Enlightning - Delivering Your Platform Your Way Using Kratix

Enlightning - Delivering Your Platform Your Way Using Kratix

Your organization wants to ship valuable products faster. You either have or are considering an internal platform to centralize common services and provide a self-service developer experience.

To deliver this experience, as a platform team, you need to balance software engineers vying for the newest tools and business stakeholders requiring assurances and visibility. Configuring the right solution to meet organization specific needs is hard. You have to frequently context switch as you divide your requirements across a number of different tools.

You want to do less toil and more building. This requires a platform designed in code that can be easily maintained and extended as you respond quickly to your users. Through the dynamic composability of Kubernetes, Kratix enables you to provide the tools your users want in the way your company needs.

Featuring guest Abby Bangser!