Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

February 2024

How to Simplify ITSM Integrations with iPaaS

Integration is a crucial aspect of modern IT service management. By linking their ITSM platform with external applications, businesses can simplify their IT operations, enhance efficiency and flexibility, and provide better customer service. Real-time integration allows businesses to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and ensure that IT services align with business requirements. However, ITSM integration can be complex and difficult.

Finally: alerting and on-call scheduling for how you actually work

TL;DR You deserve a better alerting and on-call tool. So we built Signals. In our early days, we often used the tagline, “You just got paged. Now what?” It encapsulated how FireHydrant solved for all of the messy bits that come after your alert is fired, from incident declaration all the way through to retrospective. At the time, we saw alerting and on-call scheduling as a solved problem.

Demystifying Java Lambda Expressions

SRE and IT Operations play a critical role in ensuring reliable, high-performance applications. Yet, SREs (Site Reliability Engineers) often face ‘thrown-over-the-wall’ code deployments to operate without having insights into the code-level features. In my previous article (“Is your Java Observability tool Lambda Expressions aware?”), I delved into one such code-level feature: Java lambda expressions which replace anonymous inner classes.

How to detect and overcome Kubernetes CPU Throttling

A few days ago, I challenged myself: Could I create a CPU throttling monitor without using StackState's docs page? I'll go a bit deeper into CPU throttling later, but first: Why this mission? At StackState, we believe that every software developer should be able to observe the health and reliability of their own application — quickly and easily.

N-central 2024.1: Upgraded EDR integration, Patch Management Enhancement and more...

In a recent interview with Ewan Cameron, the Product Manager behind N-central RMM, we got an exclusive insight into the groundbreaking features and improvements rolled out in the first release of N-central for 2024. So, let’s dive into the key highlights of N-central 2024.1.

The Top Five Benefits and Challenges of Hybrid Cloud

In recent years, hybrid cloud environments have emerged as a popular, if not de facto, choice for many organizations seeking flexibility, scalability, and security in their IT infrastructure. Industry research firm Mordor Intelligence pegs hybrid cloud as a nearly $130bn market in 2024, growing at a better than 22% clip over the next five years.

What's New in Sysdig - February 2024

Hey there! I’m Devin Limo, a Senior Customer Solutions Architect here at Sysdig. February was a whirlwind, and we’ve got some awesome updates you don’t want to miss. From deep dives into critical vulnerabilities to game-changing product updates, we’ve got you covered. Hot off the press: Falco has graduated within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)!

6 Best Cloud Storage for Photos in 2024

If you want to change from having stacks and stacks of physical photo albums and USBs filled with photos, consider switching to the many options available for free cloud storage for photos. Thanks to the constant advances in smartphones, we can now take professional-quality snapshots without paying for expensive equipment. For this reason, our phones are an expanding library of photos. So, how can we manage all these photos to ensure their security and, most importantly, privacy?

Welcome to StatusCast Demo Video!

Welcome to the StatusCast Demo Video – Your Ultimate Guide to Seamless Status Communication! 🚀 About StatusCast: StatusCast is a cutting-edge platform designed to revolutionize the way you communicate service status and incidents to your users. Whether you're a tech company, SaaS provider, or any organization relying on online services, StatusCast ensures that you keep your users informed, engaged, and satisfied.

New TraceQL metrics feature in Grafana Tempo 2.4

In this video, you'll see a deep dive demo into the experimental TraceQL metrics feature in Grafana Tempo 2.4. We'll show you how to use TraceQL metrics to do both root cause and impact analysis as well as other use cases, such as determining how many database queries are downstream of your application. ☁️ Grafana Cloud is the easiest way to get started with metrics, logs, traces, dashboards, and more. We have a generous forever-free tier and plans for every use case.