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July 2023

GitOps the Planet #17: Ditching Old and Busted CI/CD with Kat Cosgrove

Kat Cosgrove's (@Dixie3Flatline) unique mix of wit and technical acumen has made her one of the most influential thought leaders in DevOps. She recently gave a number of talks focused on the history and evolution of CI/CD, how it started, and how it's changing. In this GitOps the Planet we'll dive into that history along with how GitOps is changing the automation game once again.

A GitOps Approach to Infrastructure Management with Codefresh (Ovais Tariq & Robert Barabas, Tigris)

GitOps has been at the forefront of agile deployments. However, managing these deployments at a scale, with a constantly growing number of environments can be a daunting task for startups. In this webinar, Ovais Tariq, Co-Founder and CEO, and Robert Barabas, Founding Engineer share how Tigris addressed some of these challenges with the help of Codefresh's Hosted ArgoCD!

Merging to Main #4: Feature Flags

Feature Flagging comes with many benefits, like testing new features in a live environment without exposing them to all users, rolling back changes quickly if something goes wrong, and helping isolate the feature development process from deployment so you can better manage your dev cycles. Like everything in the CI/CD world, all features and tools require careful consideration. You want to avoid creating additional tech debt and complicating your codebase, and you certainly want to avoid introducing unnecessary work to a likely already overworked team.

GitOps the Planet #15: AI Comes to Kubernetes with Alex Jones

The first real application for AI and LLMs has come to Kubernetes in the form of K8sGPT, a cli that can be used to help operators understand exactly what's going on with their clusters. Our guest, Alex Jones, is the creator of K8sGPT and we'll talk about how the project started, where it's seeing the biggest uses, and where AI will impact DevOps in the future. Don't miss this revolutionary GitOps the Planet!