Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2024

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Enterprise Incident Management: Guide & Best Practices

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, incident management has become a critical discipline for enterprises to ensure uninterrupted operations and an optimal customer experience. Effective incident management involves a systematic approach to promptly detecting, responding to, and resolving incidents.

AI's Role In Streamlining Kubernetes Operations For Better Cost Management

While many of us have already heard of Kubernetes, or may even be leveraging it within our technology stacks, it’s still important to remember that the platform is undergoing massive adoption and evolvement. Due to its relative infancy, Kubernetes is ripe to allow for integrating new technologies, like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). As an open-source platform, Kubernetes orchestrates containerized applications, ensuring they run efficiently and resiliently.

What are Blameless Retrospectives? How Do You Run Them?

In most engineering organizations, everyone agrees that in complex systems, failure is inevitable. It’s possible to prevent the recurrence of certain incidents, reduce their impact, or shorten the time to resolution. However, it’s impossible to avoid them altogether. In the past, we asserted failures are a result of people’s mistakes. It was all about “the bad apple theory,” focused on finding the “guilty party” and removing them to prevent future failures.

Incident Response Team | Roles & Responsibilities Defined

When your organization faces outages, errors, security breaches, and other incidents, you need to have a plan in place to take appropriate actions as needed. However, you also need a capable team of experts filling critical roles and responsibilities to execute those actions and effectively collaborate to resolve issues quickly. An incident response team, therefore should be developed in a way that avoids skills gaps in expertise.

Incident Management Automation - What You Should Know

Automated incident management is the process of automating incident response to ensure that critical events are detected and addressed in the most efficient and consistent manner. In incident management, time is of the essence and the primary benefit of automated incident management is speed. With automation, you can accomplish time-consuming tasks much quicker. This brings down the incident response time and allows the team to focus their attention on matters that require their expertise.

AI and automotive: navigating the roads of tomorrow

I had the pleasure to be invited by Canonical’s AI/ML Product Manager, Andreea Munteanu, to one of the recent episodes of the Canonical AI/ML podcast. As an enthusiast of automotive and technology with a background in software, I was very eager to share my insights into the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the automotive industry.

Elevating Code Reviews: Strategies for Distributed Teams

With more developers working remotely, traditional code reviews have begun to shift. Classic water cooler conversations have turned into pings on Slack, and collaborative office spaces have transformed into stand-alone home setups. Remote work clearly has many advantages, but it can also leave developers feeling isolated. Asynchronous communication introduces massive bottlenecks for efficient feedback and creative brainstorming, particularly during code reviews.

How to use Tailscale for gRPC authentication in Golang

Friends of this blog know that I am a big fan of building internal tools, or as we call them, "tools that help scale people". As the name suggests, internal tools are used, well, internally and as such usually will require their access to be restricted to the company's staff and network. In the past, I've written about how to use Tailscale for authentication of internal tools using HTTP. In this post, I will show you how to use Tailscale for gRPC authentication in Golang.

Share code with anyone, anywhere! #GitKraken #CloudPatches

Got a WIP change that you'd love an extra set of eyes on? 👀 Instead of submitting a PR and cluttering up the commit history, throw it in a Cloud Patch with GitKraken Client. ☁️ Describe what you're working on, share the link, and bam! 💥 You can collaborate early on, setting the stage for a smoother pull request later down the line. 🔁

Generative AI and developer experience

From its initial appearance in the dev-tools space, GenAI has had an outsized impact on how developers approach day-to-day tasks (just ask any developer about when they first started using GitHub’s copilot). While any risks are still being evaluated—like potential for introducing anti-patterns or inadvertently running afoul of compliance requirements, many engineering teams have successfully implemented GenAI with measurable gains in collaboration and productivity.

How We Slashed Our AWS Costs by 50% (And You Can Too!)

As businesses increasingly move their workloads to the cloud, managing cloud costs has become a critical concern. At Tidal.Cloud, with the roll-out of new features such as Tidal Accelerator’s Business Analytics, we recently realized that our AWS costs were steadily increasing, and we needed to take action to optimize our cloud spending.

Migration and Modernization Insights with New Business Analytics Feature

Tidal Accelerator has recently made its powerful Business Analytics feature generally available across all existing and new workspaces, as discussed in our previous article. This game-changing capability empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions throughout their migration and modernization journeys. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into four key areas where Tidal Accelerator’s advanced analytics provide invaluable insights.

10 Best ECS Alternatives

Ensuring efficient deployment and management of containerized applications is critical to development teams across all possible industries in today’s cloud-native world. A standout service for many has been AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS), which has proven to be scalable and easy to use while integrated into one of the largest cloud ecosystems out there. However, one size does not fit all.

Optimize Azure spending with Turbo360's periodic notifications

Is your Azure spend management getting out of control? You’re not alone. Countless businesses struggle with the exact problem, often lacking clarity on the reasons behind the cost spike. Especially within larger organizations, where multiple teams deploy Azure resources, the Azure costs can quickly get out of control without the necessary tools to effectively track the spending and evaluate monthly Azure spend against their business needs.

Heroku: the PaaS of the Past Struggles To Keep Up

If there's one thing almost every developer has done in their life, it's deploy an application to Heroku. From their launch in 2007, Heroku dominated PaaS and caught the attention of Salesforce who acquired them in 2010. They had the first managed Postgres service in 2011, an easy to use CLI, and, last but not least, it was free to get started which led to a big uptick in initial popularity. Every side project from here to the moon went to Heroku.

Ep. 16: The Evolution of CloudOps: Bridging DevOps to FinOps with Bernard Golden

In this episode, we sit down with the legendary Bernard Golden, a pioneer with over three decades of experience in technology and cloud computing. Bernard, having shaped the cloud strategies for giants like Capital One and VMware, shares his unparalleled insights into digital transformation, the intricacies of DevOps, and the relentless pursuit of innovation in cloud technology.

Observability Unpacked: 5 Takeaways From KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2024

StackState had a blast at this year's KubeCon + CloudNativeCon gathering in Paris! The discussions were in-depth, covering a wide array of topics and lasting much longer than in the past. This year, attendees seemed to have a considerably deeper understanding of the cloud-native ecosystem, probably attributed to its rapid growth. We also noticed a pretty dramatic evolutionary shift in the vendors at the expo hall, who were showcasing some truly progressive specialized solutions.

Limit deployments to Platform.sh only when Git tagged: part two

In part one of this series, we covered how you could limit deployments to Platform.sh only when a tag is pushed/created, focusing primarily on using GitHub and the GitHub Actions platform to accomplish this goal. But we’re a polyglot PaaS and strive to be agnostic in our users’ source code management terms of the service. With that in mind, let’s look at how we can accomplish the same goal using GitLab and your CI/CD system. Just like last time, there are some assumptions to consider.

Patch Management Software: Your Guide to Picking a Patch Manager (with Examples)

Patch management software automatically applies updates to software, firmware, and other system components. Patching makes sure resources are up to date with the latest security and performance improvements to keep software protected and performing as expected.

The Azure Cost Management Journey

Episode 3 of #FinOpsonAzure takes you on journey through Azure cost management and FinOps as industry experts Michael Stephenson and Ahmed Bayoumy delve into the nuances of optimizing cloud spend. Also, Ahmed illustrates a compelling real-world case where a client struggled with an unexpected surge in expenses, underscoring the significance of reliable cost tracking and reporting mechanisms. Discover how third-party solutions help enterprises with detailed analytics, empowering them to pinpoint areas for improvement and help with ways to cut down on unnecessary Azure spending.

PagerDuty Study Reveals Security Concerns Are Slowing Adoption of GenAI Among the World's Largest Companies

98% of top tech execs paused their corporate genAI initiatives to establish policies. Execs say that a trusted technology partner is key to incorporating genAI into their organizations.

The Cool Evolution: Liquid Cooling in Data Centers

The Environmental and Efficiency Benefits of Liquid Cooling Data centers are infamous for their voracious appetite for energy. As the digital universe expands, so does the environmental impact of maintaining these centers. Enter liquid cooling, a technology with the potential to slash energy consumption and reduce the carbon footprint of data centers. Liquid cooling offers superior thermal conductivity compared to air.

AI Explainer: Feature Extraction

In a previous blog post, which was a glossary of terms related to artificial intelligence, I included this brief definition of "feature extraction": Let’s go a bit deeper on that. In the ever-expanding landscape of machine learning, feature extraction stands out as a crucial technique for enhancing the performance of models and uncovering valuable insights from complex datasets.

#022 - Kubernetes for Humans with Adrian Cockcroft (Nubank)

Adrian Cockcroft has played an instrumental role in shaping the modern cloud computing landscape, particularly through his contributions at Netflix and later at Amazon Web Services (AWS). With a background in computer science, Cockcroft’s career has spanned various roles, including developer, architect, and executive positions, where his insights into scalable, resilient systems design have had a profound impact.

The 5 Best FinOps Services Companies In 2024

We get it. FinOps can be challenging to understand, implement, and optimize, whether you’ve done it before or are just getting started. Everybody needs help from time to time. If this describes you right now, then check out the following FinOps services companies to get started. But first, a quick background.

What is a telco cloud?

Telecommunications companies (telcos) are well on their way to transforming their infrastructure from the legacy, unadaptable, complex network of dedicated hardware from yesteryears to agile, modular and scalable software-defined systems running on common off-the-shelf (COTS) servers. Within this space, the current trend, driven by 5G deployments, is to complement tried and tested network function virtualisation (NFV) infrastructure with cloud-native network functions (CNFs).

Generative AI with Ubuntu on AWS. Part II: Text generation

In our previous post, we discussed how to generate Images using Stable Diffusion on AWS. In this post, we will guide you through running LLMs for text generation in your own environment with a GPU-based instance in simple steps, empowering you to create your own solutions. Text generation, a trending focus in generative AI, facilitates a broad spectrum of language tasks beyond simple question answering.

Turbo360 and Contica AB Join Forces to Revolutionize Azure Management in Sweden

We’re excited to share some thrilling news with our community! Turbo360 has forged a powerful partnership with Contica AB, a leading integration specialist team in Sweden operating on the Microsoft platform since 2010. Comprising a cadre of specialists ranging from security experts to system architects, developers, project managers, integrators, and testers, Contica AB is committed to delivering tangible value through their expertise.

What is a domain name? How do domain names work?

A domain name is a unique address used to access a website, like google.com or wikipedia.org. It's a string of text that maps to an IP address, which is the numerical label assigned to each device connected to the internet. Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses, making it easier for people to remember and access websites without memorizing complex numbers.

Scaling CI/CD pipelines in Bitbucket Cloud | The Developer's Edge | Atlassian

Accelerate delivery by sharing CI/CD pipelines across repositories in Bitbucket cloud. This feature allows developers across your team to reuse pipeline scripts without having to copy/paste or rewrite them. Developers can focus on building features while release managers can rest assured that pipeline best practices are followed and code is compliant with their policies. Connect with Atlassian.

Best practices for monitoring software testing in CI/CD

A key challenge of monitoring your CI/CD system is understanding how to optimize your workflows and create best practices that help you minimize pipeline slowdowns and better respond to CI issues. In addition to monitoring CI pipelines and their underlying infrastructure, your organization also needs to cultivate effective relationships between platform and development teams.

Analyst Chat: The State of IT Spend in 2024

Join Aberdeen’s Mike Lock and Derek Brink in this analyst video where they discuss key findings from the State of IT report, specifically how it relates to IT Spending in 2024. In this discussion, Mike and Derek will highlight the eight main categories that companies are spending, from hardware to software and everything in between. After watching, you’ll be able to benchmark your IT spend efforts against your peers using the data that Derek provides.

Manage Netdata Cloud with Terraform

We proudly announce the release of the Netdata Cloud Terraform Provider. It’s a step forward to make our platform more automated and compliant with the modern Infrastructure as Code approach. Terraform is one of the leaders in the IaC tools with a rich ecosystem of providers and modules, now you can put a puzzle with Netdata Cloud to your stack.

What is developer experience?

Companies obsess over end user experience, whether it is Amazon’s customer-centric innovation or Steve Jobs suggesting starting with the customer experience and working backwards to technology. But as our world becomes more knowledge-based and digital, we also need to consider the most important stakeholder on the payroll - software engineers.

Are you getting the most from your Google Cloud Committed Use Discounts?

Many businesses operating in the cloud are looking for ways to reduce cloud costs, and enterprises using Google Cloud are no exception. One of the pricing models Google Cloud is offering to users is Committed Use Discounts (CUDs). This pricing model allows customers to commit either to a minimum amount of resource usage or to a minimum amount of spend for a specified term of one or three years. In return for this commitment, customers receive significant discounts compared to on-demand pricing.

Top 5 takeaways from KubeCon EU 2024

Another KubeCon has passed! Now that we have all (hopefully) recovered from the week in Paris with good food, wine, and catching up with colleagues, let’s talk about the important topics that took center stage at KubeCon EU 2024 this year. As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the initial Kubernetes release, it’s evident that the growth and positive impact of containerized computing have revolutionized the industry.

12 best practices for DevOps and IT teams to handle monitoring alerts

"Music is noise that makes sense," said author Yann Martel, implying that if a sound doesn't make sense, then it is perceived as just noise. Noise can thus be defined as any alert that affects our senses and disturbs our peace without adding any value. The digital age drowns us in stimuli of all kinds all the time, making the struggle to ignore noise in order to filter for sense harder than ever.

Organizational Barriers That SQL Prompt Breaks Down - Monica Rathbun | Redgate

In this video, Monica Rathbun, Consultant at Denny Cherry and Associates Consulting, explains the organizational barriers that SQL Prompt helps to break down. SQL Prompt enables users to write high quality SQL faster. As well as autocompleting your code, SQL Prompt takes care of formatting, object renaming, and other distractions, so you can concentrate on how the code actually works.

What Is Intelligent IT Automation (and How Do I Get Started)?

So, you’ve been tasked with automating one or more of your tedious, time-consuming IT processes… but, what exactly does that mean? And perhaps more importantly, where on earth do you start? IT process automation (ITPA) can cover a broad spectrum of potential use-cases, ranging everywhere from the Service Desk, to the NOC, to Infrastructure, and well beyond.

Cloud-based DCIM Software Powers Modern Data Center Operations

Traditionally, data centers have been managed using on-premises software – and for many companies, this solution has been sufficient. However, as the data center environment becomes more intricate and dynamic, a new approach to management is required. Cloud-based Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software has emerged as the next generation of management tools, offering unmatched flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

CI/CD observability: Extracting DORA metrics from a CD pipeline

Last November, Dimitris and Giordano Ricci wrote a blog post about CI/CD observability that looked into ways to extract traces and metrics in order to get a better understanding of possible issues inside a CI/CD system. That post focused on getting data from a continuous integration (CI) system, and it really resonated with the community.

Using eBPF to Debug eBPF

In one of our latest posts, StackState Co-Founder Mark Bakker described how eBPF revolutionizes observability and how StackState’s agents rely heavily on eBPF to capture and analyze the data moving through your cluster. Today, we’re looking at an example where our eBPF code failed and — by diving deep into the intricacies of eBPF implementation in the Linux kernel — share the tale of how we fixed it using even more eBPF.

Critical Platform Engineering Metrics: KPIs that Matter for Success

Platform engineering metrics and/or platform engineering KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) can help us measure the success of this evolving approach and its impact on DevOps. According to our 2024 State of DevOps Report: The Evolution of Platform Engineering — 43% of organizations report that they have had a platform team from 3-5 years already. With this maturity, it’s important to measure what’s working and what isn’t working using the same indicators of success across the board.

Ubuntu AI | S2E4 | AI on public cloud: what should you know?

Weka report from 2024 showed that 47% of respondents will use the public cloud as the primary place to develop their machine learning projects. This is a result of a correlation of factors which include the need for compute power, easy scalability, and the ability to utilise existing infrastructure already in place on both hybrid clouds and public clouds. Join us to talk more about AI on the public cloud: what are the main benefits and what are the best practices an organisation could implement in order to easier adopt AI and leverage the most the public clouds.

Introducing Charmed MongoDB

Introducing Charmed MongoDB – Canonical’s enterprise-grade MongoDB database offering. Charmed MongoDB simplifies the operations of MongoDB applications through automation, security, scalability, availability and monitoring. Charmed MongoDB is the cost-effective, reliable, secure and scalable way to use MongoDB on any cloud, hybrid cloud or on-premise. It also provides additional support, managed services, and expert services, so enterprises can run MongoDB in production at a lower cost, bug-free and in the most optimised way.

Implementing Azure Cost Circuit Breakers for Budget Protection

Recently when recording an episode of the FinOps on Azure podcast with Rik Hepworth which will be out soon we discussed a scenario where we have a cost issue because something went wrong with an Azure solution. In this article we will explore that problem and how you can implement some protection for it.

SharePoint Views

In the digital age, effective document management is the cornerstone of operational efficiency, especially within platforms like SharePoint. SharePoint serves as a central repository for a myriad of documents—each vital for the day-to-day function of a business. However, without proper management, this repository can quickly turn into an unnavigable maze.

Observability tools and Internal Developer Portals

Observability tools help engineering teams understand the health and behavior of software. But the term “health” in the context of this type of tooling is fairly narrow in scope—pertaining to real-time performance, reliability, and availability. While these are three important metrics to monitor, they’re lagging indicators of bigger issues happening upstream.

New era of observability l Blackfire Continuous Profiler

A new era of observability: introducing Blackfire Continuous Profiler for PHP, Python, Node.js, and Go. Blackfire continuous profiler available to all Production plan customers. After extensive development and refinement, we are proud and excited to announce the immediate availability of our Continuous Profiler for all Production plan customers. This highly anticipated feature is now ready to elevate your application performance monitoring and troubleshooting experience.

All you need to know about cloud storage

In this blog, we look at how cloud storage solutions have evolved in recent years and explore some of the key connectivity considerations as businesses store more data in the cloud. Cloud storage is probably the oldest and most familiar cloud application, best defined as storing data on ‘someone else’s computer’.

DrupalCamp Florida 2024: sharing takeaways from the experts

I had the pleasure of returning to DrupalCamp FL (DCFL) again this year and even now in its sixteenth year, DCFL 2024 was as lively and energetic as ever. Approximately 130 people descended upon Florida Technical College to share their experiences and knowledge surrounding Drupal and I’m here to share the highlights!

10 Best EKS Alternatives

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) is a powerful solution for managing Kubernetes native applications in the cloud. Being a managed service by Amazon, it handles a lot of complexities of Kubernetes on its own. However, despite its robust features, organizations might seek EKS alternatives due to challenges such as cost considerations, specific feature requirements, or the desire for greater control over their infrastructure.

Deploy Site24x7's monitoring agent on multiple servers (over 20k) using Active Directory

Enterprises employ tens of thousands of servers for their IT infrastructure. An ideal server monitoring tool should be cross-platform adaptable and require minimal manual intervention during setup. Utilize the instructions in this post to monitor all of your servers from just one interface in Site24x7.

Mastering Azure OpenAI Costs and Capacity: Strategies for Efficient Cloud Management

In the rapidly evolving world of cloud computing, Azure OpenAI has emerged as a cornerstone for businesses seeking to leverage advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. Developed through a collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI, this managed service has transformed how organizations build and deploy large language models (LLMs), integrating seamlessly with Microsoft services such as GitHub Copilot, Power BI, Designer, and Office 365.

FinOps Automation Tips And Best Practices - Part 1

If you’ve spent any time poking around our blog, you’ve noticed one thing: At CloudZero, we are passionate about FinOps. More than that, we’re passionate about bringing the most useful and up-to-date information on FinOps to our customers to help them better navigate their journeys toward cloud cost optimization.

Canonical expands Long Term Support to 12 years starting with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Today, Canonical announced the general availability of Legacy Support, an Ubuntu Pro add-on that expands security and support coverage for Ubuntu LTS releases to 12 years. The add-on will be available for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS onwards. Long term supported Ubuntu releases get five years of standard security maintenance on the main Ubuntu repository.

Announcing the Harvester v1.3.0 release

Last week – on the 15th of March 2024 – the Harvester team excitingly shared their latest release, version 1.3.0. The 1.3.0 release has a focus on some frequently requested features, such as vGPU support and support for two-node clusters with a witness node for high availability. As well as a technical preview of ARM enablement for Harvester and cluster management using Fleet. Let’s dive into the 1.3.0 release and the standout features…

Why MSPs Are Choosing Virtana for AIOps and Observability

If you are an MSP, AIOps can be a game changer for your business. By leveraging AI-driven automation, analytics, and insights across your managed IT services portfolio, you can drive operational excellence, improve service quality, and deliver greater value to your clients. But there are many AIOps and observability tools in the market. Here are 13 reasons why many MSPs select Virtana as their AIOps and observability partner of choice.

E2E Testing on Github Actions: A walkthrough of our CI workflows | 2024 Guide

In this walkthrough, we take a detailed look at how automated E2E Testing is performed in Mattermost, using Cypress and Github Actions. Learn more about our approach to organizing and running the test cases, and our solutions to the challenges around their automation. Ready to streamline your testing process? Join us in mastering automated E2E Testing with Cypress and Github Actions.

From VMware to VMscared: Inside Broadcom's Controversial Acquisition - Navigate North America 24

Join Tim Banks, Dinesh Majrekar, and Mark Boost in a crucial Fireside Chat as they dissect the implications of Broadcom's acquisition of VMware. This in depth discussion covers the strategic cuts, the anticipated industry shifts, and the direct impact on VMware's long-standing customer base. Tune in for their valuable insights into navigating the complexities of vendor lock-in and the path forward for affected enterprises.

Finding the common ground with executives in incidents

I spotted this thread on Reddit, discussing the pains of executives dropping into incidents, and the corresponding impact it can have on the incident response process. Being an SRE community, it was a little more of a one-sided account of the situation. So let’s look a little closer, and dive into what it takes to make incidents better for responders and executives alike.

From MLOps to LLMOps: The evolution of automation for AI-powered applications

Machine learning operations (MLOps) has become the backbone of efficient artificial intelligence (AI) development. Blending ML with development and operations best practices, MLOps streamlines deploying ML models via continuous testing, updating, and monitoring. But as ML and AI use cases continue to expand, a need arises for specialized tools and best practices to handle the particular conditions of complex AI apps — like those using large language models (LLMs).

The Frugal Architect, Law IV: Unobserved Systems Lead To Unknown Costs

This is part four of seven in our Frugal Architect blog series. Read the rest of the series here. In case you weren’t as giddy as CloudZero was at re:Invent this past year, we wanted to recount the seven laws outlined by Werner Vogels, Amazon’s CTO, which he’s bundled into a framework called “The Frugal Architect” (check out the whole framework here). What is “The Frugal Architect”?

Navigating the VMware by Broadcom Acquisition

In November 2023, the technology landscape witnessed a monumental shift with Broadcom's acquisition of VMware for $69 billion. This strategic move not only redefines the contours of IT and cloud computing but also signifies a new era for the new giant. Broadcom's leap towards subscription-based services and hybrid cloud environments echoes a broader industry evolution towards more flexible, service-oriented architectures.

Let's Go Backstage: E2E IDP Tips & Tricks for Platform Engineers

Backstage is gaining wide adoption for platform engineering teams looking to build internal development platforms. After implementing Backstage, data has shown an improvement in 2X of code changes, and a decrease of 17% in cycle time making a huge impact on the business delivery pipeline for organizations. Backstage with its rich plugin ecosystem, makes it possible to get full troubleshooting and security coverage you need across your entire pipeline in a single dashboard and interface.

Microsoft System Center Infrastructure Monitoring and Automation in Action

The IT landscape is currently evolving faster than ever before, and the move to cloud-based solutions has emerged as a game-changer for businesses looking to future proof their infrastructure. However, the move to cloud solutions is not always straightforward and comes with challenges due to changes in management access.

Enhancing Collaboration between Development and Operations with DevOps

The collaboration between development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams is crucial for delivering high-quality software products and services efficiently. DevOps has emerged as a transformative approach that bridges the gap between these two traditionally siloed functions, fostering a culture of collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement.

DNS Record Types - Learn About DNS Record Types

DNS record types are essential components of the Domain Name System that provide crucial information about domains and hostnames. This article will explore the various DNS record types, including common ones like A, AAAA, CNAME, NS, MX, TXT, PTR, and SOA records, as well as less common types such as SRV, CAA, DNAME, and NAPTR records.

Creating an Efficient IT Incident Management Plan: A Guide to Templates and Best Practices

In today's digitally-driven landscape, businesses rely heavily on their IT infrastructure to maintain operations smoothly. However, with this reliance comes the inevitability of encountering disruptions such as server outages, security breaches, or software malfunctions. Left unchecked, these incidents can have detrimental effects on productivity and revenue. This is where a well-designed Incident Management plan becomes indispensable.

How to Deploy Applications Using Microsoft Intune Admin Center

Deploying software used to mean traveling to the physical location of each machine and running the executable file. However, with today’s distributed workplaces and remote and hybrid workers, that’s not a feasible solution. Fortunately, your IT team can use remote management tools to deploy apps and software updates without leaving their desks.

FinOps on Azure - Azure Cost Optimization: Real-World Cost Scenarios

This episode of "FinOps on Azure" highlights the pitfalls of the "migration mindset" and the challenge of aligning agile development with traditional finance processes. Rik and Mike explore the emergence of FinOps as a solution, emphasizing the importance of a cloud-native mindset, architectural considerations, and empowering teams with cost ownership. The conversation stresses the cultural shift required for effective cost management, supported by tools and automation for ongoing optimization in Azure.

We manage the infrastructure complexities l Platform.sh

You deliver the code. We take care of the infrastructure complexities. Deliver your applications faster, at scale. Built for developers, by developers. The efficient, reliable, and secure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that gives development teams control and peace of mind while accelerating the time it takes to build and deploy applications.

Trusted, proven PaaS platform l Platform.sh

Platform.sh, a PaaS with flexible, automated infrastructure provisioning and Git-based process optimizes development-to-production workflows. The choice is yours with our multicloud, multistack PaaS supporting more than 100 frameworks, 14 programming languages, and a variety of services to build, iterate, and deploy your way.

Minimizing Distractions and Maximizing Productivity with GitLens

For developers, streamlining your workflow while coding in a distraction-free and conducive environment is of utmost importance. This is why most developers go for workspaces that can provide most, if not all, the tools and services they need in one place. Less context switching means minimal distractions, hence, more productivity. GitLens is a Git extension for VS Code that provides valuable insights into code authorship and unlocks the full power of Git within VS Code.

A New and Redesigned Deployment Options

Today we have rolled out a change in the way you can configure each deployment of your application. Normally you deploy your apps, using the Deploy button on the top right corner of your application page. This will deploy your application based on the "default" Deployment Profile. You can also customize your deployment, using the "Deploy with Options" item on the deploy menu. With today's rollout, we've made improvements to this flow.

Export and Copy IP Address Data with Tidal's Enhanced Subnet Features

At Tidal, we’re always looking for ways to streamline IP address management (IPAM) tasks for our customers. That’s why we’re excited to announce the latest enhancements to our Subnet user interface (UI). With these new features, network administrators and owners can now easily export and copy IP address data, simplifying workflows and improving collaboration.

Effective Monitoring and Alerting Strategies in DevOps

DevOps teams play a crucial role in ensuring the continuous delivery of software applications. One of the key pillars of DevOps success is implementing effective monitoring and alerting strategies. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of monitoring and alerting in DevOps, discuss best practices, and provide insights into building a robust monitoring ecosystem.

SLOs and Customer Experience: Uniting Engineering Excellence with Customer Satisfaction

In the contemporary landscape of fast paced IT and Digital services, where every click, tap, or swipe represents a potential interaction with a customer, the importance of optimizing the customer experience cannot be overstated. Service Level Objectives (SLOs) stand at the intersection of engineering excellence and customer satisfaction, serving as the guiding principles that drive the delivery of exceptional digital experiences.

Where's the money? The ROI of test data management

You may have heard of test data management (TDM). It’s part of the software delivery process – some would say a crucial part, involving the creation, management, and maintenance of environments for software development and testing. By provisioning fresh, production-like data, it allows developers to test their proposed changes early, thoroughly, and repeatedly with the right test data, when they need it and where they need it.

A Comprehensive Guide to IT Capacity Planning

Effective capacity planning and management are fundamental to maintaining a robust IT infrastructure, helping teams optimize available resources to meet performance needs. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about these invaluable processes to ensure your organization’s IT infrastructure is prepared for current and future demands.

Getting Started with Azure IoT Edge on Ubuntu Core

Earlier this month/week, we announced that you can now benefit from the combined power of Ubuntu Core and Azure IoT Edge to bring the computation, storage, and AI capabilities of the cloud closer to the edge of the network. Azure IoT Edge is a device-focused runtime that enables you to deploy, run, and monitor containerised Linux workloads. Ubuntu Core is a version of Ubuntu that has been specially optimised for IoT and embedded systems.

The Business Critical tier becomes the optimal choice for mission-critical SQL workloads

Microsoft has recently announced the Business Critical service tier in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance in the general availability. Being a new deployment option in the SQL Database, Managed Instance streamlines SQL Server workloads migration from on-premises to the cloud. It also combines the native SQL server features and capabilities with the benefits of a fully managed database service.

What are the Benefits of Azure DevOps Project?

Latest technologies help the organizations to market their products in a comprehensive manner while they also develop and integrate their product at a faster pace without wasting their time and efforts. Azure DevOps project is a similar application developed to bring ease for the customers. The app is available on the Azure service and it allows the users to develop, deploy, and monitor your code. No need to open multiple interfaces as you can manage all of this from one view.

Netreo adds support for Azure Application Gateway monitoring and automation

Azure Application Gateway provides application-level routing and load balancing services that let customers build scalable and highly-available web front ends in Azure. Traditional monitoring setup creates challenges as it involves defining parameters based on the expected behavior, setting up dashboards to visualize the data and configuring alerts and notifications. This approach has its limits and the additional layer of automation becomes necessary.

Decoding SaaS Customer Cost: A Guide to Calculating Cost per Customer in Azure

In the SaaS era, especially in the B2B segment, the business’s profitability will vary from customer to customer. It is usual to observe that there would be a few “expensive customers” who use the platform heavily, which could also mean they are profitable customers. But we cannot take plain guesses! As a business, ensuring that the revenue we receive from each customer is appropriate for what it costs us to deliver the value is significant.

What Is AWS Compute Optimizer? A Newbie-Friendly Guide

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers the convenience of choosing specific virtual machine combinations to meet your compute needs. Unlike traditional data centers, you can also scale your cloud resources automatically to meet fluctuating workload needs. The best part is that you can rightsize your workload requirements to specific instance types (VM types) offered by AWS. By hand, this takes a lot of time and is prone to errors. This is where AWS Compute Optimizer comes into play.

9 Best Remote Desktop Alternatives

With hybrid and remote work environments, many employees need to access their office desktop computers from another device. IT admins also need an efficient IT help desk available to help them troubleshoot and quickly resolve issues with the end users from any location. As a result, a number of organizations have turned to network communication protocols such as remote desktop protocol (RDP). While RDP gets the work done, more comprehensive remote access solutions exist.

What's new in Turbo360 - Reservation recommendations report, Automatic cost anomaly detection....

Turbo360 brings a suite of enhancements this month, which includes automatic cost anomaly detection, group budget monitoring, and savings alerts based on rightsizing and reservations. Plus, generate reservation recommendation reports for Azure subscriptions with the Azure Documenter. Experience a smoother workflow with improved service principal access policies and much more!

Cloud migration vs modernization - What's the difference?

Cloud migration vs modernization – What are the nuances? Cloud migration involves moving applications and data to the cloud often with minimal changes to their architecture. Cloud migration projects usually aim to leverage cloud infrastructure for benefits such as scalability, flexibility and reduced on-prem maintenance.

Software Deployment: 5 Things that Can Go Wrong

Software deployment, a critical process in software development, refers to all the activities that make a software system available for use. It’s the stage where all the hard work of creating software culminates into something tangible that users can interact with. But before we delve into its complexities, let’s first understand the basics of software deployment.

The pendulum swings back: colocation as a cost control strategy

The evolution of public cloud over the past few years has been remarkable. Digital transformation, remote work, and AI have created breakneck growth. Back in 2018, before anyone uttered the words COVID or ChatGPT, there were already big drivers for public cloud. The global digital transformation market size was valued at $320 billion, and set for 18% annual growth, to reach a projected $695 billion by 2025.

CPU vs GPU: What's the Difference?

If you've ever delved into the intricacies of PC building or taken your first steps in an introductory Computer Science class, chances are you've encountered the ubiquitous term – GPU. For many gaming enthusiasts, myself included, GPUs are the magic component that gives you more frames in your favorite FPS game, while CPUs are the component where our code finds its execution space.

AIOps as a Service for MSPs: What to Look For

AIOps is a game changer for MSPs. But how do you implement AIOps to ensure you get those game-changing benefits? Chances are, you’re not interested in spending the resources and time required to build it yourself with all of the development, testing, maintenance, etc. that entails. Instead, AIOps as a service provides you with the capabilities to better manage the IT infrastructure and operations of multiple clients.

Spot Ocean outperforms in GigaOm Radar for Kubernetes Management

Spot Ocean has been recognized as the sole leader and outperformer in the GigaOm 2024 Radar for Kubernetes Resource Management in the Maturity and Platform Play quadrant. The report highlights solutions that help organizations more effectively manage the increasing complexity of Kubernetes environments in the cloud. GigaOm evaluated a number of vendors on their ability to analyze and optimize Kubernetes resources.

What do quality engineers do?

Quality engineering (QE), or software quality engineering (SQE), is a discipline within software development focused on ensuring the quality, reliability, and performance of software products. With an increase in development environment complexity in recent years, the focus has shifted back from detecting defects in later stages, as QA has typically done, to proactively ensuring quality throughout the entire development lifecycle.

Secure your AI workloads with confidential VMs

AI models run on large amounts of good quality data, and when it comes to sensitive tasks like medical diagnosis or financial risk assessments, you need access to private data during both training and inference. When performing machine learning tasks in the cloud, enterprises are understandably concerned about data privacy as well as their model’s intellectual property. Additionally, stringent industry regulations often prohibit the sharing of such data.

How to restore lost access to the site

The modern world dictates new conditions for doing business. One of them is the creation of online platforms. Business owners create websites to sell goods and corporate portals to store information and provide convenience for their employees. Losing access to such websites means loss of profits and the possibility of data loss. Such a situation is a threat to business, so it is better to find out how to restore access to your portal in advance.

SharePoint Document Library Security

In the digital age, where data flows as freely as water, securing our digital documents and libraries has become a paramount concern. As we navigate through an ever-expanding digital universe, the line between accessibility and security is often blurred. Striking the perfect balance requires not just technical know-how but a strategic mindset. Setting appropriate permissions is not just a safeguarding tactic; it’s a critical component of modern data management.

What is an enterprise hybrid cloud?

Cloud computing offers a scalable, flexible, and adaptable way for your organisation to manage its IT infrastructure. It can reduce your running costs, enhance security, and ensure that your employees have access to the resources and digital tools they need to work effectively. But no single implementation of cloud computing will be identical. Many enterprise cloud approaches will be bespoke and hybrid, combining both public and private cloud solutions with on-premise infrastructure.

Building a Persuasive Business Case for Automation: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s increasingly complex and rapidly evolving business landscape, the integration of automation technologies has become a crucial strategy for organizations aiming to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and stay competitive. However, convincing stakeholders and key decision makers to invest in IT automation initiatives requires more than just highlighting its potential benefits.

My Favourite Feature of SQL Prompt - TJay Belt | Redgate

TJay Belt, Director of Data at Nerd United, shares his favourite feature of SQL Prompt. SQL Prompt enables users to write high quality SQL faster. As well as autocompleting your code, SQL Prompt takes care of formatting, object renaming, and other distractions, so you can concentrate on how the code actually works..

How to choose your software reliability metrics

Reliability metrics in software development are metrics that help teams quantify how dependable and consistent their software systems are over time. By converting a wide range of technical properties into hard data, these provide quantifiable information to understand the probability of software running failure-free in a given environment over time. These metrics are a subset of developer-focused key performance indicators (KPIs), data that is gathered to emphasize developers' output.

Users Outgrowing Docker Swarm Look To Cycle for Familiar Feel

Docker has a storied history of being one of the most widely used developer toolings of all time. In the early days of containers, it was the only thing being used for local container development, and their contributions will be forever remembered as a major factor in the speed at which container technology was adopted. Docker also created a container orchestration platform called Docker Swarm.

Datadog Cost Management: How To Optimize Your Datadog Costs

Datadog is like a Swiss Army knife for observability. Whether it’s cloud, applications, or infrastructure, Datadog can serve all your monitoring needs under one roof. This is with a level of integration that’s akin to having a universal remote for all your digital operations, from on-premises to cloud environments. The thing is, with great power comes a notable concern – cost.

What are networks? Part 1: A guide to networking fundamentals

Are you intrigued by the world of networks and how they work? Do you want to know how your devices communicate with each other? Well, you're in the right place! In this blog series, we're here to help you gain a better understanding of networks, starting with the basics. We'll cover everything from the different types of networks to how they function, so you can better plan for capacity and take decisive action when issues arise.

Why test data management is becoming increasingly important to the C-suite

We recently sat down with James Phillips, CIO at Rev.io, to talk about test data management (TDM) and the growing attention it’s getting from the C-suite. It’s been prompted by the recognition that provisioning test and development environments with realistic production-like data improves the quality of code being developed, reduces errors, and deliver new features to customers faster.

What is an IDE?

An IDE (integrated development environment) is software that combines all the functions needed for development in one place. Without an IDE, developers would need to use both a text editor to enter code and a separate compiler to make the program understandable to the computer. An IDE combines these features into one tool, making development more efficient.

Ribbon Analytics - Discover What You've Been Missing

Would you operate a network with zero visibility? Don’t risk it, visualize your network and get ahead of the storm with Ribbon Analytics. It ingests your data. Regardless of the source. And the out-of-the-box applications will guide you through your network. Letting you see what you’ve been missing. Don’t worry, we’ve done this before… in some of the largest networks in the world. Here’s how you can get started with Ribbon Analytics: Visualize your network’s capacity -- no more guessing when you need to expand.

What's the Ideal Dev Team Size? #GitKraken #shorts

The ideal dev team size? Amazon says if you can feed everyone at your meeting with two pizzas 🍕 then you've got a good group. But it's also about ensuring your team stays agile, connected to customer needs, and focused on delivering real value. Explore strategies for larger teams to emulate the efficiency of smaller ones in our State of Git Collaboration report with #JetBrains! 🚀

How to achieve SOC 2 Type 2 in 90 days with Drata and Kosli

Every software purchasing decision has a security impact, and with information security threats on the rise, companies are increasingly concerned about third party vendor risks. That’s why for companies to sell software these days it is no longer enough to be secure, you also need to be able to prove it. Over the last year or so we’ve noticed an increasing expectation that software companies, even SMEs and startups, should be SOC 2 compliant.

What is Application Performance Monitoring?

In this "Observability in Action" video, Andreas Prins, CEO of StackState, unveils the significance of Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and the results delivered. APM is pivotal for maintaining service levels, detecting application issues, ensuring customer satisfaction, and achieving a swift Mean Time To Repair. Andreas explores how StackState's APM solution transcends typical monitoring tools by offering.

Amplify Your Response Team's Impact: Introducing Squadcast's Additional Responders

At Squadcast, we're continually striving to empower our users with the tools they need to handle incidents swiftly and effectively. Today, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest feature: Additional Responders. This feature marks a significant step forward in enhancing collaboration and coordination during incident response.

Linux CPU Utilization - How To Check Linux CPU Usage

CPU utilization is a crucial metric for measuring system performance and identifying potential bottlenecks in Linux systems. This article explores the concept of CPU utilization, factors contributing to high CPU usage, and various command-line tools and graphical utilities for monitoring and troubleshooting CPU utilization in Linux environments.

Fault Injection in your release automation

One of the real successes of the Agile Software development movement has been the push to have regular, frequent deployments. This has manifested as build and deployment automation and the general adoption of CI/CD. As engineers automate more processes of their software release lifecycle, an important question is how to automate Quality Assurance, which includes resilience testing and, more specifically, Fault Injection.

FireHydrant is now AI-powered for faster, smarter incidents

Over the last five years we’ve seen our customers run 583,954 incidents more efficiently thanks to a shared workspace, powerful Runbook automations, and auto-captured data. Yet despite a great deal of progress, incident efficiency hasn’t achieved peak potential. We talk to a lot of folks that are still stuck in the muck: new responders struggle to get up to speed quickly, incident commanders wade through post-incident drudgery, and knowledge silos prevent comprehensive improvements.

Future Trends In Kubernetes Cost Management: What To Expect

Kubernetes has emerged as a pivotal force in shaping modern cloud infrastructure. Originating as a brainchild of Google, Kubernetes has evolved into an open-source platform that has revolutionized how applications are deployed, scaled, and managed across a vast network of machines. Its ability to orchestrate containerized applications efficiently makes it an indispensable tool within cloud computing. However, with great power comes great responsibility, particularly in the realm of cost management.

Observability vs. Monitoring: How Do They Work?

As organizations increasingly depend on distributed system architectures to provide modern applications and microservices, their legacy monitoring tools struggle to keep pace. These outdated systems are often based on predictable failures, but when an unforeseen performance issue occurs, it can lead to outages and unplanned downtime that impacts your customers and your business.

Are metrics motivating? Or just something else to stress over? #GitKraken #DevTeams

GitKraken's Eric Amodio says it's complicated – just looking at metrics alone doesn't include all the complexity of the development process! Our State of Git Collaboration report with #JetBrains tells us how devs really feel about these numbers and charts. 🤔 Are they really capturing our best work, or missing the full picture?

6 Ways AIOps Is a Game Changer for Managed Service Providers

The managed service provider (MSP) model delivers tremendous value for clients. They benefit from expertise and implementation that would be difficult and cost-prohibitive to build and manage themselves. The MSPs take on those responsibilities, which means they are on the hook for delivering the services to their clients in an effective and efficient manner.

How to enhance engineering agility and maximize ROI in Microsoft Azure

Developing a successful cloud operations practice is the key to unlocking the full benefits of Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform in your organization. Learn how to get started adopting the CloudOps practices, processes, and tooling that will enhance engineering agility in your organization, reduce team burnout, and maximize your ROI from Azure cloud. Relevant Links: 🔔 Don't forget to hit the notification bell to get notified whenever we release a new video.

What is Cloud Connect: A beginner's guide to connecting

Cloud Connect offers a secure, reliable, dedicated connection between your organisation’s IT infrastructure and the cloud computing services it uses. It provides simple, seamless access to the cloud. If your organisation uses cloud applications, Cloud Connect is a technology you should seriously consider. To help you with that, here we explain what Cloud Connect is, how it works, and the benefits it could offer you.

NoSQL Databases: The ultimate Guide

Today, many companies generate and store huge amounts of data. To give you an idea, decades ago, the size of the Internet was measured in Terabytes (TB) and now it is measured in Zettabytes (ZB). Relational databases were designed to meet the storage and information management needs of the time. Today we have a new scenario where social networks, IoT devices and Edge Computing generate millions of unstructured and highly variable data.

Optimizing On-Call for Incident Management: Preventing Team Burnout with Rootly On-Call

Rootly On-Call streamlines incident management with automated scheduling, noise reduction, and centralized documentation. It mitigates on-call fatigue with features like flexible overrides, shift visibility, and shadow rotations, enhancing team well-being and preventing burnout.

Argo CD and Codefresh GitOps Security Updates 3/18/2024 - Preventing Brute-Force and Denial of Service

In September 2023, security researchers from KTrust reported three issues through the official Argo CD security disclosure channels in accordance with Argo CD security policy. In coordination with other Argo maintainers, we have issued security updates for both Argo CD and Codefresh GitOps (enterprise Argo). Below you can read more about these CVEs, their impact, and mitigation.

Forward and reverse DNS lookups: What they are, why you need them, and how to configure them

Effectively managing the dynamics of domain name lookups through the DNS is crucial for boosting the speed and security of network connections. Forward and reverse DNS lookups, the yin and yang of network connections, translate human-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses and vice versa, ensuring secure connections within both public and private networks.

AI Explainer: Supervised vs. Unsupervised Machine Learning

Machine learning is a powerful tool that enables computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. Two fundamental approaches to machine learning are supervised and unsupervised learning. In this blog post, we'll explore the key differences between these two approaches, along with examples of their applications.

Bob Lee - Lead DevOps Engineer at Twingate

I was out there in sunny Austin this February, speaking at Civo Navigate 2024. The event was jam packed with amazing talks, and it was great meeting so many people with long and fascinating careers in engineering and Site Reliability. I had the privilege of meeting Bob Lee, who currently leads DevOps at Twingate — a cloud-based service that provides secured remote access, and poised to replace VPNs.

How Azure cost anomaly detection shields billing shocks

One of the fundamental promises of the cloud, when organizations embrace it, is significant cost savings compared to its on-premises costs. However, organizations to realize savings is required to proactively plan and monitor the application’s cost at a granular level. Azure cost anomaly detection involves promptly identifying, rectifying, and analysing unexpected Azure cost events to minimize their impact on the business.

Kubernetes CronJob: Complete Guide to CronJobs

Kubernetes CronJobs are a feature that lets you automate tasks in a Kubernetes cluster. They let you schedule and run jobs on a regular basis, making them good for tasks like data backups, database maintenance, log rotation, and more. CronJobs help make operations easier and reduce manual work, letting you focus on other important parts of your application. In this guide, we will explain what CronJobs are and how they are different from regular Kubernetes Jobs.

How to find Kubernetes reliability risks with Gremlin

Part of the Gremlin Office Hours series: A monthly deep dive with Gremlin experts. Most Kubernetes clusters have reliability risks lurking just below the surface. You could spend hours or even days manually finding these risks, but what if someone could find them for you? With Detected Risks, Gremlin automates the work involved in finding and tracking reliability risks across your Kubernetes clusters. Surface failed Pods, mismatched image versions, missing resource definitions, and single points of failure, all without having to run a single test.

How NeuVector Leverages eBPF to Improve Observability and Security

There’s been a lot of recent interest in eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) and its application for container security solutions. Let’s examine eBPF’s features and benefits and how NeuVector utilizes them to enhance its full-lifecycle container security solution.

Rancher Live: The legal aspects of open source

Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies have become widely adopted in the last decade, making them ubiquitous. This has significantly contributed to the open-source movement and highlighted the importance of policymaking in the successful adoption and sustainability of the ecosystem. However, understanding and navigating the complex legal landscape on the path to production can be challenging, particularly for developers seeking to understand the ecosystem. That’s why, in this episode of Rancher Live, we will take a slight detour from talking tech to deconstructing some key policy issues associated with open-source software with OpenUK's CEO, Amanda Brock.

Design Details: On-call

On your bedside table sits a piece of software designed to wake you up. It loves bothering you when something goes wrong — and making it your responsibility to sort it out Meet the new incident.io On-call app. We designed it this way: to be as interruptive as possible. Whether you’re watching telly, at the gym, or as mentioned, fast asleep, it’ll get you. Got called even though you’re in silent mode? Great! We’ve done our job properly.

Strategies for Scaling Systems Reliably by Bob Lee

I was out there in sunny Austin this February, speaking at Civo Navigate 2024. The event was jam packed with amazing talks, and it was great meeting so many people with long and fascinating careers in engineering and Site Reliability. I had the privilege of meeting Bob Lee, who currently leads DevOps at Twingate — a cloud-based service that provides secured remote access, and poised to replace VPNs.

Containerization and DevOps Optimizing Deployment with Docker and Kubernetes

DevOps practices have revolutionized how teams build, test, deploy, and manage applications, enabling rapid delivery without compromising quality. Central to this paradigm shift are containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. In this article, we’ll explore how containerization and DevOps intersect, and how leveraging Docker and Kubernetes can optimize deployment processes.

ROI Demystified: A Deep Dive into What ROI Truly Means for Your Business

The term ROI (Return on Investment) often gets thrown around without a thorough understanding of its implications. Many see it merely as a financial metric, but in reality, ROI encompasses much more than monetary gains. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the true essence of ROI, its multifaceted nature, and how it impacts every aspect of your business strategy.

The Role of the SRE in the Incident Management Process

In the world of modern businesses, where IT systems play a major role in all types of businesses, the role of the Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) has become central to managing the effectiveness and reliability of the entire business. SREs are the bridge between the rapid deployment of software and systems and the stable operation of those systems in a production environment. They ensure that reliability and performance criteria are defined and are met.

Streamlining Deployment Pipelines with DevOps Automation

DevOps has emerged as a crucial methodology for software development and deployment. DevOps bridges the gap between development and operations teams, fostering collaboration and enabling continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). At the heart of DevOps lies automation, which streamlines deployment pipelines, enhances productivity, and ensures rapid, reliable software delivery.

Enter Prompt+ EAP: your AI-powered database development partner in the making

After many cups of coffee and takeaway pizzas, something changed in the world of SQL Prompt in November 2023. For the first time in SQL Prompt’s history, our engineering team at Redgate brought AI to its breadth of capabilities and called it Prompt+. Using generative AI-powered insights and context-based awareness, Prompt+ takes natural language queries and turns them into SQL coding suggestions.

How should a great K8s distro feel? Try the new Canonical Kubernetes, now in beta

Kubernetes revolutionised container orchestration, allowing faster and more reliable application deployment and management. But even though it transformed the world of DevOps, it introduced new challenges around security maintenance, networking and application lifecycle management.

Limit deployments to Platform.sh only with tags: part one

Throughout the years, many users have asked us if it’s possible to only deploy to Platform.sh when a tag is pushed using a source code integration. The answer is: with our current source integrations, it's not—but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Platform.sh is based on Git and because of this, acts as a remote for your code repository.

NeuVector UI Extension for Rancher Enhances Secure Cloud Native Stack

We have officially released the first version of the NeuVector UI Extension for Rancher! This release is an exciting first step for integrating NeuVector security monitoring and enforcement into the Rancher Manager UI. The security vision for SUSE and its enterprise container management (ECM) products has always been to enable easy deployment, monitoring and management of a secure cloud native stack.

AIOps vs. Observability: Which Is Better and Why?

If you’ve been keeping up on what’s buzzing in the IT operations and software development space in the past few years, then you know that the concepts of AIOps and observability have been getting a lot of attention. And while they are related, they each address a different aspect of managing and monitoring IT systems.

How to scale your systems based on CPU utilization

CPU usage is one of the most common metrics used in observability and cloud computing. It’s for a good reason: CPU usage represents the amount of work a system is performing, and if it’s near 100% capacity, adding more work could make the system unstable. The solution is to scale - add more hosts with more CPU capacity, migrate some of your workloads to the new host, and split the traffic between them using a load balancer.

Software Ate the World, but Digital Transformation Can Give You Indigestion

In today’s digitally-driven world, organizations rely heavily on software applications to streamline services, provide operations, engage customers, and drive innovation through digital transformation. Software has also become the lynchpin for securing an entire business’ services and keeping them up and running. Yet, this omnipresent force comes with its own set of challenges.

IPAM and SPM: The missing piece for advanced network management

Phrases like “networks are the backbone of a business” are now ubiquitous, finding their way into many network-related blogs. We are not here to say the same thing again. Instead, we’re here to discuss managing your IP address space within OpManager. This blog explains how adding the IP address manager (IPAM) and switch port mapper (SPM) module within OpManager will enhance your monitoring game. Keep reading and we will tell you how to enable the add-on for free.

From Deploy to Commit: Building the Ultimate Development Pipeline - A Comprehensive Guide

‘Manual deployment is (should be) a sin.’ Well, calling manual deployment a sin may sound strong, but consider this: building the ultimate development pipeline demands a focus on automation. Although the selection of a deployment method depends on the specific needs and requirements of a project or environment, can you really deny the power of automated deployment? There's a better way.

Mattermost AI Copilot: Accelerating the conversation with LLMs

Hello, Mattermost community! We’re thrilled to announce the release of the Mattermost AI Copilot beta, a groundbreaking addition to the Mattermost platform. This plugin is not just a tool. It’s a way for organizations to deploy artificial intelligence in mission-critical environments — a true game-changer. With that in mind, let’s explore how this plugin will establish new standards in workplace collaboration for Mattermost Enterprise customers.

How AIOps improves IT service assurance and optimization

ITOps and DevOps teams face many challenges. Their responsibilities are extensive, from navigating complex IT environments at scale to quickly addressing performance issues and minimizing downtime and outages. Enhancing your organization’s IT service assurance requires you to ensure the reliability, performance, and availability of IT services.

Delivering innovation at scale: The 3 pillars of successful Azure cloud operations

Around the world, organizations of all sizes rely on Microsoft Azure to bring modern services online—and deliver innovation at scale. Azure provides the flexibility to roll out cloud-based applications at breakneck speed. But running these applications and services in Azure can add complexity for already overworked IT teams, tasked with boosting performance and reducing costs in ever-evolving cloud environments.

How to deal with alert fatigue head-on

Everyone experiences stress at work—thankfully, it’s a topic folks aren’t shying away from anymore. But for on-call engineers, alert fatigue is a phenomenon closer to home. Unfortunately, like stress, it can be just as insidious and drastically impact those it affects. First discussed in the context of hospital settings, this phrase later entered engineering circles.

The Role Of Cloud Cost Management In Environmental Sustainability

In an era where cloud computing has become the backbone of global business operations, its impact on the environment cannot be overlooked. As organizations increasingly migrate to the cloud, data centers’ energy consumption and carbon footprint have surged, highlighting a critical need for sustainable practices. One often underappreciated lever for environmental stewardship within this digital infrastructure is effective cloud cost management.

DCIM Software is the Key to Uptime and Performance

The capability of DCIM software to provide real-time monitoring is critical for timely issue detection and resolution. Considering that data center outages can cost more than $9,000 per minute, as highlighted in a Ponemon Institute study, the importance of immediate response facilitated by DCIM cannot be overstated.

Easy Guide to monitoring uWSGI Using Telegraf and MetricFire

It's important to monitor uWSGI instances to ensure their stability, performance, and availability, helping to identify and address issues promptly before they affect the overall application performance. Monitoring uWSGI instances also provides insights into resource utilization, request throughput, and potential bottlenecks, enabling proactive optimization and efficient scaling of the application infrastructure.

Best Git Client for Windows in 2024

For developers working in the Windows environment, selecting the ideal Git client can boost your version control experience. Git clients help manage changes more efficiently, track the history of your projects with greater clarity, and facilitate easier collaboration with team members, regardless of their location. It should provide a tangible interface to navigate branches, review changes, and commit code, minimizing the learning curve for new team members and speeding up the development cycle.

#021 - Kubernetes for Humans Podcast with Ramiro Berrelleza (Okteto)

Ramiro Berrelleza is one of the founders of Okteto. He has spent most of his career (and his free time) building cloud services and developer tools. Before starting Okteto, Ramiro was an Architect at Atlassian and a Software Engineer at Microsoft Azure. Originally from Mexico, he currently lives in San Francisco.

How Squadcast's Snooze Incidents Promotes Focussed On Call Shifts

Dealing with a flood of incidents, each with varying degrees of urgency, can be a daily struggle for Incident Response teams. Suppose a low-priority alert pings while you're tackling a critical incident. This pulls your focus away from the urgent issue. This constant alert bombardment can: How do engineers ensure that high-severity issues take precedence? Don't they want to avoid being bothered or bombarded with notifications while addressing critical matters? They sure do.

The Debrief: How to level up your incident management program with Jeff Forde of Collectors

Today, incident management is a core part of organizations both big and small. But what if you don't have a program in place...where do you start? Or what if incident management is already a key part of your org, but you're looking to optimize it—where do you kick things off in that case? Consider another situation: What if you're an established organization with years of incident management experience—what are some things that you can do to take things to the next level?

The Value Hosted Graphite brings to the Heroku Marketplace

Hosted Graphite is a time-series metrics monitoring tool used for application, systems, infrastructure and network monitoring. HostedGraphite is a Hosted Graphite service that offers the full capabilities and benefits of Graphite, without any of the hassle of trying to set up your own open-source Graphite installation.

How to Monitor ClickHouse With Telegraf and MetricFire

Monitoring your ClickHouse database is a proactive measure that helps maintain its health and ensure that it continues to meet the needs of your applications and users efficiently. It allows you to address issues before they become critical, ensuring that your database environment is secure, reliable, and performing optimally. In this article, we'll detail how to use the Telegraf agent to collect performance metrics from your ClickHouse clusters, and forward them to a datasource.

Secure External Document Sharing in SharePoint

SharePoint, a product of Microsoft’s suite of office tools, has revolutionized the way organizations collaborate and manage documents. At its core, SharePoint is designed to facilitate the seamless sharing of information, both within an organization and with external partners. The ability to share documents externally is particularly valuable in today’s global business environment, where collaboration with vendors, clients, and contractors across geographical boundaries is commonplace.

Schedule Cron Jobs in Node.js with Node-Cron

Cron jobs are tasks set to run by themselves at certain times or intervals. They help with doing repetitive tasks automatically, like backing up data, sending emails, and updating systems. In Node.js, cron jobs can make tasks in applications run by themselves, making things more efficient and reliable. Node.js gives a good way to set these tasks through different libraries and tools.

Release Roundup March 2024: More ways to discover and test your services

2024 is off to a fast start here at Gremlin. Since our last release roundup, we’ve released new experiment types, new features to improve integration with cloud platforms, and improvements to our auto-detection processes. Now you can push processes to their limits, find dependencies even easier, limit when tests can be run, and much more. We also introduced a slew of platform improvements to improve efficiency, performance, and user experience in the Gremlin web application.

SOC 2 Compliance Requirements: Examples, Use Cases + More

SOC 2 compliance requirements (Service Organization Controls Type 2) ensure that customer data stays private and secure — essential for any business that stores or processes sensitive data. In this blog, we’ll explore the specifics of SOC 2 compliance, and provide a solution to help you automate and enforce SOC 2 compliance going forward.

Cloud threat detection and response

Google Security Command Center (SCC) Enterprise is the industry’s first cloud risk management solution that fuses cloud security and enterprise security operations - supercharged by Mandiant expertise and AI at Google scale. Watch and learn how to detect threats to your cloud resources and automate attack response.

Changelog Breakdown: Focus Tab, GitKraken.dev, & more

Dive into the latest GitKraken Client updates – starting with Focus View, helping you prioritize all PRs, Issues, and WIPs so you waste less time wondering, "What's next?" and more time coding. Worried about security? We've got new customizable protections to ensure that your work (and your mind) stays safe and at ease. Whether you're managing your Workspaces or sharing code with Cloud Patches, GitKraken brings everything you care about into one accessible, secure, and efficient place.

Ubuntu AI | S2E3 | GPU utilisation optimisation at KubeconEU 2024

Maciej is not only the host of our podcast, but also an experienced keynote speaker. After a joint keynote at KubeconEU 2023 about highly sensitive data, in 2024, Maciej goes to Paris to talk about the GPU utilisation. During our podcast, we cover a lot of aspects of GPU utilisation. From best practices to existing tooling, there are different angles that Maciej talk about, giving a sneak-peak into his keynote. Are you curious how open source tooling plays a role in optimising the GPU utilisation? Listen to our podcast!

Advice for building an incident management program

On this weeks' episode of The Debrief, we chatted with Jeff Forde, an Architect on the Platform Engineering team at Collectors. With a background spanning finance, healthcare, and various product-led startups, Forde has honed his expertise in DevOps, site reliability, and platform engineering. Beyond his professional life, he's also a dedicated volunteer first responder and certified fire instructor in Connecticut, offering him a unique perspective on managing incidents of all typesz.

Azure Cost Management and FinOps: Lessons from the Frontlines

Azure Cost Management and FinOps: Lessons from the Frontlines This episode of "FinOps on Azure" dives into the crucial issue of managing Azure costs effectively. It addresses the common challenges faced by organizations in controlling their Azure spending and offers insights and strategies to prevent unexpected overspending. Through real-world experiences shared by Saravana Kumar, CEO of Kovai.co, viewers can gain valuable lessons on optimizing Azure consumption and establishing robust cost governance practices.

The Future Of Cloud Cost Management: AI And Machine Learning On AWS

As organizations increasingly migrate to the cloud, managing expenses efficiently becomes crucial. Traditional cost management methodsoften fall short in this environment, where resource allocation and usage can fluctuate dramatically. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). These cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing the way businesses approach cloud cost management.

Qovery is Now Available on the AWS Marketplace

I'm thrilled to announce the availability of Qovery on the AWS Marketplace. You can now buy and benefit from Qovery right from the AWS Marketplace. Before delving into the specific advantages of purchasing Qovery through the AWS Marketplace, let's first understand what the AWS Marketplace is and why this is something you should consider when purchasing Qovery.

Automating Azure Cloud Unit Economics Generation: The Turbo360 Advantage

The scalability of the cloud and its inherent variable cost has created financial and operational challenges, which demand the process of tracking varying costs in the dynamic Azure infrastructure at a granular business context level. Unit economics is a process of profit maximization in the cloud based on objective measurements like cost per product. This approach assesses how the organization is performing against its business goals.

How to build the ideal engineering team dashboard

Toggle topic hub menu Engineering teams of today use a plethora of tools to perform different functions in the software development life cycle. While tools like Slack, Teams, etc. are great for quick notifications, they rarely give you a comprehensive view of the things in current state. Sure, you can switch between tabs for all your tools but an "Engineering dashboard" that brings this all together makes it much easier to consume quickly and effectively.

IT Incidents and the Role of Incident Response Teams (IRTs)

The digital world comes with advantages and inherent risks. These IT incidents, which can encompass cyberattacks, system outages, and data breaches, can have a devastating impact. Beyond financial losses, IT incidents disrupt business operations, damage reputations, and erode customer trust. During an outage, having a well-prepared Incident Response Team (IRT) is essential to reduce downtime and improve response times.

Large Language Models (LLMs) Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) using Charmed OpenSearch

Large Language Models (LLMs) fall under the category of Generative AI (GenAI), an artificial intelligence type that produces content based on user-defined context. These models undergo training using an extensive dataset composed of trillions of combinations of words from natural language, enabling them to empower interactive and conversational applications across various scenarios.

Easy Guide to Monitor Jenkins Jobs Using Telegraf and MetricFire

Monitoring Jenkins jobs and nodes is foundational to maintaining a robust, efficient, and secure CI/CD pipeline. It enables DevOps teams to stay proactive about system health, optimize performance, manage resources effectively, and adhere to security and compliance standards. In this article, we'll detail how to use the Telegraf agent to collect performance metrics from your Jenkins environment, and forward them to a datasource.

Introducing Process Exhaustion: How to scale your services without overwhelming your systems

We rarely think about how many processes are running on our systems. Modern CPUs are powerful enough to run thousands of processes concurrently, but at what point do our systems become oversaturated? When you’re running large-scale distributed applications, you might reach this limit sooner than you'd expect. How can you determine what that limit is, and how does that affect the number and complexity of the workloads you deploy?

Application Troubleshooting with Automated Root Cause Analysis

In the complex and fast-paced world of application deployment, getting a handle on the tangle of services and resources can sometimes feel like trying to find your way through a maze without a map. And if something goes wrong, trying to find out what's happening where is even more difficult. With alert emails flooding in and questions flying left and right, identifying the glitch that's causing issues can seem like a Herculean feat.

Centralized Multi-Cluster Management and Operations

Join us for our webinar on centralized multi-cluster management and operations, during which we’ll explore how to manage multiple clusters across various regions. This will teach you how to unify access control and authorization layers, ensuring secure, streamlined operations. Our panel will then dive into the challenges of maintaining consistent application deployment across all regions through a single console.

Taloflow's Q1 2024 Feature Updates

In this video, Louis-Victor Jadavji, Taloflow's co-founder and CEO, presents the latest changes at Taloflow for the first quarter of 2024, including: Taloflow Q1 2024 Feature Updates Transcript=== Louis-Victor Jadavji: Hey, it's LV here from Taloflow, and I'm looking forward to showing you today, our latest features to accelerate your software vendor decisions. Whether it's in iPaaS, APM, CRM, observability, you name it. We probably have it. And if not, we'll add it soon enough at your request. So let's dive in.

The 6 FinOps Principles: How To Apply Them To Your Software Dev Cycle

The FinOps Foundation sets out six FinOps principles cloud-based companies should follow to achieve and maintain optimal control over their cloud spending and cost efficiency. On the surface, they seem straightforward enough. The first principle, for example, is that teams should always collaborate in real-time to “continuously improve for efficiency and innovation” when it comes to staying on top of software development cloud costs.

Simplifying software-defined vehicles (SDVs) with EB corbos Linux - built on Ubuntu

Carmakers are facing numerous challenges on the path towards software-defined vehicles (SDVs), such as legacy vendor dependence, which is leading to a lack of scalability, and high maintenance costs. Adopting a software-centric approach should reduce complexity and costs, accelerate time to market, improve product quality, increase flexibility, and provide more robust cybersecurity.

FAQs about SharePoint Online

In today’s digital age, the ability to collaborate effectively and manage documents efficiently is more critical than ever. Enter SharePoint Online, a powerful cloud-based platform by Microsoft that is revolutionizing the way organizations operate. It’s more than just a tool; it’s a game-changer in the realm of digital collaboration and content management.

Cloud Native Security vs. Third-Party Tools: How to Choose (and Why You Might Not Have To)

Your cloud platform probably came with tools to secure and manage the resources you create. We call those cloud-native security tools because they’re proprietary to the vendor you’re using them on. Third-party alternatives, on the other hand, are usually created to be compatible with several cloud provider platforms at once.

Coffee Break Update: What's New In Team Insights for Jira | Mar '24

Grab a coffee and take 3 minutes to see what's new in Git Integration for Jira's free extension, Team Insights for Jira. This month we talk about Jira sprint auditing (how your scope changes after starting a sprint), performance improvements, and a new Teams view to help run better stand ups and understand workload. Plus, we'll take a sneak peak into what's coming next (hint: saved filters and UI customization).

Densify Named a Market Leader in GigaOm Radar Report for Kubernetes Resource Management

Densify has just been recognized by GigaOm as a Leader and “Fast Mover” in the market for Kubernetes Resource Management. This is the second year in a row that Densify has gained this distinction and comes in addition to also being named a leader and outperformer in GigaOm’s report on Cloud Resource Optimization in June of last year.

The Ultimate Guide to Service-Oriented Architectures

Software development is a sophisticated process that comes with complexity built in. Enter DevOps (many years ago, of course) to foster an environment where developers can build complex applications while minimizing backend overhead, ensuring that processes are replicable and software design is standardized. One of the first examples of DevOps in action was the surge in popularity for service-oriented architecture.

Merging to Main #8: Ethics & AI with Paul O'Reilly & Dan Garfield, Codefresh

🚨 Merging to Main is back with a new host! 🚨 Let's welcome Paul O'Reilly 🎉 and follow along on his journey of exploring topics around Tech, DevOps, AI, Argo and others, with all sorts of awesome people from all around the globe! 🌎 During this session we have Codefresh's Chief Open Source Officer, Dan Garfield joining Paul live to talk about all things Ethics & AI.

15 Engineering KPIs to Improve Software Development

Software engineering key performance indicators (KPIs) help engineer leadings keep teams accountable while ensuring focus on highest leverage activities. They are essential for driving process improvement, managing risks, supporting data-driven decision making, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Without KPIs, teams may encounter challenges related to visibility, efficiency, decision-making, quality, and customer satisfaction, which can ultimately impact project success and organizational performance.

Build vs Buy: When to Build or Buy an Internal Developer Platform

An Internal Developer Platform (IDP) is an ecosystem that empowers developers to manage the entire application lifecycle from development to deployment autonomously. As a vital component for organizations, the implementation of an IDP often presents a ‘Build vs. Buy’ dilemma: should you construct your own IDP, tailored to your unique needs, or would it be more efficient to purchase a pre-built solution?

How to gain holistic visibility and continuous optimization for AWS with Spot by NetApp

In today’s fast-paced business world, the best way to get a handle on your organization’s cloud costs is by using automation to optimize cloud cost and resource utilization. Today, this can be achieved through Cloud Financial Operations (FinOps). FinOps is an operational practice that enables data-driven decision making around cloud costs and creates financial accountability through collaboration between engineering, finance, and business teams.

Know Before You Go: Cloud Native Rejekts

You may have heard of KubeCon, but have you met its cool & edgy sibling, Cloud Native Rejekts? A human-sized conference that offers speakers the opportunity to upcycle their rejected KubeCon sessions, this one is truly curated for the community, by the community. Join Divya Mohan, our Principal Technology Advocate and first-time attendee, as she hosts Benazir Khan, one of the organisers, to learn what you can expect from the conference, some behind-the-scenes banter, and much more on this Know Before You Go episode.

Know Before You Go : KubeCon EU 2024

Let's face it - major global conferences like KubeCon + CloudNativeCon can be intimidating and exhausting to navigate, whether you're a newbie or a veteran. As an international attendee, add in travel, jetlag, and a bunch of other stuff and what you get is a recipe for a stressful week. Join Robert Sirchia as he hosts Aurelie Vache and Cyril Cuvier to learn how you can make the most of the upcoming KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Paris.

New Integration: Cycle.io and Depot.dev Team Up for Enhanced Docker Builds

In our continuous mission to improve development workflows and operational efficiency for our users, Cycle.io is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Depot. This collaboration is set to revolutionize how organizations build images, focusing on accelerating the Dockerfile build process. "I'm particularly excited to add this integration to Cycle's platform.

Standardizing your web application stack and how to do it

Managing web applications from the ground up can be a daunting task. One application alone can quickly grow in complexity, let alone the multiple applications that are often required by different business units and stakeholders growing simultaneously. Add the ever-changing landscape of trendy frameworks and runtimes, and you quickly find yourself with an unmanageable mess of different technologies. Standardizing your application stack can help reduce the clutter.

Patching Go's leaky HTTP clients

In November 2023 we discovered an issue in the Go standard library’s net/http.Client that allowed an attacker who controls redirect targets on a server to exfiltrate authentication secrets. Soon after, we discovered a similar issue in net/http/cookiejar.Jar. The issues, collectively designated CVE-2023-45289, have now been fixed in Go 1.22.1 and Go 1.21.8, released on March 5, 2024. This blog post dives into the technical details behind those two bugs and the patch that addresses them.

Splitting and parallelizing Android UI tests with Espresso and CircleCI

For Android developers, test automation on CI/CD platforms such as CircleCI has become an indispensable part of the development workflow. But merely implementing automated testing is no longer enough to remain competitive and continue to develop at speed. Developers must also work to continuously monitor, maintain, and improve their test automation. As an application grows in complexity, the scale of development grows, as does the number of automated tests.

The Benefits of Using vSphere and Terraform Together

Terraform continues to be one of the biggest names in the infrastructure-as-code (IaC) field, but other players are also making their presence felt. One of the relatively new solutions currently seeing momentum in IaC is vSphere, a virtualization platform developed by VMware, Inc. It is intended for the virtualization of physical servers and the consolidation of the virtualized servers to enhance scalability, agility, and efficiency in IT infrastructure management.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Policies in SharePoint Online

In an era where digital data is both an asset and a liability, the significance of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) cannot be overstated. SharePoint Online, a cornerstone of enterprise collaboration and document management, is a focal point for DLP efforts. As businesses migrate their operations to the cloud, the need to safeguard sensitive information against leaks or breaches becomes paramount.

How to track Infrastructure as Code changes in Terraform with Kosli

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has emerged as a cornerstone for efficiently managing and provisioning infrastructure. Among the many tools available, Terraform has gained unparalleled popularity, offering a declarative approach to defining and deploying infrastructure. But as organizations increasingly embrace IaC to achieve scalability, consistency, and agility, a critical challenge emerges: how to ensure compliance and authorization for infrastructure changes.

New Streamlined Plan Structure

As the landscape of real-time monitoring evolves, so does the diversity and complexity of use cases that our community brings to Netdata. Our mission has always been to democratize monitoring by making it accessible, powerful, and scalable for everyone. With the rapid growth of our user base and their expanding needs, it's become clear that our plan structure must evolve to maintain this mission sustainably.

How to validate memory-intensive workloads scale in the cloud

Memory is a surprisingly difficult thing to get right in cloud environments. The amount of memory (also called RAM, or random-access memory) in a system indirectly determines how many processes can run on a system, and how large those processes can get. You might be able to run a dozen database instances on a single host, but that same host may struggle to run a single large language model.

3 questions to ask of any DevOps tool in 2024

Is your DevOps tool stack out of control? I feel like every day, I talk to someone who feels this pain. The technological golden age of the past few years created a lot of niche tools, but now that CFOs and boards alike are demanding budget restraint, many of these tools are being scrutinized. The reality of the situation is that it’s not good enough for a tool to do one thing anymore.

A Beginner's Guide to Use journalctl Commands

journalctl is a command-line utility in Linux systems that allows users to query and view logs collected by systemd's logging service, known as the journal. This logging service captures a wide range of system events, including kernel messages, service status changes, user logins, and more, providing a complete view of system activity. Users can use journalctl to filter logs based on various standards such as time range, severity level, specific units (system services), or even custom fields.

A Year Of Innovation: CloudZero's Major Product Enhancements In 2023

Another year, another quantum leap in public cloud spending. 2022 saw organizations spend $491 billion on the public cloud; not to be outdone, 2023’s $563.6 billion marked the first year that public cloud spending exceeded half a trillion dollars. Accelerating cloud spend mixed with shaky macroeconomic conditions meant one thing: Efficiency has never been a higher priority for cloud-driven organizations.

Azure Open AI Landing Zone Blueprint

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a pivotal technology to advance cloud computing, driving innovation and greater efficiency. Among the myriad of AI services available, the Azure OpenAI Service, born from the collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI, stands out for its robust capabilities and seamless integration with cloud environments.

Best Method to Monitor Your ELK Stack Using Telegraf and MetricFire

The ELK stack, which stands for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, is a powerful suite of tools used for searching, analyzing, and visualizing log data in real time. Within a software company's infrastructure, this stack can be utilized in several key areas to improve operational efficiency, debug issues, and gain insights into user behavior. The ELK stack provides a centralized platform for aggregating logs from various sources.

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Work-Related Stress for SRE Professionals

It's completely normal to feel a little overwhelmed and stressed out at work these days. Technology has collaboration moving at the speed of light, and time away from screens is at an all-time low, blurring the lines between work and personal time. Plus, it's hard to ignore the multitude of tech outages that have been making headlines lately, leaving teams anxiously on edge. When you are a professional with on-call cycles, the potential of outages adds another level of complexity to the mix.

Announcing HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller 1.11

HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller 1.11 is now available. For our enterprise customers, HAProxy Enterprise Kubernetes Ingress Controller 1.11 is coming soon and will incorporate the same features. In this release, we enhanced security through the adoption of rootless containers, graduated our custom resource definitions to v1, made them easier to manage, and introduced support for the QUIC protocol.

MongoDB for modern data management

database management, MongoDB stands as the unrivalled leader for document databases. This session will explore how organisations tackle data challenges and harness MongoDB to modernise their data management strategies. In this webinar, you will learn about: the unique data management challenges faced by small, medium, and large enterprises, insights into specific use cases where MongoDB proves to be an ideal database choice,

How to set up a Private, Remote and Virtual Docker Registry

The simplest way to manage and organize your Docker images is with a Docker registry. You need reliable, secure, consistent and efficient access to your Docker images that’s shared across your team in a central location, including a place to set up multiple registries that work transparently with the Docker client. There are three different repository types in JFrog Artifactory that you will use regularly for all of your package types, including Docker container images.

Kubefirst joins the Civo family

I am excited to share the news that Civo has acquired Kubefirst, the renowned open-source GitOps powered platform for Kubernetes, as part of our commitment at Civo to simplify cloud computing complexities. This acquisition aims to drive synergies between Civo and Kubefirst, fostering enhanced product offerings and innovation in the cloud computing space. Together, this partnership will allow us to continue expanding our capabilities and enhance the services offered to our community.

We've launched incident.io On-call

It’s 3am. You wake up to a blaring alarm, the sound burned into your soul from countless sleepless nights. You reach for your phone, ‘press 4 to acknowledge’ and bleary eyed, you open your laptop, grab a coffee and get to work. The next hour is a whirlwind—bringing services back online, keeping colleagues in the loop, maintaining a list of action items, updating a status page that will be seen by millions of customers. Potentially for the fifth time this month.

Your reliability scorecard: How to measure and track service reliability

If your organization asked you to report on the reliability improvements you’ve made over the past 90 days, would you be able to pull up a report? If you’re like many engineers, this question might make you anxious. Reliability is a difficult metric to quantify in a meaningful way, let alone measure.

PostgreSQL for AI applications

If you’re working with AI, you’re working with data. From numerical data to videos or images, regardless of your industry or use case, every AI project depends on data in some form. The question is: how can you efficiently store that data and use it when building your models? One answer is PostgreSQL, a proven and well-loved database that, thanks to recent developments, has become a strong choice to support AI.

Comparing Cost Between Traditional IT Infrastructure And Kubernetes

To optimize costs, businesses must continuously assess the cost-effectiveness of their IT infrastructure. This article explores the financial implications of transitioning from traditional cloud IT infrastructure, characterized by elements like EC2, RDS, and non-containerized environments, to Kubernetes, a modern container-orchestration system. Traditional IT infrastructures have long been the backbone of many organizations, offering a certain level of predictability in cost and performance.

Secure Credentials for GitOps Deployments Using the External Secrets Operator and AWS Secrets Manager

The security and storage of secrets is one of the most controversial subjects when it comes to GitOps deployments. Some teams want to go “by the book” and use Git as the storage medium (in an encrypted form of course) while others accept the fact that secrets must be handled in a different way (outside of GitOps). There is no right or wrong answer here and depending on the organization requirements, either solution might be a great fit.

The Case for Kubernetes Alternatives and Why So Many are Choosing Cycle

Kubernetes has become quite the conundrum. It’s 2024 and more teams than ever are looking for an alternative to the self proclaimed “de-facto” container solution for reasons ranging from long term complexity to its absolutely massive cost to maintain. So here’s the scoop. Teams have been ditching Kubernetes faster than hipsters drop mainstream coffee chains for that obscure, single-origin brew. Why?

The Role of APM in DevOps and SRE Practices

As the software development world becomes faster, enterprises must adapt to customer demands by increasing their application’s deployment frequency. They often rely on DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) methodologies to achieve this. These approaches ensure high system availability amidst frequent deployments and prioritize delivering a seamless user experience.

Best Method to Monitor Kibana Using Telegraf and MetricFire

Monitoring Kibana instances is crucial to ensure optimal performance, identify potential bottlenecks, and promptly address issues that may impact the accessibility and functionality of the platform. Regular monitoring allows for proactive maintenance, enabling organizations to deliver a seamless and responsive user experience while ensuring the stability and reliability of their ELK stack.

Kosli Achieves SOC 2 Type 2 Compliance: Strengthening Our Commitment to Security

We are thrilled to announce that Kosli has successfully completed a SOC 2 Type 2 audit, demonstrating our commitment to the security, quality, and operational excellence our customers expect. This achievement builds upon our existing SOC 2 Type 1 compliance, further solidifying our dedication to robust security practices.

When should you use out-of-band communications?

How would your team stay connected if your primary communication network failed? To keep lines of communication open during emergencies, today’s leading organizations deploy out-of-band communication solutions alongside their main channels. An out-of-band (OOB) communication system exists outside an organization’s primary network. As a result, it enables team members to stay connected when main lines are compromised, corrupted, or otherwise unavailable.

Ubuntu AI | S2E2 | Edge AI at NVIDIA GTC 2024

A special episode is out to talk about NVIDIA GTC 2024. Gustavo Sanchez will give a talk about edge AI deployments to accelerate smart city development. It will focus on how cloud native infrastructure and open source tooling enable such a project. Listed to the podcast to learn more about the use cases, challenges and key considerations for such a use case. From architectural details to possible improvements, Gustavo delights us with tons of useful information.

Do You Know How to Securely Consume Open Source?

Open Source Software (OSS) presents boundless opportunities, and organizations face challenges in securely leveraging OSS Join Cloudsmith and Chainguard as we talk about the easy way to securely consume OSS. Discover S2C2F best practices for securely consuming OSS and understand how Cloudsmith's Cloud Native Artifact Management aligns with these standards. Learn about Chainguard zero CVE images drastically reduce vulnerabilities and image attack surface.

Applications Manager provides out-of-the-box support for Azure network infrastructure management services.

Applications Manager offers monitoring support for a wide range of Azure services that can help you to track your network resource performance in real-time. It enables DevOps admins to keep a close watch on their Network Infrastructure resources hosted on Azure by offering monitoring support for the following services.

How CleverTap Uses Unit Economics To Control Cloud Costs

At CloudZero, we take special pride in helping our customers to optimize their cloud spend. We especially love it when a longtime customer has experienced so much success with our platform that they can’t help but sing their love of unit economics from the rooftops. In this interview, we sat down with Francis Pereira, Vice President of Infrastructure Engineering at CleverTap, to find out how CleverTap has evolved and grown during their years of partnership with CloudZero.

More bang for your K8s buck: How automatic rightsizing saves up to 50%

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are increasingly relying on Kubernetes (K8s) to efficiently manage their containerized workloads. However, many organizations face a significant challenge when it comes to effectively utilizing compute resources, specifically CPU and memory. One Datadog study found that more than 65% of K8s containers use less than 50% of requested memory and CPU. That’s a staggering waste.

Governance Best Practices in SharePoint Online Environments

In the realm of digital collaboration and information management, SharePoint Online stands out as a versatile platform, empowering organizations to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and foster collaboration. However, the platform’s vast capabilities also bring forth the challenge of governance—a framework essential for ensuring the effective, secure, and compliant use of SharePoint Online.

GitKraken Workshop: Tuning Up PR Workflows

Discover practical tips for smoother coding collaboration & get a peek into what's cooking at GitKraken! Traditional development workflows rely heavily on pull requests, causing devs to wait around for feedback. Not only that, encountering merge conflicts from outdated branches or simultaneous code changes can be frustrating and disrupt your flow. In this workshop, Justin Roberts and Jeremy Castile explore ways to encourage early collaboration, reduce rework, and get a clear picture of your work.

Struggling with #Git? Check this out #shorts

What's a remote? What about a push? What do you mean, "fetch"?? 😰 All of these questions (and more 👀) are answered in GitKraken's Foundations of Git course – perfect for Git newbies or for those looking to amp up their version control game. 💪 Whether you work in a GUI or CLI, this free course has everything you need to transform your Git journey from bewildering to brilliant!

Step-by-step Guide to Monitor Logstash With Telegraf and MetricFire

Monitoring your Logstash service is crucial for several reasons, especially given its pivotal role in log processing and data pipeline architectures. Logstash often operates as part of the Elastic Stack (formerly known as ELK Stack, for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), ingesting data from various sources, transforming it, and then outputting it to a storage and visualization layer.

Are You Ready for Regulation (EU) 2023/1542?

In the dynamic landscape of data center management, staying ahead of regulatory changes is paramount. As the push for sustainability intensifies, European data center professionals are facing a new challenge in the form of Regulation 2023/1542. This regulation mandates reporting on battery recycling by mid-2025. Let's delve into what this means for data centers and how you can prepare.


There was recently some confusion in the office that I thought was worth researching and addressing. Depending on who you are talking to, you may hear the acronym DORA in one of two contexts. (OK, three if you’re talking to a preschooler!) It might be in relation to DORA metrics–that is, a set of metrics associated with DevOps Research and Assessment.

Part 2: Infrastructure Monitoring Metrics

Infrastructure monitoring metrics ensure the smooth operation and optimal performance of modern-day systems and networks. In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, organizations rely heavily on their IT infrastructure to support their operations and deliver quality customer services. As such, any downtime or performance issues can significantly impact their bottom line.

Unlocking Efficiency and Collaboration The Power of DevOps

Software development, where agility and collaboration are paramount, DevOps has emerged as a transformative force. By breaking down traditional silos between development and operations teams, DevOps fosters a culture of efficiency, collaboration, and continuous improvement. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the power of DevOps and how it unlocks new levels of efficiency and collaboration within organizations.

Meeting EU Green Deal Data Center Requirements with DCIM Software

Europe is currently striving to be the first climate neutral continent by introducing a package of policy initiatives called the European Union’s (EU) Green Deal. This deal was introduced in 2019 and focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) was also launched which aims to decrease energy usage by 11.7% by 2030.

Extracting the Docker Host's IP Address within a Docker Container

Understanding how to execute this task is essential for developers and system administrators. This blog will explore various methods and commands to obtain the Docker host's IP address from within a Docker container. Docker has emerged as a cornerstone technology in modern software development and deployment. Revolutionizing the way applications are built.

Cron Jobs Explained

Have you ever wondered how your computer manages to do certain tasks all by itself, like sending you reminders or cleaning up temporary files? Let's take a simple example, suppose you want your computer to automatically delete temporary files every Sunday at midnight. How does it know when to do this, and how does it do it without you having to lift a finger? Well, let me explain. This is where something called a "cron job" comes into play.

10 Best Open-Source Monitoring Tools for DevOps in 2024

We're StatusPal. We help DevOps and SRE streamline incident and maintenance communication with a powerful status page that integrates nicely with your monitoring and observability tools. Check us out!. In 2024, monitoring is essential to modern DevOps teams' work. DevOps teams need reliable and flexible tools to effectively monitor and manage complex systems that can provide real-time insights into system performance, availability, and security.

OpUtils MAC address tracker: We have got your network's back!

The missing piece in your effective resource management strategy is MAC address tracking. Using IPs to track network resources can be unreliable since they are not permanently associated with a specific device. MAC addresses, on the other hand, are unique and permanently associated devices offering inherent stability. Here’s a quick refresher on MAC addresses.

Trade-off Between Reliability and Feature Velocity

The pressure to constantly innovate and release new features can often clash with the need for a stable and reliable product. While there might be some temporary cutbacks in testing time to achieve high feature velocity, ensuring reliability doesn't have to be an afterthought. We reached out to industry experts to gather their insights on ensuring reliability during phases that demand high feature velocity. Here's what they had to say.

Discover 7 New Major Features on Qovery

I'm thrilled to unveil a suite of groundbreaking features that we've introduced over the past four months at Qovery. Our commitment to enhancing your development and deployment experience continues to be our driving force. Recently, we shared these updates during our exhilarating public demo day, which you can watch here. Let's dive into the features that are set to redefine your interaction with Qovery.

AI Explainer: Continuous Space

I wrote a previous blog post, "AI Explainer: What's Our Vector, Victor?," to scratch the surface on vector databases, which play a crucial role in supporting applications in machine learning, information retrieval and similarity search across diverse domains. From that blog arose the topic of embeddings, which I addressed in a subsequent post, "AI Explainer: Demystifying Embeddings." In explaining embeddings, the notion of continuous space was presented, which is the topic of this blog.

How do you build resilient systems to manage the IPL with 30+ million concurrent users?

The Indian Premier League is a unique sporting event for a dozen reasons. But for engineers in India, it’s one of a kind. Very few companies can boast of managing 30+ million concurrent users. Every year, this number grows. Last year, we witnessed ~60 million concurrent users. And things get bigger and larger every year.

Server Management with Windows Admin Center

Windows server management is complex, and when your servers are running in different locations — on-premises, in a distributed network, in Azure, virtually, or in a hosted environment — it gets more complicated. You can simplify server management with Microsoft’s Windows Admin Center, which makes it easier to manage servers, wherever they are, from a single interface.

4 Hurdles of Multi-Repo Management (and How to Solve Them)

First, let’s break down the differences between mono and multi-repo setups. Mono-repos are exactly what they sound like – singular repositories that hold everything in one place. Multi-repos, however, can scatter the landscape, resulting in separate repos that are all still part of the larger ecosystem. While this approach offers flexibility, it can also make projects way harder to manage.

Open Source Compliance: Tools, Software + How Configuration Management Streamlines Compliance in OSS Technologies

Security and compliance are important in any organization. And most organizations use open source software (OSS) somewhere in their application stack. Open source compliance keeps OSS technologies secure by making sure they’re used in a way that aligns with security best practices, internal policies, and regulatory expectations.

Easy guide to Monitor Elasticsearch Using Telegraf and MetricFire

Monitoring Elasticsearch is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and reliability of the search and analytics engine, as it helps identify issues related to query performance, resource utilization, and system health before they impact users. It also provides insights into the efficiency of data indexing and retrieval processes, enabling timely adjustments to configurations, scaling decisions, and optimization of search queries to maintain high availability and fast response times.

How to record an audit trail for any DevOps process with Kosli Trails

In this article I’m going to introduce Kosli Trails. This is a new feature that allows you to record an audit trail for any DevOps process. It’s already in production and being used to record Terraform pipelines, CI processes, server access, feature toggles, and more.

Revolutionize Your Development Pipeline Embrace DevOps for Seamless Integration and Continuous Delivery

Traditional development methodologies are being replaced by more efficient and collaborative approaches like DevOps. By integrating development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams, DevOps streamlines the software delivery process, leading to faster time-to-market, improved product quality, and increased customer satisfaction.

IT Compliance: Regulations, Standards and Best Practices to Follow

In 2023, a striking 63% of companies reported plans to ramp up their investment in IT risk management and compliance. This upward trend underscores not only the need for investment but also the critical necessity of keeping pace with regulatory standards. As technology advances, the complexity and enforcement of compliance regulations intensifies, especially for organizations that scale internationally. Understanding these diverse regulations is crucial to avoid severe legal and financial consequences.