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The latest News and Information on API Development, Management, Monitoring, and related technologies.

Our Check Overview Page Has a Fresh New Look

We are very excited to announce that we redesigned our monitoring results chart to make it easier for you to understand check performance over time and easily investigate any past anomaly. The redesign is a result of our UX research that showed that the old check overview chart made it challenging for users to find check results from the past. While we were redesigning our monitoring results charts, we wanted to achieve two things: And, we achieved this in three attempts. Let’s dive in.

An SRE's Most Important Skill? Communication

I wish someone had told me that I shouldn’t hop between frameworks. Just like learning four programming languages in your first year, in my experience spending time content switching as a beginner is wasted effort. If I’d spent a solid year learning how to deploy services on AWS, then when it was time to learn Azure, I’d see more similarities than differences and find it a lot easier to pick up a second public cloud.

How to combine POMs (Page Object Models) with Playwright Fixtures for better developer experience

Page object models (POM) are common to encapsulate test automation logic and improve code readability. Learn in this video how to combine POMs and Playwright fixtures for effective end-to-end testing and synthetic monitoring with an excellent developer experience. Got questions? Join the Checkly community Slack. And tune in next week for more on Playwright, Synthetic Monitoring, and API Monitoring. Happy testing!

If You Are an API and You Know It..

The API economy is taking over the world of data exchange. They are everywhere, from tech companies to grocery chains. With massive growth, security, and observability are a concern since creating the right telemetry is often an afterthought, and companies do not understand the scope of the issue till they are breached or have performance issues.

How to use Tailscale for gRPC authentication in Golang

Friends of this blog know that I am a big fan of building internal tools, or as we call them, "tools that help scale people". As the name suggests, internal tools are used, well, internally and as such usually will require their access to be restricted to the company's staff and network. In the past, I've written about how to use Tailscale for authentication of internal tools using HTTP. In this post, I will show you how to use Tailscale for gRPC authentication in Golang.

Track Errors in FastAPI for Python with AppSignal

When you first try a new library or framework, you are excited about it. However, as soon as you run something on production, things are less than ideal — an error here, an exception there - bugs everywhere! You start reading your logs, but you often lack context, like how often an error happens, in what line, etc. Fortunately, tools such as AppSignal can help. AppSignal helps you track your errors and gives you a lot of valuable insights.

Avoid flaky end-to-end tests due to poorly hydrated Frontends with Playwright's toPass()

In this video we'll dive into the world of flaky tests in Playwright and synthetic monitoring with Checkly. We examine a site with poor Frontend hydration patterns, their effect on test stability, and how to work around them. Learn how to avoid using artificial delays and implementing a retry mechanism with Playwright's 'toPass()' method to achieve stable testing instead.

How to automate image analysis with the ChatGPT vision API and Grafana Cloud Metrics

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has an extraordinary ability to process natural language, reason about a user’s prompts, and generate human-like conversation in response. However, as the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words” — and perhaps an even more significant achievement is ChatGPT’s ability to understand and answer questions about images.

Why you should monitor microservice mediator APIs

Microservice mediator APIs provide a flexible, scalable, and decentralized approach to microservices communication, enabling organizations to build robust, modular, and maintainable applications. They shield microservices from the details of the other implementations and promote loose coupling, helping to ensure autonomy, scalability, and independence among microservices.