Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

October 2021

Developers Can Now Debug Running Nomad-Orchestrated Applications Using Lightrun

In basically every modern software organization, building software is not just a matter of writing code – it’s a matter of testing it to ensure it works properly, a matter of creating artifacts out of it that can be used by the end customers, and a matter of deploying them to a customer-accessible location for these customers to be able to actually use it.

Kubernetes Monitoring Resources

Heaven knows we all could use some luck these days, and observability may be just the thing we need. But observability isn’t luck, and it isn’t really new either. A few people even know that observability is an aspect of control theory, which dates back to the 1800s! In this blog post, I’ll cover some of the history of observability vs.

Introducing Cloud Native Observability

The term ‘cloud native’ has become a much-used buzz phrase in the software industry over the last decade. But what does cloud-native mean? The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s official definition is: From this definition, we can differentiate between cloud-native systems and monoliths which are a single service run on a continuously available server. Like Amazon’s AWS or Google Azure, large cloud providers can run serverless and cloud-native systems.

LMA 2: Reimaginging observability with MicroK8s and Grafana, Prometheus and Grafana Loki

Juju re-imagines the world of operating software securely, reliably, and at scale. Juju realizes the promise of model-driven operations. Excellent observability is undeniably a key ingredient for operating software well, which is why the Charmed Operator ecosystem has long provided operators the ability to run a variety of open source monitoring software. We collectively refer to these operators as the Logs, Metrics, and Alerts (LMA) stack.

Democratizing Delivery: Seamless Observability for Optimal Application Performance |Ekim Maurer(NS1)

When application delivery performance issues happen, observability is critical to diagnosing the problem at hand. The adage “it’s always DNS” means that observability must extend to the foundational layers of the application delivery and access networking stacks. Yet granting administrative access to core network services like DNS and DHCP may run contrary to an organization’s least-privileged access policies. In this session, attendees will learn how global internet companies and enterprises use NS1 and Datadog to provide democratized DNS observability and reach optimal application performance.

Observability for Service Organizations | Bart Scheltinga (RawWorks)

Observability is trending. Organizations that rely on cloud infrastructure and cloud applications prioritize observability initiatives to get control over their business’s applications. At the same time, we see the “gap” between the on-premises infrastructure and “non-cloud” infrastructure is becoming bigger. Examples are End User Computing (EUC) and Global networks (SD-WAN).

We're Making Observability Available in Splunk Enterprise!

For you, one or more of these statements (and / or challenges) likely apply to you, and the organization for which you work. Which of these are you hearing or saying? Splunk can help you with these in many ways. Today, I am highlighting one way to address many of these statements, specifically with the Content Pack for Splunk Observability Cloud.

Check System Health on the Go with Splunk Observability Cloud For Mobile

With the demand to meet service level agreements (SLAs), any on-call SRE can tell you that incidents always happen at the wrong time. Things break when you least expect them to (on a date, about to beat a new level in a video game, pizza delivery just arrived, asleep at 3am). During these inopportune moments, you want to make sure it's easy to get the data you need, no matter which device is nearby.

How to use Netdata Cloud for infrastructure observability

In this video, we cover how Netdata Cloud provides scalable infrastructure monitoring for any number of distributed nodes running the Netdata Agent. Monitor any system in your infrastructure including physical or virtual machines (VM), containers, cloud deployments, or edge / IoT devices. Netdata’s free, open-source monitoring agent works with Netdata Cloud to help you monitor and troubleshoot every layer of your systems to find weaknesses before they turn into outages.

CVE-2021-37136 & CVE-2021-37137 - Denial of Service (DoS) in Netty's Decompressors

The JFrog Security research team has recently disclosed two denial of service issues (CVE-2021-37136, CVE-2021-37137) in Netty, a popular client/server framework which enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol servers and clients. In this post we will elaborate on one of the issues – CVE-2021-37136.

Observability trends 2021

Observability has gained a lot of momentum and is now rightly a central component of the microservices landscape: It’s an important part of the cloud native world where you may have many microservices deployed on a production Kubernetes cluster, and a need to monitor these microservices keeps rising. In production, quickly finding failures and fixing them is crucial. As the name suggests, observability plays an important role in this failure discovery.

The Future of Observability with CEO Clint Sharp

Digital transformations, cloud migrations, and persistent security threats turned observability from a niche concern to an essential capability in today’s organizations. We’re still in the early days of observability maturity, but early stumbles point to where observability must go in the future. This talk discusses where observability is today and the three critical areas necessary for observability to deliver on its promises throughout the enterprise.

How Honeycomb Is Using $50M in New Funding to Bring Observability to All

Today, we announced that Honeycomb has raised $50M in Series C funding, in a round led by Insight Partners and joined by all existing investors from our Series B. We’re using this investment to support the growth of our customers and community, ensure the benefits of observability can be realized by all engineering teams, and expand the ways we can better serve you.

Discovering the Differences Between Log Observability and Monitoring

Log observability and monitoring are terms often used interchangeably, but really they describe two approaches to solving and understanding different things. Observability refers to the ability to understand the state of a complex system (or series of systems) without needing to make any changes or deploy new code.

Vendor Switching With OpenTelemetry (OTel)

You might already know that OpenTelemetry is the future of instrumentation. It’s an open-source and vendor-neutral instrumentation framework that frees you from the trap of using proprietary libraries simply to understand how your code is behaving. Best of all, you can instrument your applications just once and then take that instrumentation to any other backend system of your choice. This blog shows you exactly how to use OpenTelemetry to ✨break the vendor lock-in cycle.✨

The Future of Sumo Logic Observability

I have always found data collection to be a fascinating area of work at Sumo Logic. Collecting data is a critical first step for all the solutions we develop for our customers. After all, to observe the health and performance of your applications, you must first collect all relevant data. It's also an area that has seen some significant activities by the open-source community over the years, which is completely changing the landscape of observability as we know it.

Tucker Callaway on the State of the Observability Market

Tucker Callaway is the CEO of LogDNA. He has more than 20 years of experience in enterprise software with an emphasis on developer and DevOps tools. Tucker drives innovation, experimentation, and a culture of collaboration at LogDNA, three ingredients that are essential for the type of growth that we've experienced over the last few years.

5 Examples of Metrics or Log Data That Drives Observability

Which data sources do DevOps teams need in order to achieve observability? At a high level, that’s an easy question to answer. Concepts like the “three pillars of observability”—logs, metrics, and traces—may come to mind. Or, you may think in terms of techniques like the RED Method or Google’s Golden Signals, which are other popular frameworks for defining which types of data teams should collect for monitoring and observability purposes.

The Magic of Metrics-and How It Can Burn You

As product developers, our responsibility continues beyond shipping code. To keep our software running, we need to notice whether it’s working in production. To make our product smoother and more reliable, we need to understand how it’s working in production. We can do this by making the software tell us what we need to know. How can we notice when the software is running smoothly? Make it tell us!

How Time Series Databases Work-and Where They Don't

In my previous post, we explored why Honeycomb is implemented as a distributed column store. Just as interesting to consider, though, is why Honeycomb is not implemented in other ways. So in this post, we’re going to dive into the topic of time series databases (TSDBs) and why Honeycomb couldn’t be limited to a TSDB implementation. If you’ve used a traditional metrics dashboard, you’ve used a time series database.

Illuminate 2021 - Embracing open standards for big picture observability

We just wrapped up a fantastic 5th Illuminate, Sumo Logic’s user conference, filled with amazing customer speakers, partners, and Sumo Logic experts all sharing their insights and expertise. The level of engagement taking place during presentations, workshops and executive meetings showed the high level of interest in open telemetry, unified analytics and full-stack observability to solve the challenges inherent in application modernization and cloud migration.

Understanding the Three Pillars of Observability

Observability and its implementation may look different to different people. But, underneath all the varying definitions is a single, clear concept: Most software that’s run today uses microservices or loosely coupled distributed architecture. While this design makes scaling and managing your system more straightforward, it can make troubleshooting issues more difficult. The three pillars of observability are different methods to track software systems, especially microservices.

Bootstrapping a multi DC cloud native observability stack by Bram Vogelaar

An introduction to Observability and how to setup a highly available monitoring platform, across multiple data centers. During this talk we investigate how to config a monitoring setup across 2 DCs using Prometheus, Loki, Tempo, Alertmanager and Grafana. Bram Vogelaar spent the first part of his career as a Molecular Biologist, he then moved on to supporting his peers by building tools and platforms for them with a lot of Open Source technologies. He now works as a DevOps Cloud Engineer at The Factory.

Honeycomb Differentiators Series: SLOs That Tell the Whole Story

In the recent past, most engineering teams had a vague notion of what Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Service Level Objectives (SLOs) were—mainly things that their more business-focused colleagues talked about at length during contract negotiations. The success or failure of SLAs were tallied via magic calculations (what is “available” anyway?!) at the end of the month or quarter, and adjustments were made in the form of credits or celebrations in the break room.

Elastic Observability: Driving mean time to resolution to zero

At ElasticON Global 2021, Tanya Bragin, VP Product, Observability, and the Elastic Observability team showed how ongoing innovations continue to deliver actionable insights and faster root cause detection, reducing mean time to resolution (MTTR). The adoption of cloud, microservices, and ephemeral infrastructure is driving increased complexity, requiring an observability solution to provide end-to-end visibility.

ITOps Needs Observability Like Batman Needs Lucius Fox

Some things just go better together. Like barbeque and blues, sunsets and beaches, cheese and fine wine — hey, even software and superheroes go better together! That’s why in this blog we are going to look at why IT Operations and Observability just go better together, through a superhero analogy. Enter the Dark Knight himself — Batman! He will represent observability. IT Operations will be represented by Lucius Fox.

What is Observability?

Observability is a term that is becoming commonplace in both startups and enterprises. Log observability is different from monitoring, as it provides visualized metrics from a variety of different systems in a single pane of glass view. This is invaluable for organizations to understand the interdependencies and links between external events and internal performance.

Announcing General Availability of the Honeycomb Query Data API

The Query Data API is a Honeycomb Enterprise feature. With a Honeycomb Enterprise account, you can use this API today. Head over to our API docs to learn how to get access to your data. If you aren’t yet a Honeycomb Enterprise user, try it out by requesting an Enterprise Trial. Starting today, Honeycomb Enterprise customers can use the Honeycomb Query Data API to programmatically run queries and retrieve their results, and pull query results into any data visualization tool of their choice.

The Blog Is Dead; Long Live the Blog

Ever since the very beginning, Honeycomb has poured a lot of heart and soul into our blog. We take pride in knowing it isn’t just your typical stream of feature updates and marketing promotions, but rather real, meaty pieces of technical depth, practical how-to guides, highly detailed retrospectives, and techno-philosophical pieces. One of my favorite things is when people who aren’t customers tell me how much they love our blog.

Splunk Performance Improvements Using Cribl LogStream

LogStream is a data pipeline solution that can help you transform your unstructured data to be more structured before it persists to disk. This doesn’t only improve sending to Splunk, but also sending to other observability solutions like Datadog, Wavefront, the Elastic Stack, or Sumo Logic, as well as writing to an S3-compliant API, GCP Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage.