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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Is your team able to effectively close business using Microsoft Teams?

Ensure your team's success with Microsoft Teams. You already know the importance of effective communication and collaboration. And you understand the impact on closing deals and maximizing productivity. Explore how Microsoft Teams can be a game-changer for your business. Empower your team with the right tools for success.

Best Practices for Operating and Monitoring an SD-WAN Network

SD-WAN has emerged as a game-changer for organizations seeking to optimize network performance and enhance connectivity across geographically dispersed locations. However, you need effective operational and monitoring practices to get the full benefit of SD-WAN. This becomes increasingly important due to the operational and security challenges that arise as SaaS applications become more popular and end users can work from anywhere.

Introducing the Elastic distribution of the OpenTelemetry Java Agent

As Elastic continues its commitment to OpenTelemetry (OTel), we are excited to announce the Elastic distribution of the OTel Java Agent. In this blog post, we will explore the rationale behind our unique distribution, detailing the powerful additional features it brings to the table. We will provide an overview of how these enhancements can be utilized with our distribution, the standard OTel SDK, or the vanilla OTel Java agent.

The Cost Crisis in Metrics Tooling

In my February 2024 piece The Cost Crisis in Observability Tooling, I explained why the cost of tools built atop the three pillars of metrics, logs, and traces—observability 1.0 tooling—is not only soaring at a rate many times higher than your traffic increases, but has also become radically disconnected from the value those tools can deliver. Too often, as costs go up, the value you derive from these tools declines.

Navigating the Maze of Incumbent Pricing Models in IT and Security

This is the second in a series of blog posts about the disconnect between modern IT and security teams and the vendors they’re forced to work with. If you’re looking for the first and last posts, you can find it here. In the dynamic world of managing observability and telemetry data, pricing models for tools and platforms are showing their age, creating a significant disconnect between vendors and the IT and security teams they serve.

Server Administrator's Guide to POP3 and IMAP Monitoring

Over 347 billion emails were sent and received every day in 2023, a number that is expected to increase to over 361 billion daily emails in 2024. With so much information always flowing, the reliability and efficiency of email servers have never been more important. So what happens when servers fail and emails don’t go through? Consider the financial repercussions — downtime can cost businesses as much as $5,600 per minute (a whopping $300,000 per hour).

Internal vs External APIs - What is the Difference?

APIs are an important part of modern software development, allowing communication between different systems and services. However, not all APIs are the same. Internal APIs and external APIs have different purposes and characteristics that affect their management and security needs. In this article, we will look at the main differences between internal and external APIs, focusing on their definitions, purposes, advantages, and disadvantages.

Grafana Enterprise data source plugins: A brief guide to what they are and how to get started

One of the most powerful features of Grafana is the ability to unify and derive value from your data, regardless of where that data lives. This is because we’re fully committed to making Grafana an open, composable, and extensible observability platform for our more than 20 million users worldwide. But how exactly do we deliver on that promise of openness and extensibility? Grafana data source plugins play a big role.