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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Deploying AI Apps with GPUs on AWS EKS and Karpenter

As AI and machine learning workloads continue to grow in complexity and size, the need for efficient and scalable infrastructure becomes more important than ever. In this tutorial, I will show you how to deploy AI applications on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) with Karpenter from scratch, leveraging GPU resources for high-performance computing.

Densify Talks, Avoiding Sticker Shock with Gokul Naidu of SAP's SuccessFactors

On this episode of Densify Talks, we welcome Gokul Naidu, Senior Manager, Cloud Operations for SAP’s SuccessFactors Product Suite. Andrew and Gokul discuss an array of topics in the episode. The general theme of the discussion focuses on cost management and the importance of being prepared, aware, and executing the right planning in order to avoid sticker shock.

Rancher Live: What's new with NeuVector?

Gather around all #ebpf enthusiasts! In this episode of Rancher Live, we bring together everyone's favourite new buzzword with the first-ever, fully #opensource #container security platform from @SUSE, NeuVector. Join Divya Mohan as she hosts Glen Kosaka and Tracy Walker from the NeuVector team to delve deeper into the eBPF x NeuVector synergy on 25th April at 9 AM PT.

New Feature: Custom Kubernetes Annotations

Kubernetes annotations are key-value pairs attached to Kubernetes objects, providing a flexible way to extend the functionality of your Kubernetes resources without altering their internal specifications. These annotations serve as a tool to store additional metadata to tailor behavior, orchestrate tools, and interact seamlessly with third-party utilities that complement your Kubernetes environment.

How to Run Kubernetes on AWS?

In the last years, Kubernetes has grown tremendously and is considered by most companies to be the best platform to run applications today. In simple words, Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that allows you to run and manage containerized applications at scale. In this article, I will explain how you can run Kubernetes on AWS in 3 different ways. But before getting down the road, let me explain why it does make sense to run Kubernetes on AWS.

Securing Your Container Images Using the Codefresh OIDC Provider and Keyless Signing

Deploying software to your internal systems or sending releases to external customers is a process that ideally follows strong security requirements in an end-to-end manner. In a perfect world, every software release should come with at least the following guarantees In the world of CI/CD we are mostly interested in binary artifacts and how they were created all the way from the initial release up until they reach production.

ZenOps & StackState Partner for Kubernetes Observability Solution in France

ZenOps and StackState announce a partnership for the distribution in France of StackState solutions for Kubernetes problem detection and resolution, observability of containerized environments and application performance management. ZenOps will be able to offer these solutions to enterprises and the public sector, drawing on its technical expertise in cloud-native approaches and providing first-level support.

Unveiling the Risks and Rewards of Third-Party Tools with Laura Santamaria

Dive into the world of third-party tooling with Laura Santamaria, Lead Developer Advocate at Dell Technologies, as she explores the thin line between innovation and instability. In this talk from Navigate North America 2024, Laura delves into the allure of third-party systems, highlighting how they accelerate development and reduce cognitive load, but also warns of the dangers lurking beneath the surface.

KubeCon Europe 2024: Highlights from Paris

KubeCon Europe 2024 in Paris was the biggest event of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) to date. With over 12,000 participants, it was a monumental event, setting the stage for the latest trends and developments in cloud-native computing. As your loyal CNCF Ambassador, I’m here to share some of the important updates you don’t want to miss. I also invited fellow CNCF Ambassador Thomas Schuetz to join me with his own insights.