaS statistics every SaaS leader, team, and engineer should see right now.

Azure AD Connect: What It Is and How to Configure It

Azure AD Connect offers organizations the power of hybrid identity solutions, providing a seamless bridge between on-premises Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. This guide will introduce the functions and features of Azure AD Connect, from understanding its core purpose to configuring it securely. With this information, you’ll have the knowledge needed to set up and maintain a robust hybrid identity solution.

Episode 10: From the Court to the Cloud How Solo.io became a billion dollar unicorn

On this episode, Shon goes in-depth with Idit Levine, founder and CEO of solo.io, an application networking unicorn valued at over $1 billion. They explore Edith's journey from professional basketball in Israel to leading solo's meteoric rise at the bleeding edge of cloud-native infrastructure.

Product Release Notes November 2023

One of the major issues with first-generation cloud cost management platforms is their tendency to become shelfware. Low data quality, high barriers to entry for new users, and low signal-to-noise ratio made it hard to drive cost accountability among engineering teams — and pushed many organizations to nearly give up on it.

5 Multi-cloud Data Management Best Practices You Should Follow

A multi-cloud approach helps organizations avoid vendor lock-in, leverage the best available technologies, and reduce costs - but it can also result in added complexity when it comes to centralizing, securing, and analyzing data from cloud applications and services. This blog highlights 5 multi-cloud data management best practices that can help you make the most of your data in multi-cloud environments.

Revolutionizing Finance: The Fusion of Fintech and Cloud Computing

Fintech, short for financial technology, represents an evolving landscape where technology-driven innovation is reshaping traditional financial services. This sector encompasses a range of financial activities, including mobile banking, online payment processing, and algorithmic asset management. Fintech leverages technologies like big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to offer personalized and efficient financial solutions.

A Bright New Era in Developer Troubleshooting with Lumigo and OpenTelemetry

At Lumigo, building developer-first tools has always been at the forefront of our approach to troubleshooting and debugging. As developers ourselves, we have experienced firsthand the frustration and intricacies of sifting through logs looking for answers. We’ve also felt the pressure of the clock ticking, with production issues waiting to be resolved and the need for timely answers to surfaced application issues.

Rate limiting based on AWS VPC ID

Managing incoming web traffic for your applications is essential to ensuring optimal performance, preventing abuse, and maintaining the security of your cloud infrastructure. To accomplish this, one of the tools HAProxy Enterprise users have at their disposal is rate limiting—the practice of preventing clients from making too many requests and using system resources unfairly.

20 Best Cloud Monitoring Tools

When it comes to the best cloud monitoring tools, there are various services you can rely on or choose to support your IT infrastructure. After all, cloud monitoring is critical to ensure the performance, uptime, and overall health of cloud services. Numerous teams in modern IT, SaaS, and app development companies, including DevOps, SREs, and security analysts depend on cloud monitoring solutions.

Optimize Azure App Service costs professionally for peak savings

Azure App Service is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to make, deploy, and scale web apps, mobile backends, and RESTful APIs efficiently. A powerful component of an organization’s cloud strategy, Azure App Service offers numerous advantages in terms of development, deployment, and operations.

We can't wait for SBOMs to be demanded by regulation

Old ads can be startling—cigarette ads used to boast their health-giving properties, sugar-laden candy was once advertised as a dietary aid, and soft drinks were advertised as a milk alternative for babies. None of this would fly today, of course, thanks to regulations. Foods must be advertised more responsibly, and they must list their ingredients clearly on the packaging, especially allergens.

Lumigo Releases 1-Click OpenTelemetry for Microservices Troubleshooting

Lumigo is excited to announce its microservice troubleshooting platform now provides developers and DevOps with the power of OpenTelemetry (OTel) with a single click. Lumigo has long been the leading troubleshooting platform for serverless, but now, users can harness its best-in-class debugging and observability platform for all microservices-based environments.

10 Google Cloud Alternatives You Should Seriously Consider Today

Over the last few years, Google Cloud has grown at the fastest rate of any cloud service provider today. From 2020 to 2021, Google Cloud’s IaaS offering, GCP, grew 64%, followed by Microsoft Azure (51%) and Alibaba Cloud (42%), according to Gartner. Yet Google Cloud isn’t flawless. Here’s what we mean and some of the top Google Cloud alternatives you’ll want to consider today.

Azure App Service rightsizing to maximize cost efficiency

Azure App Service rightsizing refers to adjusting the computing size allocated to an Azure App Service plan to achieve an optimal balance between cost and performance. It involves analyzing the resource utilization and selecting an appropriate computing power to meet your performance requirements while minimizing costs. Optimizing App service plan sizes is crucial for cost efficiency and performance enhancement.

How to securely query AWS S3 from ClickHouse

ClickHouse is a powerful analytical database, loading data from an AWS S3 bucket allows you to quickly start analyzing the data without having to download and upload them manually in the database. Writing data to S3 allows you to offload some cold data, while keeping all the hot data in ClickHouse and, with the usage of federated queries, being able to query both hot and cold data at the same time.

Architecting modern data platforms: A deep dive on Azure

In this episode of the Azure on Air podcast, Erwin Stall, an experienced Azure architect from Xpirit, shares insights into modernizing a monolithic data platform on Azure. The conversation dives into key aspects such as data storage and management, centralized data storage, team flexibility, choosing the right data platform, Microsoft Azure Fabric's limitations and potential, and much more. Also, listen to Azure on Air on.

Stop paying for unused resources with Azure Reservations utilization monitoring

Within the ever-changing realm of cloud computing, businesses are always looking for methods to reduce expenses and improve operational effectiveness. Azure Reservations is a valuable option, offering significant cost savings over pay-as-you-go pricing. It is essential to have efficient use monitoring to maximize these advantages. This blog will examine ways to optimize savings and discuss the significance of Azure Reservation utilization Monitoring.

What is Open Access Research and Why It's a Good Thing

The birth of the internet gave way to infinite possibilities for researchers and students alike. By cutting costs to help employed people carry on learning, researchers also have an immense amount of data to manage. Enabling writers to publish and share their findings with the world while providing graduates with crucial information to support their chosen field of study, using the internet for research can be a huge benefit. However, you have to show caution with how websites handle your information.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Vs. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Pricing Breakdown

Although Amazon Web Services (AWS) still holds about a third of the cloud services market, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has been growing rapidly in recent years. Among the reasons for GCP’s rapid adoption is its simpler pricing structure compared to Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Is that really the case? And how do AWS and GCP pricing differ? But first, a quick background.

EKS Cost Traps: 3 Common Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, Kubernetes has emerged as the go-to orchestration platform, revolutionizing the way applications are deployed, scaled, and managed in containerized environments. As organizations increasingly adopt Kubernetes, with platforms like Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) leading the charge, the importance of cost management within these environments has come to the forefront.

2bcloud Elevates Tadiran Telecom's Strategic Legacy to the Cloud

Tadiran Telecom has stood as a telecommunications titan for over 60 years, providing cutting-edge solutions globally. With a commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility, Tadiran recognized the need to transition from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud to meet scalability, agility, and security requirements. In a strategic move, Tadiran partnered with 2bcloud, a leading multi-cloud managed service provider specializing in Microsoft Azure, to embark on a digital evolution.

How-to surface your multi-cloud costs with SquaredUp

Working in the cloud is certainly convenient, but the convenience comes at a price. With more and more organizations transitioning to the cloud, and a rise in preference towards cloud-native applications, hosting most, if not all the components of your business in the cloud is becoming increasingly common.

Correlate AWS and Prometheus with SquaredUp's data mesh

I recently delved into the idea of using labels within Prometheus to craft objects and hierarchies where none initially existed. Check out that piece here. The essence was harnessing the prowess of OTEL to achieve more, faster. The ambition? Transform these abstract virtual objects and integrate them into SquaredUp's knowledge graph, thereby unlocking the potential of data mesh and correlation.

Watch: FinOps insights from IDC and the NetApp Intelligence Report

What does it take to not only reduce cloud costs but build an efficient approach to both cloud operations and FinOps? NetApp spoke to analyst firm IDC to gain valuable research insights and find the answers to pressing FinOps questions. Watch the series of roundtable interviews below, featuring host Tom Shields, Senior Marketing Director at NetApp; Jon Bock, VP of Marketing at Spot by NetApp; and Jevin Jensen, Research VP of Infrastructure and Operations at IDC.

AWS re:Invent 2023 Recap

As we reflect on AWS re:Invent 2023, the Coralogix team is invigorated by the incredible response and feedback we received from the thousands of participants who visited our booth. It was clear that a recurring theme among companies is the need for an observability solution that not only scales affordably with increasing data volumes but is also at the forefront of innovation. Coralogix stands out as the ideal match for these requirements.

The Era Of Efficient Engineering: 3 Takeaways From AWS re:Invent 2023

I GOT MENTIONED BY AMAZON’S CTO!!!!! Sorry. Just had to get that out of the way. Another year, another pilgrimage to Sin City to rub shoulders with the architects of Amazon, to talk shop with the world’s leading software companies, and to hear the latest announcements from all the wave-makers on the expo floor. It’s also an opportunity for the cloud industry, now endowed with the very serious task of keeping much of our economy humming, to live a little.

How To Guide: Connecting Cribl Search with the Azure API

In the ever-evolving world of data analysis, the ability to interact directly with live API endpoints is a significant advancement for practitioners. Cribl Search now offers this capability, enhancing your data analysis toolkit. This new feature allows you to gain broader visibility into the periphery of your infrastructure, enabling a more comprehensive analysis of user journeys and operational trends.

A Look at How the Cloud Has Streamlined Financial Management

In modern business, the role of technology has become increasingly pivotal, revolutionizing the way organizations operate and manage their resources. One of the most transformative technological advancements in recent years has been the widespread adoption of cloud computing. The cloud has not only altered the way businesses store and access data but has also significantly streamlined various aspects of financial management. This article delves into the multifaceted ways in which the cloud has reshaped financial management, making processes more efficient, cost-effective, and flexible.

Kubernetes Vs. Docker Vs. OpenShift: What's The Difference?

Containers are a big deal today. Because containers are software units that contain all the code, runtime, and dependencies required to run a distributed application, they help engineers test and run apps on any device and platform without compatibility issues. Organizations can use containers to reduce engineering costs, speed up deployments, develop and test AI models, and automate more processes. You probably want those benefits as well.

FinOps and Cloud Cost Optimization #shorts #datadog #cloudservices

As companies scale, it’s become increasingly important to keep cloud cost management and optimization top of mind. In this talk, Yuval Yogev from Sygnia walks you through Sygnia’s optimization journey of cutting their total cloud costs in half. Yogev also shares insights into how you can optimize your own organization’s cloud usage and spend.

Transforming digital success: Cisco Cloud Observability business metrics unveiled

In the dynamic landscape of digital business, the pursuit of delivering exceptional user experiences in every digital interaction continues to be a challenge. Cisco, a pioneer in full-stack observability, announced on November 28 at AWS re:Invent the release of business metrics for Cisco Cloud Observability. Let’s delve into the revolutionary landscape that this innovation is carving for both business owners and technical users.

The Dawn of Automated Edge

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, a new frontier has emerged in the world of networks - the automated edge. But what exactly does this mean for business and why does it matter? In simple terms, automated edge refers to self-configuring, self-optimising, and self-healing capabilities being built into edge devices and software.

Combining AWS and Prometheus with OpenTelemetry

In the realm of data and complex scenarios, we humans naturally gravitate towards visualizing things as entities with attributes, rather than just raw data. Consider the phrase, “The response time on our Ad Generation service has increased.” It immediately resonates with the audience supporting the service.

What is Cloud Computing? Everything you need to know about the cloud explained

Cloud Computing is a service offered by several software providers paying a rent either by the hour, month or use of said service. They can be virtual machines, databases, web services, or other cloud technologies. These services are on remote servers provided by companies such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon among others that for rental or in some cases free of charge, provide such services.

Technology That Will Enhance Your Business

In this rapidly progressing digital era, businesses must embrace innovative technologies to stay competitive. The right blend of technological tools streamlines operations and opens up new avenues for growth and profitability. To arm you with the knowledge necessary for businesses embracing technology, we have compiled this helpful post about some of the most impactful technological advances that will enhance your business operations.

Cloud Migration 101: The Complete Guide To Migrating To The Cloud

Cloud migration is the new gold rush, judging from the results of a survey involving 1,283 IT professionals. The survey shows that 88% of companies already use the cloud for some applications and data. Another 80% said they will have moved to cloud and co-location services by 2025. While 87% of respondents said the pandemic accelerated their cloud migration strategy, many companies’ transition plans had been in the works for years.

A festive treat: PHP 8.3 is already available on Platform.sh

Just like the feeling you get when you hear the first notes of Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You" signaling the arrival of the festive season, PHP developers can also rejoice in the release of a special gift this month—PHP 8.3. As many of you may already know, a few days ago PHP 8.3 was released and after some testing, it’s now ready to use on all Platform.sh projects.

Improving Logic App security by suppressing workflow headers in external HTTP calls

Today, I will speak about another helpful Logic App best practice that you must consider while designing your business processes (Logic Apps), in this specific case, in the security of our components and Azure platform: Improve Logic App security by suppressing workflow headers in external HTTP calls.

Francisco Partners Completes Acquisition of Blancco Technology Group

Francisco Partner announces the completion of the all-cash acquisition of Blancco Technology Group for 223 pence per share, representing an equity valuation of approximately £175 million. As a result of the completion of the transaction, Blancco has ceased trading and is no longer listed on the London stock market.

Highlights from AWS re:Invent 2023

Whether or not you made the journey to this year’s re:Invent, there’s always a variety of great announcements lost amid an action-packed week of keynotes, breakouts, expo hall demos, and networking sessions. No need to worry—we’re always happy to be a big part of the re:Invent experience and share our observations with you.

AWS Bans RI Resale - What This Means For Cloud Users

This holiday season, AWS made waves by dropping a bombshell announcement: “AWS does not permit the sale of reserved instances (RIs) obtained through a discount program (per AWS Service Terms 5.5).” In other words, AWS is banning the resale of discounted RIs in their RI Marketplace. (See the full policy here, section 5.5.) The ban officially goes into effect on January 1, 2024.

Amazon EKS Monitoring with OpenTelemetry [Step By Step Guide]

Effective EKS monitoring is crucial for maintaining the health and performance of containerized applications deployed in the cluster. In this tutorial, we will set up EKS monitoring with OpenTelemetry. We will build monitoring dashboards for node and pod-level metrics with data collected by OpenTelemetry. We will use SigNoz, an open-source OpenTelemetry-native APM, as a storage and visualization layer for setting up dashboards.

Unveailing the ESX API

The VMware ESX API is an essential tool for modern IT professionals tasked with managing VMware vSphere environments. This Application Programming Interface (API) acts as a bridge between the VMware ecosystem and various automation, scripting, and integration solutions, streamlining and enhancing the management of virtual infrastructure. At its core, the ESX API provides a powerful way to interact with the vSphere environment programmatically.

Migrating BizTalk Platform one-way routing solutions

Welcome again to another BizTalk Server to Azure Integration Services blog post. In my previous blog post, I discussed how you can migrate a BizTalk request-response routing solution with LOB Adapters. Today, we are to address simple one-way routing solutions inside the BizTalk Server platform. In the realm of enterprise application integration, the concept of routing plays a pivotal role.

How To Use AWS Organizations To Optimize Costs

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a plethora of cloud-based services that cater to various needs, from computing power and storage to machine learning and analytics. As organizations scale their cloud infrastructure, managing multiple accounts and services can become increasingly complex. This is where AWS Organizations comes into play.

Log management with Grafana Cloud: 4 observability experts share their move from OSS to Grafana Cloud Logs

While we built Grafana Loki as an open source log aggregation system that is cost effective and easy to operate, let’s face it: sometimes there is no time or bandwidth to mess around with self-managing and self-hosting. Luckily there’s the fully managed Grafana Cloud observability stack for log management. “Grafana Cloud is a no-BS platform. The engineering costs of hosting it ourselves would be much higher," says Jameel Al-Aziz, a software architect at Paradigm.

Events vs. Alerts vs. Incidents

Event. Alert. Incident. These terms are bandied about, often interchangeably, in IT operations management. Broadly speaking, they all refer to situations where something is potentially amiss and needs to be investigated and resolved. Each of these three words does, however, have a distinct definition. Because they are used in scenarios where clear communication and timeliness are critical, it’s important to understand the differences and use them appropriately.

How Much Does Cloud Backup Software Cost?

Cloud backup solutions are characterized by diverse offerings, each with its own set of features, security measures, and pricing schemes. Our analysis will dissect the various components that constitute the cost of utilizing these services, ranging from storage and bandwidth fees to data transfer and retrieval expenses.

Migrating a BizTalk Request-Response routing solution with LOB Adapters

Welcome again to another BizTalk Server to Azure Integration Services blog post. In my previous blog post, I discussed how you can implement the aggregation mapping pattern inside Logic Apps. Today, I will address a very interesting BizTalk Server topic and how we can redesign our solution to implement the same capabilities inside Azure Integration Services: How you can migrate a BizTalk Server content-based routing solution with LOB Adapters – in this particular case, SQL Server.

Releasing IAM EKS User Mapper in open-source

I'm super excited to share something amazing our team at Qovery has been cooking up lately: the IAM EKS User Mapper. This isn't just any tool – it's our answer to a problem we know so many of you face: managing AWS IAM user access to Kubernetes clusters efficiently and securely. It's open-source and available to everyone now on GitHub.

Azure Savings Plan for Compute Resources

Have you ever struggled with keeping up with the changes in your virtual data center needs and the savvy, precise Reservations you planned and purchased? Realizing that right after you bought them, the application team decided to swap their Kubernetes cluster to the newest model. Suddenly, you are paying a VM twice: the reservation plus the new model!

Cloud vs On-Premises: Back to Earth or Up in the Clouds?

Research shows that most US companies go cloud-first when choosing where to deploy a new application. Indeed, cloud computing brought many new amazing solutions to people’s lives. But… Is it the only way? In 2024, are on-premises solutions a viable option for companies?