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January 2022

The Top 5 Kubernetes Configuration Mistakes-And How to Avoid Them

Let’s face it – Kubernetes can (and is) oftentimes very complex. This means that you’re bound to make a cluster configuration mistake along the way – apart from it impacting your cluster’s performance and security, it can also heavily affect your ability to enforce visibility and troubleshooting. There is, however, a light at the end of the tunnel.

Spot Ocean now supports Kubernetes pod topology spread constraints

As a premium autoscaler for containers and Kubernetes applications, Spot Ocean automatically and continuously executes scaling actions based on the requests and specified constraints of pods and specific containers. This container-driver autoscaling approach is core to how Ocean leverages and optimizes the compute infrastructure required to run containers in the cloud.

What's new in Sysdig - January 2022

As you already know, the “What’s new in Sysdig” blog team is involving more and more people, and this month is up to me, Giulio Puri. I’m based in Milan, Italy, and I’ve been part of the Sysdig EMEA team since May, 2021 as a Sales Engineer. I’m passionate about technology, innovation and cybersecurity, and in my free time, I love to cook, experiment with recipes and – not always successfully – surprise my friends with new dishes.

From Kálmán to Kubernetes: A History of Observability in IT

You know that observability plays a crucial role in helping to manage today’s distributed, cloud-native, microservices-based applications. But you may be surprised to learn that – despite its close association with modern applications – observability as a concept was born more than a half-century ago. Its origins stretch all the way back to the late 1950s, long before anyone was talking about microservices and the cloud.

Is the industry bullish enough on Open vRAN?

The Open virtualized Radio Access Network (Open vRAN) ecosystem poses a real need for communication service providers (CSPs) and vendors to change the way they plan and operate upcoming network deployments, particularly 5G. Open vRAN or open and virtualized RAN is defined as an architecture that uses a combination of disaggregated network functions, off the shelf hardware, and software to enable maximum flexibility in deployment and operations.

Robin.io named one of the best container storage products of 2022

For the second time in a row, Robin.io has been named among the world’s leading storage products by Storage Newsletter. Robin’s flagship product, Robin Cloud Native Storage (CNS) is custom-built for the purpose of deploying and managing stateful applications with 1-click simplicity. At the time of its launch, the industry was seeing increasing Kubernetes adoption, and businesses and their IT teams were exploring use cases that extended beyond stateless applications.

Single-command Docker environments on any machine with Multipass

Multipass exists to bring Ubuntu-based development to the operating system of your choice. Whether you prefer the GUI of macOS (even on M1), Windows or any other Linux, the unmatched experience of developing software on Ubuntu is there at your fingertips, just one “multipass launch” away. Today, the Multipass team is delighted to enhance this experience for developers working with containerised applications!

Is ARM architecture the future of cloud computing?

Central processing units (CPUs) can be compared to the human brain in that their unique architecture allows them to solve mathematical equations in different ways. x86 is the dominant architecture used in cloud computing at the time of this writing; however, it is worth noting that this architecture is not efficient for every scenario, and its proprietary nature is causing an industry shift toward ARM.

D2iQ Joins AWS ISV Accelerate Program

We are excited to announce that D2iQ is now part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Accelerate Program! The AWS ISV Accelerate Program helps ISVs with software solutions that run on or integrate with AWS, drive new business and accelerate sales cycles by connecting the participating ISVs with the AWS Sales organization. The D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) enables AWS customers to quickly achieve Day 2 operations competency in their cloud-native deployments.

Shipa Volumes - Container Storage Demystified

If you are a software engineer like myself, two areas that I am not well versed in are networking and storage. Yes, my application has to communicate and yes my application needs to be deployed and requires some storage. Though that is usually the extent of my knowledge. Thanks to using elastic compute from cloud vendors in the last several years, the answer I usually give is “yes, attach 100gb of standard block storage per instance”.

Understanding bare metal Kubernetes

Bare metal Kubernetes is a powerful set of technologies that builds on the best ideas behind the public and private cloud, yet abstracts away some toilsome aspects related to virtualisation management and networking. For operators and users, it provides significant benefits, making it easier and faster to ship and maintain complex, distributed applications.

Global Online Meetup - January 2022 - SUSE's Cloud Native Security Roadmap 2022

In the January Global Online Meetup we look at our Cloud Native Security Roadmap for 2022. We're covering: Hosted by Tim Irnich, Director Technical Evangelism, SUSE & Rancher Community, with panelists: Our Global Online Meetups provide an inside view into the latest and greatest of SUSE technology. Our colleagues from Engineering & Innovation present their newest ideas and projects and are eager to hear feedback from our community.

Rancher Desktop 1.0.0 Has Arrived

We are happy to announce the 1.0.0 release of Rancher Desktop. This release has been months in the making since development on Rancher Desktop began. After starting small and learning what users needed, we were able to adjust its path and develop the features needed for a 1.0.0 stable community release. But wait – what is Rancher Desktop again? It’s an open source app for desktop Kubernetes and container management on Mac, Windows and Linux.

The Business Case for Docker Adoption

Container technology is considered one of the most rapidly evolving in the software industry's recent history. There has been a seismic shift towards more and more organizations adopting containerization for their applications. Containers offer a lightweight, portable, and more efficient alternative to virtual machines and help us run software securely and reliably across different server environments.

Tanzu Tuesdays 82: Building Production Ready Container Images at Scale with Cora Iberkleid

Building and maintaining production ready container images is a critical requirement for success with Kubernetes. Developers and organizations alike have put a lot of effort over the past decade into DIY solutions, whether it is working on the “perfect” Dockerfile, or automating the build as part of an existing pipeline. These home-grown solutions certainly address immediate needs. If we take a step back, however, we can see significant gaps that introduce overhead, risk and inefficiency. Luckily, as the Kubernetes ecosystem matures, new solutions become available. We can rethink the problem at hand, set higher goals, and achieve them more easily. In this talk, we’ll explore how Cloud Native Buildpacks—and kpack in particular—can boost your image-building capabilities at scale. We’ll also cover how you can easily use kpack and Knative together with Tanzu Community Edition.

VMware Tanzu Application Service Delivers Operational Excellence During Log4Shell

On two occasions in December 2021, VMware Tanzu Application Service released remediations within 48 hours of critical CVEs being announced. These remediations were both in response to the Log4j saga, enabling VMware customers to defend against attack vectors quickly after the Day 0 event. This quick response is a reflection of the dedication of the VMware engineering teams working on Tanzu Application Service today.

Tanzu Observability Brings Full-Stack Monitoring of Kubernetes Clusters for OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift is an enterprise Kubernetes platform that provides users with a unified cloud experience wherever it’s deployed. VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront offers observability and analytics for multi-cloud Kubernetes environments. Now these two products work even better together.

My First Impressions with SUSE Rancher Kubernetes Projects

I recently started working at SUSE. Before joining SUSE, my Kubernetes experience included vanilla Kubernetes, AKS and EKS but mostly OpenShift and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management. I worked in technical pre-sales, so I knew about Rancher, K3s and RKE and their key features but I never spent time with them. When I joined SUSE, I started testing Rancher, Rancher Desktop, K3s, k3d and RKE2 and I had a great time with them. First things first, I will

Shipa Common Abstraction Layer - AaC - Application as Code

In this Shipa Shorts video, learn about having a common layer for your applications e.g Application as Code . The only constant in technology is change. As your CI/CD and IaC stacks change, Shipa's abstraction stays the same for your development team. In this example, goes through Argo CD, Terraform, and GitHub Actions all producing the same result.

Argo CD 101 and Setup for Shipa

There is a lot of the art of the possible between the GitOps Engine, Argo CD, and the Application-as-Code platform, Shipa. In a recent blog post, we outlined the power of a one-line developer experience. Though if you are unfamiliar with ArgoCD, here is a guide to get you started with Argo CD and leveraging Shipa for your first deployment.

Kpack Now Included in VMware Tanzu Community Edition

Kpack, a Kubernetes-native container build platform, is a powerful tool that helps DevSecOps teams build and update containers automatically. It is already a core component of VMware’s commercial container build offering, VMware Tanzu Build Service. And today, the kpack technology you know and love has been added as the default container build solution in VMware Tanzu Community Edition, the freely available, open source distribution of the Kubernetes-based Tanzu platform.

Get Started with Tanzu Community Edition and VMware vSphere Using Kube-VIP

In this video, we go over VMware Tanzu Community Edition with VMware vSphere using a simple network configuration and managed clusters. You will learn step-by-step what is needed to quickly get started. This video utilizes Kube-VIP as the networking choice but will explain all of the available options.

Monitoring AWS Spot instances using Sumo Logic

Spot worker nodes on EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) are a great way to save costs by allowing customers to take advantage of unused capacity. With Sumo Logic, we have experimented with and adopted spot worker nodes for some of our EKS clusters to see if we can pass along the same benefits. We decided to share some of the learnings, challenges, and caveats with using spot instances along with the monitoring setup.

How to become HIPAA compliant on AWS in 2022?

Since the 90s, when you run a company in the Healthcare industry in the US market, you must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule. Some of the security rules are directly linked to how you operate your organization, the others how you manage your application data for your customers. This article will walk you through what to consider on AWS to be HIPAA compliant in 2022.

GitHub Actions and Shipa Webinar

As a software engineer, leveraging GitHub is one of those tools that transcend your personal and professional development activities. Bringing open source to the masses, GitHub is a familiar platform for many. A newer addition to the GitHub Platform is GitHub Actions which was originally a workflow engine, now expanding into CI/CD. Combining the ubiquity of GitHub Actions to your GitHub project/repository with the powerful application abstractions that Shipa provides is a great developer experience. Watch this webinar recording combining the power of the two platforms.

Why Heroku and AWS have failed to serve modern developers?

Heroku Vs. AWS remains a long and persistent debate among developers. Both platforms have strengths and weaknesses. Over the last 10 years, Heroku and AWS played a huge role in the cloud hosting and software development industry, by significantly unlocking productivity in a way that it has never been reached before. They are the platforms behind most of the successes from the last decade. However, we are in 2022 and it still looks like if we (developers) were in 2010 to deploy our apps in the cloud.

Introducing Cycle's Support of Google Cloud Platform

Our goal has always been to automate and standardize the management of infrastructure and deployment of applications across user infrastructure. Today, we are excited to announce that we've launched support for Google Cloud (GCP), expanding our natively supported providers list and further expanding the choice, flexibility, and reach the platform offers to current and new users. With this new integration, users can deploy, manage, and scale their containerized workloads to GCP compute infrastructure.

Diving Under the Hood With Our New 'Node Status' Feature

More than anything else, Kubernetes troubleshooting relies on the ability to quickly contextualize the problem with what’s happening in the rest of the cluster. As complicated as this may sound, SPEED is really the name of the game. After all, more often than not, you will be conducting your investigation under the glow of fires burning bright in production. Getting relevant context quickly and seeing things holistically is exactly what Komodor was created for.

VMware Tanzu Service Mesh - Connectivity and Security for Modern Applications

Tanzu Service Mesh provides advanced, end-to-end connectivity, security, and insights for modern applications—across application end-users, microservices, APIs, and data—enabling compliance with Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and data protection and privacy regulations. Learn more and contact us at tanzu.vmware.com/service-mesh

Using GitOps for Infrastructure and Applications with Crossplane & Argo CD

During this Webinar, Tracy and Viktor cover GitOps best practices for uniformly dealing with infrastructure and applications. If you have been following the Codefresh blog for a while, you might have noticed a common pattern in all the articles that talk about Kubernetes deployments. Almost all of them start with a Kubernetes cluster that is already there, and then the article explains how to deploy an application on top.

Announcing lockc: Improving Container Security

The lockc project provides mandatory access controls (MAC) for container workloads. Its goal is to improve the current state of container/host isolation. The lockc team believes that container engines and runtimes do not provide enough isolation from the host, which I describe later in the “Why do we need it?” Section. In this blog post, I’ll provide an introduction to lockc, discuss why you need it and show you how to try it out for yourself.

Efficient Container Monitoring with Pepperdata

Container monitoring strategies and purpose-built container monitoring tools just may be the next hot topics swirling around the Kubernetes discussion forums this year. Over 77% of IT professionals expected to migrate 50% or more of their workloads to containers with Kubernetes by the end of last year. With the rise of container usage growing, having the ability to monitor the performance of your containerized workloads is critical.

How to Monitor Calico's eBPF Data Plane for Proactive Cluster Management

Monitoring is a critical part of any computer system that has been brought in to a production-ready state. No IT system exists in true isolation, and even the simplest systems interact in interesting ways with the systems “surrounding” them. Since compute time, memory, and long-term storage are all finite, it’s necessary at the very least to understand how these things are being allocated.

Managing Machine Learning Workloads Using Kubeflow on AWS with D2iQ Kaptain

While the global spend on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) was $50 billion in 2020 and is expected to increase to $110 billion by 2024 per an IDC report, AI/ML success has been hard to come by—and often slow to arrive when it does. There are four main impediments to successful adoption of AI/ML in the cloud-native enterprise.

Get a Great Developer Experience with GitHub Actions and Shipa

As a software engineer, leveraging GitHub is one of those tools that transcend your personal and professional development activities. Bringing open source to the masses, GitHub is a familiar platform for many. A newer addition to the GitHub Platform is GitHub Actions which was originally a workflow engine, now expanding into CI/CD.

Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition v21

Kubernetes has become a fixture in production for most IT Operations teams. The VMware “State of Kubernetes 2021 Report” shows a distinct shift towards a reliance on Kubernetes, with almost two thirds of respondents now saying they use it in production. Companies with over 500 developers are driving this adoption, with 78% reporting that they run mostly- or all-containerized workloads in production.

The Delicate Art of Monitoring Kubernetes

The process of monitoring servers and applications has undergone many transformations throughout the years. When it began, the main question was whether the server was up or down. Now, monitoring helps answer questions about the internal state of an application and infer its status (also called white box monitoring). Monitoring today's complex infrastructure systems can be just as much an art as a technical skill.

Canonical Kubernetes for Financial Services

Adopting a container-first approach represents an unrivalled opportunity for financial institutions to increase system efficiency and resource utilisation, improve security, introduce automation, and accelerate innovation. Containers offer a logical packaging tool in which applications can be decoupled from the underlying infrastructure on which they run.

The secrets behind our growth - Customer Success

Companies that want to take care of their customers have to invest in a Customer Success team and define the right strategy (Thanks Rav Dhaliwal for your help here). Thinking about customer success is typically something that happens much later (too late?) after the Sales efforts. Growth pressure on startups puts effort in the sales machine to close as many customers as possible while forgetting that growth comes from the current customers. A happy customer is less likely to churn.

Managed Kubernetes Comparison: EKS vs DigitalOcean Kubernetes

The container orchestration service Kubernetes has taken cloud-native application hosting by storm. By automating infrastructure tasks, Kubernetes—an open-source system designed by Google—simplifies the technical work of application deployment, scaling, and management. Managed Kubernetes services take this process a step further, handling more of the management tasks so that engineers can focus more time and resources on developing apps.

Real-Time Debugging of Kubernetes Applications in Production

In this talk, “Real-Time Debugging of Kubernetes Applications in Production”, Josh Hendrick from Rookout looks at some of the challenges developers typically face when remotely debugging Kubernetes applications. We then dive into a hands-on demo of how production debuggers can help you get to the root cause of issues faster, making debugging applications in remote environments much easier.

Ocean explained: container-driven autoscaling with Kubernetes

Whether you’re using a managed Kubernetes service like AWS EKS, GCP GKE or Azure AKS, or self-managing a DIY cluster deployed with open source tools like kops and Kubespray, the underlying hardware can vary from container to container. Each container requires specific resources (CPU/ memory/GPU/network/disk) and as long as the underlying infrastructure can provide those resources, the container will be able to execute its business logic.

Can Oracle catch up in the era of the developer focus?

Does this combination of words sound somewhat new to you as well? It may be just me, but having the opportunity to work on both sides, software development and system administration, the combination above seemed somewhat new or different to me. I always saw Oracle as something that would be managed and owned by the System Administrators. Technologies such as the database, ERPs, finance systems, and more which would take quite a lot of effort and cost to implement and maintain.

VMware Tanzu Application Platform: How Can It Help You?

Join Ryan Baker and Aaron Torgerson as they demo both the developer and operator experience for VMware Tanzu Application Platform. They’ll give a brief overview of what Tanzu Application Platform is and how it will help your organization go from developing code to securely running applications on any Kubernetes!

Collecting Metrics from Windows Kubernetes Nodes in AKS

Windows applications constitute a large portion of the services and applications that run in many organizations. When moving to a Kubernetes-based architecture, there is a need to support these as well. Up until April 2020, the lack of container support within the Windows operating system left Linux container images as the only viable option for Kubernetes container deployment.

AWS re:Invent 2021: Scale the Kubernetes-first, cloud-native model

The widespread adoption of Kubernetes has made it table stakes for the modern cloud native stack. Software is now being purpose-built for Kubernetes, and as companies enter this new phase of their cloud journey, they are looking to scale. Building upon years of experience with Kubernetes, Spot by NetApp is continuously innovating to bring new ways to achieve this goal. From container-optimized, serverless infrastructure to Kubernetes-native continuous delivery, Spot is connecting the dots to vastly improve the efficiency and manageability of Kubernetes applications and environments.

Config best practices: Docker layer caching

Let’s face it: Creating the optimal CI/CD workflow is not always a simple task. In fact, writing effective and efficient configuration code is the biggest hurdle that many developers face in their DevOps journey. But you don’t need to be an expert to set up a fast, reliable testing and deployment infrastructure. With a few straightforward techniques, you can optimize your config.yml file and unleash the full potential of your CI/CD pipelines.

Why cloud native requires a holistic approach to security and observability

Like any great technology, the interest in and adoption of Kubernetes (an excellent way to orchestrate your workloads, by the way) took off as cloud native and containerization grew in popularity. With that came a lot of confusion. Everyone was using Kubernetes to move their workloads, but as they went through their journey to deployment, they weren’t thinking about security until they got to production.

CloudFormation to secure and manage apps across multiple clusters and clouds

If you are not familiar with CloudFormation, an easy way to define it is AWS CloudFormation is an AWS service that uses template files to automate the setup of resources. It can also be described as an infrastructure automation or Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tool. You can use CloudFormation to automate the configuration of workloads that run on the most popular AWS services, including their managed Kubernetes offering, the Elastic Kubernetes Service, or EKS.

Civo update - January 2022

Welcome to the very first Civo Update of 2022! On behalf of everyone here at Civo we wish you happiness and prosperity for the year ahead. With lots on our roadmap for 2022, it's certainly going to be another exciting year for us at Civo. We recently launched our "Write for Civo" initiative where you can share your cloud native expertise and get paid for doing so. Check out the tutorial for more information.

Docker Logging: How Do Logs Work With Docker Containers?

Docker containers are a great way to create lightweight, portable, and self-contained application environments. Logging is critical for every application since it gives valuable information for troubleshooting, evaluating performance issues, and drawing an overall picture of the behavior of your architecture. This article presents a thorough tutorial covering all you need to know to start with Docker logging. It also provides some recommended practices for optimizing the logs of your containerized apps.

VMware Tanzu Momentum Empowers Superior Developer Experiences, Enables Robust Security Practices

Companies are under immense pressure to get “good” at software development in order to quickly adapt to changing business needs and provide a better experience for their customers. At the core of being “good” at software is developer experience.

Love the Developer Experience in VMware Tanzu App Platform

VMware Tanzu Application Platform delivers a comprehensive developer experience for any Kubernetes. It enables developers to quickly onboard, rapidly iterate, and deliver apps to production seamlessly and more securely. This video talks about the core principles underlying the platform, including templates for quick access to cloud native patterns, as well as instant access to a rich set of developer tooling and modular components that can be customized for an organization's preferences and compliance policies.

Introduction to VMware Tanzu Application Platform

VMware Tanzu Application Platform is a modular, app-aware platform that removes the friction for developing apps by providing an abstraction layer on top of any compliant public cloud or on-premises Kubernetes cluster. This video introduces the inner and outer loop development and operations experiences to build and deploy software quickly using Tanzu Application Platform.

7 Things to Consider To Build Scalable Web Applications

Suppose you've built a web application and started getting a few customers. After some feedback and iterations, you are ready with a product that people want. From now, your application is drawing attention to more and more users, with more and more requests per minute (RPM). Suddenly, a wave of new people use your app, and at one point, they can't use it anymore. While testing your app, you realize that it's working correctly. So what happened? You are simply facing a scalability problem.

Managed Kubernetes Comparison: EKS vs GKE

Kubernetes is changing the tech space as it becomes increasingly prominent across various industries and environments. Kubernetes can now be found in on-premise data centers, cloud environments, edge solutions, and even space. As a container orchestration system, Kubernetes automatically manages the availability and scalability of your containerized applications. Its architecture consists of various planes that make up what is known as a cluster.

Path To Rancher Desktop 1.0.0

Rancher Desktop has been in development for just over a year with the open question: when do we have a 1.0.0 stable release? Along the way the scope has expanded, it was ported to run in more places and the development team has grown. All of this happened as we worked out if Rancher Desktop would be useful for people, what features people want to use and what are good ways to build it. We are finally ready to answer that 1.0.0 question.

DigitalOcean and the developer experience for Kubernetes

DigitalOcean, or DO, brands itself as the “developer cloud,” and it’s no secret that it has a strong mind-share among developers, especially because of factors such as simple UI, performance, structured documentation, a robust community ecosystem, and last but not least, the affordable pricing. As developers started adopting microservices as the architecture of choice for their applications, DO responded quickly and launched their Managed Kubernetes offering, labeled DOKS.

Learning the tricks of Grafana Loki for distributed logging at scale in a Kubernetes environment

Logging can provide immense detail when used well, or it can become a firehose and take hours to trawl through. The team supporting the Kubernetes platform at Civo needed a solution that was simple and performant and could be queried in ways to help and not hinder them In this talk, Civo SRE Anaïs Urlichs and Principal Engineer Alex Jones will illustrate how Loki was chosen and brought into the organization to empower engineers. Integrating with Prometheus and Grafana dashboards, Loki has allowed engineers to filter for precise information that helps them debug quicker.

Introduction to VMware Tanzu Application Platform

VMware Tanzu Application Platform is a modular, app-aware platform that removes the friction for developing apps by providing an abstraction layer on top of any compliant public cloud or on-premises Kubernetes cluster. This video introduces the inner and outer loop development and operations experiences to build and deploy software quickly using Tanzu Application Platform.

Love the Developer Experience in VMware Tanzu App Platform

VMware Tanzu Application Platform delivers a comprehensive developer experience for any Kubernetes. It enables developers to quickly onboard, rapidly iterate, and deliver apps to production seamlessly and more securely. This video talks about the core principles underlying the platform, including templates for quick access to cloud native patterns, as well as instant access to a rich set of developer tooling and modular components that can be customized for an organization's preferences and compliance policies.

Extending Panorama's firewall address groups into your Kubernetes cluster using Calico NetworkSets

When deploying cloud-native applications to a hybrid and multi-cloud environment that is protected by traditional perimeter-based firewalls, such as Palo Alto Networks (PAN) Panorama, you need to work within the confines of your existing IT security architecture. For applications that communicate with external resources outside the Kubernetes cluster, a traditional firewall is typically going to be part of that communication.

Five tricks for logging at scale in a Kubernetes environment with Grafana Loki

Legacy logging solutions simply couldn’t keep up with the complex, hyperconverged regional infrastructure at Civo, a Kubernetes service provider that enables users to launch k8s clusters within 90 seconds. “With our infrastructure and application deployment getting more complex and more distributed, we needed our logging solution and our entire observability stack to scale up with our needs,” said Anaïs Urlichs, Site Reliability Engineer at Civo.

Tanzu Talk: 2022 cloud hopes and dream, shooting for the stars...or too optimistic?

2022 cloud hopes and dream, shooting for the stars…or too optimistic? On today’s Tanzu Talk stream, I’m going to look at recent cloud survey. Plus, three links on the Apple Watch in healthcare, the @botchagalupe Columbo method, and beefing up OKRs.

Fairwinds: Kubernetes Guardrails and Governance to Enable Developers and Reduce Risk

Customers of both PagerDuty and Fairwinds Insights can generate and customize PagerDuty incidents for critical issues in their Kubernetes clusters. This capability includes over 100 checks that have been built-in to Fairwinds Insights for things like container vulnerabilities, insecure workload configurations, runtime security events, and resource usage—as well as custom user-defined policies for compliance and internal requirements.

One Line Developer Experience - Terraform, ArgoCD, Crossplane, and Shipa

As we kick off the new year and our release of Shipa 1.5.0, dabbling in the art of the possible, what if it was possible to provide your developers with a single line of configuration to get their ideas into production. Shipa is an application and policy abstraction layer which easily integrates with your DevOps toolchains. In this example, we will show what platform engineering or DevOps teams can create to allow for development teams to only have to make a change to a singular line of YAML to get their ideas into production.

Pulling All Your Kubernetes Cluster Images from a Private Artifactory Registry

There are many benefits to working with JFrog Artifactory as your private Docker registry, allowing you to store, share and deploy your binary artifacts in a single source of truth. This blog post will focus on using Artifactory in Kubernetes. Specifically, we’ll walk through the steps for configuring Kubernetes to pull images from Artifactory and most importantly – scale up! It will also describe how you can enable cluster-wide authenticated access to Artifactory behind the scenes.

One Line Developer Experience - Terraform, ArgoCD, Crossplane, and Shipa

As we kick off the new year and our release of Shipa 1.5.0, dabbling in the art of the possible, what if it was possible to provide your developers with a single line of configuration to get their ideas into production. Shipa is an application and policy abstraction layer which easily integrates with your DevOps toolchains.