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How to maximize span ingestion while limiting writes per second to a Scylla backend with Jaeger tracing

Jaeger primarily supports two backends: Cassandra and Elasticsearch. Here at Grafana Labs we use Scylla, an open source Cassandra-compatible backend. In this post we’ll look at how we run Scylla at scale and share some techniques to reduce load while ingesting even more spans. We’ll also share some internal metrics about Jaeger load and Scylla backend performance. Special thanks to the Scylla team for spending some time with us to talk about performance and configuration!

Why Netdata is free

When I first started the project that became the Netdata Agent, I was trying to solve a painful, real-world problem: IT infrastructure monitoring tools fell short when it came to providing complete, granular metrics in real time. Believe me, I had no shortage of tools to choose from, but each of them lacked something either in the ability to see every metric I needed, or see it at the frequency required.

The Mattermost codebase is preserved on ice for the next 1,000 years

A lot will happen over the next 1,000 years, and the codebase for the Mattermost open source project will be along for the entire ride. On July 8, GitHub successfully deposited 21 terabytes of open source repository data in the Arctic World Archive, a (very) long-term storage facility located on the Svalbard archipelago in Norway near the North Pole.

Exploring the Key Aspects of Open Source Website Monitoring

Often, brands are unaware of how their website is performing or exactly when it goes down. Technical glitches are common in today’s ever-evolving cyber world and websites can become temporarily dysfunctional due to several reasons. But from a business perspective, downtime of even a few minutes can translate into huge losses for your enterprise. Your website is one of the most important elements of your business and you should be aware of its status at all times.

OpenTelemetry, Open Collaboration

OpenTelemetry — the merger of OpenCensus and OpenTracing — appeared in May of 2019, led by companies like Omnition (now a part of Splunk), Google, Microsoft, and others who are pushing the curve on observability. OpenTelemetry is a project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that has gathered contributors and supporters far and wide, becoming one of the most active projects found in open source today. It’s currently #2 behind only Kubernetes!

Open source holds the key to autonomous vehicles

A growing number of car companies have made their autonomous vehicle (AV) datasets public in recent years. Daimler fueled the trend by making its Cityscapes dataset freely available in 2016. Baidu and Aptiv respectively shared the ApolloScapes and nuScenes datasets in 2018. Lyft, Waymo and Argo followed suit in 2019. And more recently, automotive juggernauts Ford and Audi released datasets from their AV research programs to the public.

The Evolution of Open Source Observability

On May 27, the first OpenObservability Conference was held to bring together leaders, practitioners, and users of leading open source observability tools for sessions on the experiences, strategies, and future of the industry. For the Logz.io team, as long-time proponents of open source, it was rewarding to see everyone come together to explore the challenges and opportunities of open source observability.