What's New in Serverless360: Scaling VMs up/down, Azure Automation runbooks management & monitoring.

What's New in Serverless360: Scaling VMs up/down, Azure Automation runbooks management & monitoring.

Dec 18, 2023

Serverless360's latest update, version 3.2.0, brings a suite of enhancements.
These include Azure Automation runbooks management and monitoring, Scaling VMs up/down between different service tiers in schedules, Synapse pipelines in optimization schedules, and much more.

► Links discussed:
Release Notes → https://bit.ly/3RF4LQJ

► Featured Blogs:
🔹Explore Azure Integration Environments and Business Process Tracking → https://bit.ly/4alsjkM
🔹Azure Cosmos DB Monitoring → https://bit.ly/3Rj1V2h
🔹Azure Logic Apps Pricing → https://bit.ly/3v0Oqgs

► Azure on Air podcast → https://bit.ly/3RPmRjb

Learn more about Serverless360 - An advanced Azure management platform → https://bit.ly/3toOR3r

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