
Atlanta, GA, USA
  |  By James Konik
The shift-right testing approach moves testing to later in your production cycle. Also known as “testing in production,” with shift-right, you test software after it has been deployed. It gives you continuous feedback based on real-world user interactions. However, there are major drawbacks to the approach. For example, testing in production risks disrupting your user satisfaction and can mean you catch issues too late to respond to them effectively.
  |  By Vivek Kumar Maskara
API testing is a vital part of the development lifecycle. In this comparison piece, you'll compare Speedscale and Smartbear ReadyAPI and show where they stand in terms of API testing.
  |  By Mdu Sibisi
API testing is a vital part of the development lifecycle. In this comparison piece, you’ll compare Speedscale and Hypertest and show where they stand in terms of API testing.
  |  By Damaso Sanoja
In this post, discover the top 5 alternatives to JMeter for load testing, including k6, NeoLoad, Speedscale, Gatling, and Locust.
  |  By Artem Oppermann
There are several K6 alternatives with various degrees of reporting, ease-of-use and extensibility. We review 5 of them here!
  |  By John Wright Stanly
Explore best practices and essential tools for visibility with Kubernetes infrastructure and traffic to optimize your system's performance and security.
  |  By Rexford A. Nyarko
Figuring out what APIs are doing in Kubernetes can be difficult. Read the pros and cons of WireShark, Kubeshark and Speedscale and when to use which.
  |  By Ken Ahrens
While incredibly powerful, one of the challenges when building an LLM application (large language model) is dealing with performance implications.
  |  By angela sun
Learn the biggest obstacles with load test automation, and how existing user traffic holds the key to scaling eCommerce software safely, and fast.
  |  By Matthew LeRay
Outsourced engineering teams are gaining in popularity and many investors have started to treat them as a requirement.
  |  By Speedscale
Speedscale's Traffic Viewer is the perfect complement to your production monitoring or observability system because it provides detailed information (like request and response payloads, headers, cookies, and more) that actually helps developers debug any issues and requires zero developer intervention--all of the data is provided from traffic.
  |  By Speedscale
In a conversation with Sephora's Senior Performance Engineer, Diana Manulik discusses why their current load testing tool, JMeter, wasn't meeting their needs for reporting, and why they chose Speedscale.
  |  By Speedscale
In this conversation with Sephora's Senior Performance Engineer, Diana Manulik discusses how she uses Speedscale and WireMock to generate mocks much faster.
  |  By Speedscale
When working with #AI in cloud environments, traditional data provisioning and software testing methods don't work because of the behavior of AI and LLM APIs. In this Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) webinar recording, we discuss the top 4 challenges of scaling cloud-native AI workloads, and the solutions developers are turning to instead.
  |  By Speedscale
In this brief demo, we show how engineers can build and test quickly by autogenerating traffic simulations, load and mocks from actual traffic using Speedscale.
  |  By Speedscale
How does Speedscale compare to Observability tools? CTO Matt LeRay quickly explains the differences in this one-minute video.
  |  By Speedscale
Speedscale is a Y-Combinator backed startup that helps Kubernetes engineering teams build resilient and performant containerized apps. Our production traffic replication platform is a more reliable, cost-effective, and scalable way to test and deliver cloud-native software applications. Unlike other tools, we use agents/sidecars to record and playback sanitized traffic that you see in prod. With Speedscale, engineers can generate load, simulate production conditions, and mock third party backends modeled after real traffic patterns.
  |  By Speedscale
Jeff Kwan, Principal Software Engineer, discusses how and when his team at Cimpress (parent company of Vistaprint) starts preparing for holiday load testing.
  |  By Speedscale
A common approach in software is to start small, then move to bigger initiatives, but it's often easier said than done. The theory breaks down in production, which is why devs need new approaches.
  |  By Speedscale
In this webinar clip from "Ensuring performance: How major retailers leverage user traffic to validate code changes", Speedscale Co-founder, Nate Lee, explains the final step: generating load and repeating the process with the goal of testing continuously and at a higher velocity.
  |  By Speedscale
Forecast latency, throughput and headroom before every deploy.

Continuous Resiliency from Speedscale gives you the power of a virtual SRE-bot working inside your automated software release pipeline. Forecast the real-world conditions of every build, and know you’ll hit your SLO’s before you go to production.

Feed Speedscale traffic (or let us listen) and we’ll turn it into traffic snapshots and corresponding mock containers. Insert your own service container in between for a robust sanity check every time you commit. Understand latency, throughput, headroom, and errors -- before you release! The best part? You didn’t have to write any scripts or talk to anyone!

Automated Traffic Replay for Every Stakeholder:

  • DevOps / SRE Pros: Understand if your app will break or burn up your error budget before you release.
  • Engineering Leads: Let Speedscale use traffic to autogenerate tests and mocks. Introduce Chaos testing and fuzzing.
  • Application Executives: Understand regression/performance, increase uptime and velocity with automation.

Before you go to production, run the projection.